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Warrior Epic CB invitations



  • CorruptedCorrupted Member Posts: 310

    I can't choose a character in the beginning, I only start off as a Pit Fighter and why are the controls backwards, right click to move and left click to view, it's very annoying


  • dcorleone75dcorleone75 Member UncommonPosts: 55

    Ask one of the guides in-game.  That's what they're there for.  Short-answer: you can recruit others, you just start with a free Pit Fighter to start.

  • TeimanTeiman Member Posts: 1,319

    Interesting game, and friendly people.  Maybe somewhat hard at first (you only get XP if you finish a quest, and you char can "permadeath" in mission)

  • dcorleone75dcorleone75 Member UncommonPosts: 55

    Well talk to one of the guides.  They're allowed to party with players to help 'em level up to 4.  Then you get a 4th health bubble and life gets much easier.

  • Nathan138Nathan138 Member Posts: 2

    PM'd you, account: Nathan138, Thanks again

  • vegeta172vegeta172 Member Posts: 1

    Would be gladly accepting any invations.

    wanna try this hacknslash :D

  • dcorleone75dcorleone75 Member UncommonPosts: 55

    Sure, I got no problem handing out the invites, but you gotta follow the directions.  It's not a key I can give you or anything.,

  • KuroyieKuroyie Member Posts: 1

    sent you a PM, account name Kuroyi

    thank you


  • JeremijaJeremija Member Posts: 1

    Send u a PM acc name jeremija

  • TBAiTBAi Member UncommonPosts: 12

    This seems rather interesting, sign me up please :)

  • dcorleone75dcorleone75 Member UncommonPosts: 55

    Kool, the thread's listed as "Hot" now?  How many does it need for Radioactive?

    Big playday coming on Wednesday.  It's like stress-test day sorta when they let anyboy in for a while.  Anybody who signs up for and participates in the test will be able to use that character and continue playing in the rest of CB.  So I guess what I'm saying is, signing up for playday is the same as being accepted as tester.  Once yer in, yer in, so to speak...  ;)

    Participants will receive a Zambrano in gratitude.  That's the unfinished Gun Girl who uses rifles and pistole.  Got a few rough edges, but hey, whatta want?  Its beta.  Even unfinished she's a lotta fun.  My personal favorite.

    Okay, hope to see you there. 

  • snowytechnasnowytechna Member Posts: 185

    Ermm I always like testing games so if you can PM me a invite.....

  • HahhnsHahhns Member Posts: 210

    love to test game you can send me an invite it you like


  • DeserttFoxxDeserttFoxx Member UncommonPosts: 2,402

    Ive got 19 invites for this game now, curtesy of an onrpg contest, if anyne wants one just post your warrior epic username here and i will just send them out.

    Quotations Those Who make peaceful resolutions impossible, make violent resolutions inevitable. John F. Kennedy

    Life... is the shit that happens while you wait for moments that never come - Lester Freeman

    Lie to no one. If there 's somebody close to you, you'll ruin it with a lie. If they're a stranger, who the fuck are they you gotta lie to them? - Willy Nelson

  • ohrvallohrvall Member Posts: 24

    i think my warrior epic username is Ohrvall, would be cool if you could send me one of those keys.

    thanks in advance!

  • InterestingInteresting Member UncommonPosts: 973
  • DeserttFoxxDeserttFoxx Member UncommonPosts: 2,402
    Originally posted by Interesting

    I would like to test the game, please, send the invite to
    [email protected]

    re read my post.

    Quotations Those Who make peaceful resolutions impossible, make violent resolutions inevitable. John F. Kennedy

    Life... is the shit that happens while you wait for moments that never come - Lester Freeman

    Lie to no one. If there 's somebody close to you, you'll ruin it with a lie. If they're a stranger, who the fuck are they you gotta lie to them? - Willy Nelson

  • dcorleone75dcorleone75 Member UncommonPosts: 55

    Re-read mine.  It doesn't work that way.  Register, apply for the beta, then I use an invite to "activate" the account.  There's nothing I can send to let you do it yourself.

  • grndzrogrndzro Member UncommonPosts: 1,163

     Hey Dcorleone this game looks interesting, if ya can help me get a Beta Key it would be awsome.

    I also sent ya a PM.


  • DeserttFoxxDeserttFoxx Member UncommonPosts: 2,402

    The activation process is fairly simple. You make an account, then you give your username to someone who has invites left. It didnt giv eme any trouble when i tried to invite people.

    Quotations Those Who make peaceful resolutions impossible, make violent resolutions inevitable. John F. Kennedy

    Life... is the shit that happens while you wait for moments that never come - Lester Freeman

    Lie to no one. If there 's somebody close to you, you'll ruin it with a lie. If they're a stranger, who the fuck are they you gotta lie to them? - Willy Nelson

  • grndzrogrndzro Member UncommonPosts: 1,163

    Ah I see my ACC name is GroundZero.

    see ya in game. ^^

  • LobotomistLobotomist Member EpicPosts: 5,981

    Can anyone send me INVITE !!!!


  • UrazielUraziel Member Posts: 172

    If anyone still has one, Id like to join in :)

    My account name is Uraziel :) Ty vm!

  • LobotomistLobotomist Member EpicPosts: 5,981
    Originally posted by Uraziel

    If anyone still has one, Id like to join in :)
    My account name is Uraziel :) Ty vm!


    Nobody is sending anymore :(

  • ohrvallohrvall Member Posts: 24

    Since i got invited to the CB, and i got 10 invites couse i got in, ill return the favor those who wanna try it post your warrior epic account and ill invite you! :)

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