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Open Letter to the Gaming Community

TdogSkalTdogSkal Member UncommonPosts: 1,244

This is an Open letter to the Gaming Community.

When are we going to stop fighting with each other, why is your opinion more important or more right then john's or joe's or mine or jessica's.

Why do we have to fight each other, why cant we all just play the game that is fun to us without flamming, bashing or insulting others that do not agree.  I know I have done my fair share of the flamming and I think its time we all grew up. 

We all need to start looking at things differently, we need to open our minds and allow each other to have a Civil Discussion on the pro's and con's of all MMOs on the market.

We need to set back and look at all the games on the market right now and come up with a list that the community can agree on.  The Pro's and Con's of the current MMO Market.  I know this is a tall order and something that alot of you dont think possiable but I believe that we as a community can have a civil discussion about the MMO market today.

Once we as the gaming community stop our inter fighting and petty name calling and come together as one voice can we demand a better product from the Developers of the world.

Maybe this is a pipe dream and we really cannot all just grew up and get along.  Maybe we are all to far gone to have a civil discussions.  Maybe we cannot all agree on the Pro's and Con's of the MMORPG world but here is to hoping.

Lets try to come up with a Pro's and Con's list.  Lets not start a flame war.  Lets have an adult discussion, you can disagree but do so with respect.... State a valid reason why you disagree.

So I leave this community with a Challenge.  Each and everyone one of us come up with 3 Pro's and 3 Con's with the current MMORPGs on the Market.....DO NOT NAME ANY GAMES, just features.


PRO's                                                                                                             CON's

Sooner or Later


  • TdogSkalTdogSkal Member UncommonPosts: 1,244


    Races - Races are getting more creative, slow changing from the norm we have become used too.

    Effects - spell effects are great, creative and fun to watch

    Huge Worlds - Worlds are becoming large which allows for more exploring and more content.  Which gives players more things to do.



    Instances - Ruins the flow of the game. Makes the world feel less alive

    Quest - not creative, same reused format over and over.  No epic quest lines, no meaningful quest.

    Classes - Tired of cookie cutter classes and the same re used classes, its time to move away from classes

    (My opinions.  You may not agree with them and that is fine)

    Sooner or Later

  • MarleVVLLMarleVVLL Member UncommonPosts: 907

    Originally posted by Ztalin

    Originally posted by TdogSkal

    This is an Open letter to the Gaming Community.
    When are we going to stop fighting with each other, why is your opinion more important or more right then john's or joe's or mine or jessica's.
    Why do we have to fight each other, why cant we all just play the game that is fun to us without flamming, bashing or insulting others that do not agree.  I know I have done my fair share of the flamming and I think its time we all grew up. 
    We all need to start looking at things differently, we need to open our minds and allow each other to have a Civil Discussion on the pro's and con's of all MMOs on the market.
    We need to set back and look at all the games on the market right now and come up with a list that the community can agree on.  The Pro's and Con's of the current MMO Market.  I know this is a tall order and something that alot of you dont think possiable but I believe that we as a community can have a civil discussion about the MMO market today.
    Once we as the gaming community stop our inter fighting and petty name calling and come together as one voice can we demand a better product from the Developers of the world.
    Maybe this is a pipe dream and we really cannot all just grew up and get along.  Maybe we are all to far gone to have a civil discussions.  Maybe we cannot all agree on the Pro's and Con's of the MMORPG world but here is to hoping.
    Lets try to come up with a Pro's and Con's list.  Lets not start a flame war.  Lets have an adult discussion, you can disagree but do so with respect.... State a valid reason why you disagree.
    So I leave this community with a Challenge.  Each and everyone one of us come up with 3 Pro's and 3 Con's with the current MMORPGs on the Market.....DO NOT NAME ANY GAMES, just features.
    PRO's                                                                                                             CON's

    <Mod edit>

    <Mod edit>

    I'll follow as the OP intended.
    MMORPGs in general have become more fluid in gameplay (animation, quality of texture, graphic capability).
    Some (note:some) have broken the mold of classes and have ventured to more of a sandbox type feel (Saga of Ryzom, Runescape, Wurm, Asheron's Call, Ultima Online and others)
    Many have learned the 'recipie' of making money and only focus on that, throwing immersion out the window.
    Since the release of WoW, many games have taken the 'quest grinding' gameplay to the forefront, which is terrible.
    Some MMO companys (I do not have to mention) do not know how to maintain a MMO and are prone to ruin them.
    The release of many unfinished MMOs.

    MMO migrant.

  • arctarusarctarus Member UncommonPosts: 2,581

    Lets take WoW as an example, with 10mil pops, it just take 1% of childish behaviour spread across  most of the server and you have barren chat.

    So likewise in this forums, just 1% will ruin the whole thread/forum. I appreciate those arguments that is found on solid ideas and discussion. No game will ever be able to satisfied all, so defending and criticisms is normal.

    This is what happen when "children" trying to get into adult conversation...


    RIP Orc Choppa

  • nariusseldonnariusseldon Member EpicPosts: 27,775

    LOL ... you think writing a letter will prevent flame war?

    Get a grip of reality. As long as internet forums exist, there will be flames.

  • TdogSkalTdogSkal Member UncommonPosts: 1,244
    Originally posted by nariusseldon

    LOL ... you think writing a letter will prevent flame war?
    Get a grip of reality. As long as internet forums exist, there will be flames.


    No, what I was hoping is that we could have a civil debate instead of the flame wars we end up with... but thanks for proving the point that we cannot have a civil debate because of people like you.

    Sooner or Later

  • altairzqaltairzq Member Posts: 3,811

    What we need is to start to realize that MMO companies are treating us like a bunch of morons and probably laughing at how stupid we can get.


    yes, Mythic included.

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