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Well in my desperate quest to find another "home" MMO after 3 years on CoX, I've finally come around to trying this game everyone's been dissing for so long, and quite frankly, I don't see what all the fuss is about. It's a pretty decent game IMHO.
Now, before anybody gets too excited, I do appreciate that it isn't the game it was at one time, and it probably isn't as good a game as it was at one time. But in and of itself, as it stands, it's not a bad game at all. It's a fairly standard MMO, but not terrible by any means.
After a bit of fiddling and twiddling I've got the controls down to "standard" MMO controls and camera. The game's a bit of a hog, but I've got a decent comp so it looks okay. Not gobsmacking, but ok for such an old game.
The combat gameplay is decent enough and exciting enough - standard, but certainly not sub-standard.
But the main thing is - it's a bloody science fiction MMO!!!
I mean, there are precious few of them around, you'd think that people would be glad to have one as decent as this? But I guess people were just hurt too badly by SOE's stupid decisions.
But to anybody who's never played it and wants a change from fantasy, so far I'd recommend it.
So NPCs shooting through floors and walls, Warping around, Running around faster than speeders and aggroing really late is not sub-standard?
SWG is a very fun game if you never played it back in the day.
It IS buggy for sure.
The problems with the game are mainly population issues because of the changes made, and after a year or so, you've done almost everything worth doing.
Still, if you have a lower grade computer and are jonesing for some sci fi, at the moment SWG is about all you have to fill it.
The space content is great as well.
I have stopped playing, there needs to be a major addition of content before I come back, but all in all, it's not a bad game. Not great, but not as bad as most make it out to be.
OP, you are easily impressed. This game is broken and empty, and it isn't getting any better with a skeleton development crew and dead servers...
LucasArts doesn't even advertise it.
Get off the newbie station and see the game as it really is.
One post saying someone considers the game "decent" and there are 3 attacks on it already?
Is there something wrong with someone having fun with it?
I agree with a lot of what the OP said. It's not the most unique system of combat anymore, but it is certainly passable. There is still a lot of glitching and things with npcs, but that's easily overcome. I haven't even seen serious shooting through walls for awhile.
When a game comes out that older SWG players consider "fun", will they still haunt the forum for current players?
To the OP,
I'm sure the game is a lot better now. You are going to run into a lot of people(like me) who quit when the NGE came out, and will forever have the NGE burned into their mind exactly how it was when it came out. Not only did it destroy an amazing game, but its initial implementation was absolutely horrid and unplayable. That is why you run into so much negativity and claims of how broken it is. Many people played the original incarnation of the NGE, saw what it was, and ran like hell, never looking back, and are stuck thinking that the game is still in that shape today.
While I'm sure the game is a lot better now, and I would probably like it a little, I refuse to give SOE any more of my money.
Tried: LotR, CoH, AoC, WAR, Jumpgate Classic
Played: SWG, Guild Wars, WoW
Playing: Eve Online, Counter-strike
Loved: Star Wars Galaxies
Waiting for: Earthrise, Guild Wars 2, anything sandbox.
I think we can all respect people like you. I never played pre-cu, as I hadn't even gotten into MMOs and didn't know it existed. I started playing in the CU, and while it's true I miss the skill system, I don't consider the modern NGE 2.0 all that bad. It still has a lot of problems I'm sure, but there are things about the game that make it worth playing to me.
I just wish more of the ex-vets were like you, and spoke with actions rather attacking current players for having fun.
The only really annoying thing I've encountered that's anything like you mention is the occasional serious bit of weird lag where you're apparently attacking but not attacking, but yet you are being attacked. If it happens too much I'll have to drop the game, but so far it's only happened occasionally.
Have fun playing SWG and have fun with SOE spitting in your face.
You have been warned.
"The liberties and resulting economic prosperity that YOU take for granted were granted by those "dead guys"
Just google "Star Wars Galaxies Private Server" and you can have a taste of what the game used to be pre-cu/nge...

Christ, give it a rest.
Funny, I never had them spit in my face in EQ2. They actually improved Vanguard. MxO was a lost cause before they ever got it . . . Monolith had zero MMO experience.
I haven't seen them screw-up PoTBS yet. FLS is doing that fine without SOE input.
And yes, I was in SWG pre-CU. I was there in the CU. I was there on November 5, 2005. I left February 2006. Will I come back? Who knows. Over the past 2 years, I've pretty much moved on and just don't need that "Star Wars fix" anymore.
Christ, give it a rest.
This would be one of those "practice what you preach" moments...
I played the game as a pre-cu/cu vet Mastered 28 professions before they chnged it then moved on to wow until level 60 and then returned to wow until nge hit. The NGE sucked so bad I went back to wow until now. I have been playing the game for about a week and if you can overlook the crappy ui this game is not as bad as it was when NGE 1st launched. I am actually having a good time in it right now,it took me to about level 16 to get back into it and get used to the ui ,but for the time being I am enjoying the questing. As for the warping issues and such it has not been unbearable and these bugs have been with this game since it launched. I have been in it long enough to see its not what it once was,but there are still enough people around to have a good time. No its not the same swg,but its still an ok game. Go ahead and flame me I could care less I am making my own opinion and its not being biiased because of what SOE did. I lost just as much to the NGE as any other vet,and its time to let the hate go. I have to admit I am having alot more fun now just hangin with a good friend of mine leveling a new toon than I was playing wow after 3 years:P
I played the game as a pre-cu/cu vet Mastered 28 professions before they chnged it then moved on to wow until level 60 and then returned to wow until nge hit. The NGE sucked so bad I went back to wow until now. I have been playing the game for about a week and if you can overlook the crappy ui this game is not as bad as it was when NGE 1st launched. I am actually having a good time in it right now,it took me to about level 16 to get back into it and get used to the ui ,but for the time being I am enjoying the questing. As for the warping issues and such it has not been unbearable and these bugs have been with this game since it launched. I have been in it long enough to see its not what it once was,but there are still enough people around to have a good time. No its not the same swg,but its still an ok game. Go ahead and flame me I could care less I am making my own opinion and its not being biiased because of what SOE did. I lost just as much to the NGE as any other vet,and its time to let the hate go. I have to admit I am having alot more fun now just hangin with a good friend of mine leveling a new toon than I was playing wow after 3 years:P
you summon basicly my experience, but hey, apparently we are on sony's pay roll, we make viral marketing and I do not know what more. I would write more but have to go check my bank balance and see if SOE transfered my $ (sarcasm).
To a point is it even funny that one of the things I see more on this discussions is the argument that "we are supporting an unethical corporation" and similar and had that throw at me a couple of times. I am not a paladin defending the populus. HAve no obejective in fighting for whoever or redeem whatever. My mian concern is my own selfish fun. And that at the moment, is on SWG. As soon as it stops being, i'll unsub and move to another game... but you will not be seeing me bashing SWG or any other game in an atrocious way and downtalking to the people that still play just because they are playing.
Don't worry about all the flaming going on. If you like SWG, play it. I love it, and have since 2003. Don't worry about anybody's opinion but your own.
The only really annoying thing I've encountered that's anything like you mention is the occasional serious bit of weird lag where you're apparently attacking but not attacking, but yet you are being attacked. If it happens too much I'll have to drop the game, but so far it's only happened occasionally.
I have been playing the game few days now (the free month SOE gave)
Every time I run out of bunker and NPC aggro(10 seconds after I've run past them) they start shooting me through the floor/wall. Also when luring a target using a corner so it would come to you but they shoot through the wall. Sometimes I get "Can't see target" even if theres nothing between me and the target.
Animation and the NPC speeds are just ridiculous most of the time. Why can't they just fix it?
The game is playable but not worth 15$/month
That's the worst thing. In a situation that's mostly subjective (i.e. judgement of videogames), some people seem to get the idea that their judgement, because it's shared by some other people, becomes an objective judgement, with which they can browbeat others.
Not so - whether someone likes a game or not, enjoys its gameplay, is largely subjective (apart from obvious things like the game not installing, not loading, etc., etc. at all), and even a whole bunch of such subjective judgements that happen to coincide do not an objective moral judgement make; and belonging to such an intersubjecitve consensus affords no moral purchase that would give one the right to call people who do enjoy what one doesn't enjoy pigs.
Really, it's almost as if the human tendency to put a divide between "us" and "them" is like some sort of bizarre fixed quantity in human beings, and if it can't express itself by dissing black people or crippled people, it will find an another way of squeezing itself out - like hating rednecks or hating Bush or hating some stupid computer game and the people who play it.
do the free trial first and if you like it hye all the power to you.
I don't hate people who currently play SWG but it bugs me when viral marketers and other shills (paid or unpaid) lie about the state of the game to trick more people into paying for it.
I don't hate people who currently play SWG but it bugs me when viral marketers and other shills (paid or unpaid) lie about the state of the game to trick more people into paying for it.
no one pays people to talk in forums about how great a game is.. this is just a crazy idea that was invented here at seriously u people are crazy
i recently tried SWG lately and it sucked.. never played early on unfortunatly
Remember Old School Ultima Online
As an answer to your last question , Most likely a definite yes .
I've been lurking this and the Vet forum both actively and from the shadows not responding since nov 2005(NGE on) . And yes there are those who seem to belittle or even flat out harass, anyone who shows any indication of a pro SWG stance . There's not much you can do to avoid it outside of ignoring the comments or blocking those users.
There was actually a small community formed by former members of this forum. They formed their own site ( for the very purpose of destroying this game . Viral marketing works both ways , It isn't just an option for those who choose to support SWG or SOE. I've never had a problem with the fact that people have a tool such V.M. to generate a following and support a cause , What ever that may be.
However those who berate you and troll here really aren't taking advantage of viral marketing . They are simply bitter and their new game has become "enrage the fans" . If they type something that gets you to respond (preferably in a negative context) "they r win" .. So it's best to ignore them and move on to actual constructive posts..
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson
I don't hate people who currently play SWG but it bugs me when viral marketers and other shills (paid or unpaid) lie about the state of the game to trick more people into paying for it.
no one pays people to talk in forums about how great a game is.. this is just a crazy idea that was invented here at seriously u people are crazy
i recently tried SWG lately and it sucked.. never played early on unfortunatly
Sadly, Viral marketting is more effective than conventional marketting (TV commercials, magazine ads, etc). I don't know if anyone gets paid to "go to and lie about SWG", but there is definitely a new wave of marketting departments that involve viral marketting on every level - word of mouth and virtual word of mouth (forums) are the most effective means possible.
I don't know why any marketting people would lie about their product, but people ARE getting paid to post on the internet.
Hehe, what we're witnessing here, folks, is the Viral Marketing of the Viral Marketing meme
I actually didnt notice the block until you commented on it and just spend quite awhile using it unfortunately now all the posts look like swiss cheese .. thanks for mentioning the word block.
I've been looking for the 'ignore' for awhile now.. didn't even register or even notice the "block" ..
no one pays people to talk in forums about how great a game is.. this is just a crazy idea that was invented here at seriously u people are crazy
i recently tried SWG lately and it sucked.. never played early on unfortunatly
SONY's already been caught doing similar things. Nothing new about people using paid viral marketers. Is it happening here now? Who knows. It's quite likely, knowing who we are dealing with. Ethics are not their strong suit.