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I just won the grand prize for the IGG competition, ticket to the Olympics, so stoked right now.
I'm such a luckless bastard and I won something decent for the first time in my life, first time I won anything on this site too
This just made my day so I had to post about it.
O_o o_O
I won a 500 points for Wonderland Online in the same comp hehe. My 4th competition I've won here if I'm not mistaken.
I guess from now on you can just refer to yourself as a bastard, since you're no longer 'luckless'.
Enjoy China!
First of Grats! You'll love it there! Definitely take the time to go to some of the nicer and not so nice restraunts. Get a feel for the differences in the food. You'll be amazed to find out some of the food in america is actually better hehe. Well except the dumplings... The dumplings ROCK over there!
Secondly, prepare for the pollution! Im not kidding! Bring glasses, eyedrops and various skincare products to keep moist. The air will kill you over there. Even if you were from one of the smog cities in america you wont believe how bad it is there.
Lastly, remember that they arent being rude when they shove you around a bit in the big cities. Thats just how they are. Oh and DONT overtip the taxi drivers! FOR THE LOVE OF GOD! DONT MAKE THEM THINK YOU HAVE MONEY! hehe just fair warning on that
round trip airfare and accomodations provided?
i won the original Nintendo. that was the last thing i remember winning...
-I will subtlety invade your psyche-
Congratulations! Must feel quite awesome to win something of such... goodness. I've so far won one contest and there got a Gods and Heroes beta key, after multiple attempts to download the game I realized it was down; the day after that I saw that the game (and beta) was closed and would most likely not open for some time. Hopefully your prize will provide more fun than mine did.
Ha! I won the Spellborn Beta from here a couple years ago, claimed my "prize", and then never heard anything else about it ever again...
To the OP, congrats !

"Some days you just can't get rid of a bomb." -- Batman
Congrats, fellow ticket getter person! I'd like to wish you all the best on your epic trip to China.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Playing: Nothing
Played: Champions Online, CoX, STO, PSO, WoW, lots of free-to-play crap
Looking Forward To: DC Universe Online, Blade and Soul
Worse then even Baltimore? I have never been to Baltimore and seen the Sun.
Remember, don't get arrested.
I'd say that's pretty much the most important thing.
Beijing is filthy
. In fact, just go ahead and take an oxygen tank and mask with you because I have a feeling you'll need it before the trip is over 
Life sucks, buy a helmet.
Hey I won the Tales of pirates deal, if you ever want to trade hit me up. >.>
Just kidding. lol
Enjoy.... :P