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Bye bye. Dont let the door hit you on the way to your next trolling post.
With a Publisher released. interview soon to be posted and some new excited information on Wednesday. Beta and Release are shortly to follow.
Good Day Trolls. I SAID GOOD DAY.
Sooner or Later
Sorry you fail again. Trolls have a hard time giving up on something. With a publisher everything else will fall into place.
Sooner or Later
I really hope your right and im wrong and this game comes out. i promise i will pay to play it. untill then......
whats a proper gaming site or Magazine? The only magazine or websites that I know about that review games and post interviews are all sellouts. More money = better scores. Its native to think that any proper gaming site or magazine do fair reviews, all reviews are based on dollars sent to that site or magazine.
Sooner or Later
whats a proper gaming site or Magazine? The only magazine or websites that I know about that review games and post interviews are all sellouts. More money = better scores. Its native to think that any proper gaming site or magazine do fair reviews, all reviews are based on dollars sent to that site or magazine.
its really NAIVE to think that all magazines get money to boost ratings, u should have more faith
MMOs currently playing: -
About to play: Lord of the Rings Online
Played: Anarchy Online (alltime favorite) and lots of f2p titles (honorable mentions: 9Dragons, Martial Heroes, Dekaron, Atlantica Online)
whats a proper gaming site or Magazine? The only magazine or websites that I know about that review games and post interviews are all sellouts. More money = better scores. Its native to think that any proper gaming site or magazine do fair reviews, all reviews are based on dollars sent to that site or magazine.
Get a grip and calm down. im not talking about a review, im talking about showing their game to a gaming site like or gamespot etc for a preview and nothing more. If they cant even do that then this trully is just all made up shit tbh.
While I haven't been following the development of darkfall much I have to agree. A preview on a major games site would have a huge impact. As it stands now it's a bit like the weapons of mass destruction arguement. "They have WMD's!!" "Do you have proof" "No, but they have WMD'S!!" "How about just a little proof?" "THEY HAVE WMD's AND YOUR A TERRORIST IF YOU DONT AGREE!!!!".
-Currently looking forward to FFXIV
-Currently playing EvE and Global Agenda
whats a proper gaming site or Magazine? The only magazine or websites that I know about that review games and post interviews are all sellouts. More money = better scores. Its native to think that any proper gaming site or magazine do fair reviews, all reviews are based on dollars sent to that site or magazine.
Get a grip and calm down. im not talking about a review, im talking about showing their game to a gaming site like or gamespot etc for a preview and nothing more. If they cant even do that then this trully is just all made up shit tbh.
While I haven't been following the development of darkfall much I have to agree. A preview on a major games site would have a huge impact. As it stands now it's a bit like the weapons of mass destruction arguement. "They have WMD's!!" "Do you have proof" "No, but they have WMD'S!!" "How about just a little proof?" "THEY HAVE WMD's AND YOUR A TERRORIST IF YOU DONT AGREE!!!!".
Only problem with your argument is they did have WMD, we saw them used in the 80s vs Iran and early 90s vs the Kruds but again that doesnt count for all you bush haters. (I hate bush too but Iraq was right but handled wrong).
So they have to show you the game on a "proper" gaming site to make it real? Why? I dont want the same hype that Age of Crapness got.
Sooner or Later
As someone who has frequently been accused of and I presume is still considered a “troll” by certain members of the Darkfall community.
I would just like to point out that Ironically I was actually responsible for finding the majority of the new information that the Darkfall community and yourself included are getting so excited about.
And at the same time, would like state the obvious that a publishing deal with a publisher of limited experience or reputation in the gamming industry and a single interview on a Greek gaming website.
Hardly constitute a vindication of very many if any of the various extremely optimistic and positive assertions that have frequently been made about Darkfall and its developers over the years.
Considering Darkfall is not even in public beta yet, until this game is successfully launched feature complete this year, I think proclamations of ultimate success or accomplishment are entirely premature at this time.
whats a proper gaming site or Magazine? The only magazine or websites that I know about that review games and post interviews are all sellouts. More money = better scores. Its native to think that any proper gaming site or magazine do fair reviews, all reviews are based on dollars sent to that site or magazine.
Get a grip and calm down. im not talking about a review, im talking about showing their game to a gaming site like or gamespot etc for a preview and nothing more. If they cant even do that then this trully is just all made up shit tbh.
While I haven't been following the development of darkfall much I have to agree. A preview on a major games site would have a huge impact. As it stands now it's a bit like the weapons of mass destruction arguement. "They have WMD's!!" "Do you have proof" "No, but they have WMD'S!!" "How about just a little proof?" "THEY HAVE WMD's AND YOUR A TERRORIST IF YOU DONT AGREE!!!!".
Only problem with your argument is they did have WMD, we saw them used in the 80s vs Iran and early 90s vs the Kruds but again that doesnt count for all you bush haters. (I hate bush too but Iraq was right but handled wrong).
So they have to show you the game on a "proper" gaming site to make it real? Why? I dont want the same hype that Age of Crapness got.
The reason they need to show the game on a proper gaming site is that it would give their claims real credibility. Anyone can put out a press release or post information on a web site, that does not make it true. I can put out a press release to CNN and post on my website that I can fly, that proves nothing. I invite CNN to my house and they videotape my flying around, that's another story.
-Currently looking forward to FFXIV
-Currently playing EvE and Global Agenda
This is how i see the whole darkfall thing:
I am a dev that is making the best mmorpg ever, i'm going to put all the great things that make a mmorpg and put it into one big game that everyone will love. I'm a great dev that doesn't need a huge budget or any real funding i'll just do it off my own back, have i made a mmorpg before? but i'm great
Where is my game? well head yer, it will be a great game soon tho just watch this space. 5 years later, well I've made a website and some screenies I made using 3d max
You want proof? Well isn't a screenie enough? Well guess what I've got a publisher ha in your face! lol I have a publisher really big they are, published....loads? lol
Its all very suspect, I've never really seen a game like it, most devs big up the game definatly if its actually close to coming out, you need hype to sell a game, so if no one actually knows about it apart from the die hard fans then it will flop no matter wat. Look at Ryzom, no advertising = no game anymore. So thats why people are asking for webiste or gaming mags, that we know who they are, like gamespot, PC Gamer, PC Zone etc, so we have actuall proof and not just word from a dev.
On the internet you ccan be anyone you want to be, even a dev that is making the worlds best mmorpg.
Also Bush didn't have proof of WMD, the only thing they knew was the fact that America gave them the WMD in the first place but had either destroyed them or used them as no actuall proof came from Iraq, thanks Bush for so many lives lost.
Yeah, if it have to be a english magazine to have some credibilty, dont it?
Hmm you dont seem to be very interested in this game?
Why are you here then?
There is loads of crapgames arround. Have a look at Age of Conan site, it might interest a guy like you.
And dont worry, there will be enough of "proper respected gaming sites and magazines" covering Darkfall during the fall. No worries.
whats a proper gaming site or Magazine? The only magazine or websites that I know about that review games and post interviews are all sellouts. More money = better scores. Its native to think that any proper gaming site or magazine do fair reviews, all reviews are based on dollars sent to that site or magazine.
This is very true. Id rather believe in a small magazine or gamesite from Greece then some fancy "respectable" gamesite where they all is depending on the next paycheck from the gamedevelopers. The more money the gamedeveloper put into the gamesite the better review.
The delusional sap comment wasn't really appropriate.
Everything else I agree with 100%, having a publisher (especially one with no expertise in the related field, that is known for being a small scale AV distributor) doesn't ensure anything.
Once again the DF community relies on false hope and grasps at straws, if you want to see a company that has promised people a game with specific features for YEARS and has yet to deliver, Aventurine and DarkFall are the perfect candidate. FunCom couldn't hold a candle to these fraudsters.
hehe, It's not over yet, Tdog.
You're in the development field, you should know it takes more than six months to test a game, expecially with the feature list of Darkfall. They still don't have beta, and still have not proven any of their rediculous claims of what will be in Darkfall.
I will be here until DF is on shelves with a decent release...until then; I will not be leaving
In memory of Laura "Taera" Genender. Passed away on Aug/13/08 - Rest In Peace; you will not be forgotten
Oh, DF was released today? No, not yet? Not even a report or review by yes, a website written in English, and not some language spoken by .0001% of the world. Heck, easier to get Korean translated than Greek.
I stand by the mantra, its all vaporware until I see it released.
But what I can't understand is why TDog invites trolls to the forumsn with threads like this, I think he's secretly in love with them.
"True friends stab you in the front." | Oscar Wilde
"I need to finish" - Christian Wolff: The Accountant
Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm
Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Pvbs 18:2, NIV
Don't just play games, inhabit virtual worlds™
"This is the most intelligent, well qualified and articulate response to a post I have ever seen on these forums. It's a shame most people here won't have the attention span to read past the second line." - Anon
Sorry you fail again. Trolls have a hard time giving up on something. With a publisher everything else will fall into place.
Bye bye. iam going to play Dark and light. Oh wait!! I can't play that because its terrible. BUT BUT they had a publisher named SnailGames!! so it must be good. Right?
Delusional sap.
Oh wait Dark and Light was released because they had a publisher.... I never said that this means Darkfall is going to be the best game ever.. that is yet to be seen... but with a publisher in place, it will be released.
You are so hate filled you cant see the writing on the wall. A publisher means the game will be released it has nothing to do with if the game will be good or not. This post is not about it being a great game or not. It is about killing the VAPORWARE crap.
Darkfall has a publisher and will be released. No longer Vaporware. We all need to wait and see now if it lives up to its feature list.
Mike470 - I know never said this means the game is going to be great, it just means the game will be released.
Sooner or Later
Oh, I don't know if this means Darkfall will be released. Look at Wish. In any case, I have to agree that this game has seemed shady for ages. Although it probably exists, I get the impression that they're unwilling to show it off the way other game companies do because it's not in any state to be seen. I can't help thinking that after seven years, it probably never will be, either. No hate here, just an opinion.
From what Ive seen these so called trolls, are people who at one point rooted for this game but got sick of the shady bullshit surrounding it. Instead of furthering the chasm, let the game speak for itself.
I will definately apologize if and when this game gets released.
Personally, I don't think there is ACTUALLY a playable game to release. I always believed that Darkfall, in some small way, was being developed, so it was never TOTAL vaporware.
However, I think this publishing announcement is more smoke and mirrors to keep the myth going.
Here's what I predict.
In the next few months you'll see a Tasos statement saying, that although they are "feature complete", they will miss the 2008 release due to unforseen problems that cropped up unexpectedly.
You will also NOT see any further concrete proof that the game is actually "playable", from an MMO perspective.
The beta will be once again delayed due to unforseen events.
In other words, the same story we've seen for years.
The fanboys will argue that "They have a publisher!", so it has to be real.
And in the end, we will enter 2009 at the same exact place we stand this very day.
Nothing will have changed.
That's what I predict will occur.
I will post an apology, when proved incorrect.
whats a proper gaming site or Magazine? The only magazine or websites that I know about that review games and post interviews are all sellouts. More money = better scores. Its native to think that any proper gaming site or magazine do fair reviews, all reviews are based on dollars sent to that site or magazine.
Get a grip and calm down. im not talking about a review, im talking about showing their game to a gaming site like or gamespot etc for a preview and nothing more. If they cant even do that then this trully is just all made up shit tbh.
While I haven't been following the development of darkfall much I have to agree. A preview on a major games site would have a huge impact. As it stands now it's a bit like the weapons of mass destruction arguement. "They have WMD's!!" "Do you have proof" "No, but they have WMD'S!!" "How about just a little proof?" "THEY HAVE WMD's AND YOUR A TERRORIST IF YOU DONT AGREE!!!!".
Only problem with your argument is they did have WMD, we saw them used in the 80s vs Iran and early 90s vs the Kruds but again that doesnt count for all you bush haters. (I hate bush too but Iraq was right but handled wrong).
So they have to show you the game on a "proper" gaming site to make it real? Why? I dont want the same hype that Age of Crapness got.
now see, this is the darkfall fanboi mentality to which we're accustomed.
everything factual, pre- & post-iraq invasion state NO wmd. period. everything FACTUAL. i want to emphasize that word.
so, when darkfall is released (
), what type of gaming/video engine we talking?
what are the requirements for a "supposed" mmo to get a forum on this site; because honestly, i'm thinking i want to add five or six, since darkfall is still here.
could we please get correspondent writers and moderators, on the eve forum at, who are well-versed on eve-online and aren't just passersby pushing buttons? pretty please?
Yeah, if it have to be a english magazine to have some credibilty, dont it?
it should be a credible site, siting factual information, in order to be credible, dont it?
could we please get correspondent writers and moderators, on the eve forum at, who are well-versed on eve-online and aren't just passersby pushing buttons? pretty please?
Sorry you fail again. Trolls have a hard time giving up on something. With a publisher everything else will fall into place.
Bye bye. iam going to play Dark and light. Oh wait!! I can't play that because its terrible. BUT BUT they had a publisher named SnailGames!! so it must be good. Right?
Delusional sap.
Oh wait Dark and Light was released because they had a publisher.... I never said that this means Darkfall is going to be the best game ever.. that is yet to be seen... but with a publisher in place, it will be released.
You are so hate filled you cant see the writing on the wall. A publisher means the game will be released it has nothing to do with if the game will be good or not. This post is not about it being a great game or not. It is about killing the VAPORWARE crap.
Darkfall has a publisher and will be released. No longer Vaporware. We all need to wait and see now if it lives up to its feature list.
Mike470 - I know never said this means the game is going to be great, it just means the game will be released.
gods 'n' heroes had a publisher...
you realize, if you have a publisher, you end up with deadlines to meet and progress to make, right?
could we please get correspondent writers and moderators, on the eve forum at, who are well-versed on eve-online and aren't just passersby pushing buttons? pretty please?
whats a proper gaming site or Magazine? The only magazine or websites that I know about that review games and post interviews are all sellouts. More money = better scores. Its native to think that any proper gaming site or magazine do fair reviews, all reviews are based on dollars sent to that site or magazine.
Get a grip and calm down. im not talking about a review, im talking about showing their game to a gaming site like or gamespot etc for a preview and nothing more. If they cant even do that then this trully is just all made up shit tbh.
While I haven't been following the development of darkfall much I have to agree. A preview on a major games site would have a huge impact. As it stands now it's a bit like the weapons of mass destruction arguement. "They have WMD's!!" "Do you have proof" "No, but they have WMD'S!!" "How about just a little proof?" "THEY HAVE WMD's AND YOUR A TERRORIST IF YOU DONT AGREE!!!!".
Only problem with your argument is they did have WMD, we saw them used in the 80s vs Iran and early 90s vs the Kruds but again that doesnt count for all you bush haters. (I hate bush too but Iraq was right but handled wrong).
So they have to show you the game on a "proper" gaming site to make it real? Why? I dont want the same hype that Age of Crapness got.
now see, this is the darkfall fanboi mentality to which we're accustomed.
everything factual, pre- & post-iraq invasion state NO wmd. period. everything FACTUAL. i want to emphasize that word.
so, when darkfall is released (
), what type of gaming/video engine we talking?
what are the requirements for a "supposed" mmo to get a forum on this site; because honestly, i'm thinking i want to add five or six, since darkfall is still here.
Are you really that stupied? Iraq had WMD. We saw them used againts Iran and the kurds. FACT
What happen to Iraq's WMD, your guess is as good as mine but to say they never had them is stupid.
As far as Darkfall's gaming/video engine? They have said it was custom made for this game. So at this time we do not know.
Sooner or Later
One more point I forgot to mention in my last post response.
This isn't really a publisher, so to speak. Let's NOT get carried away here.
This is a deal to buy more time I actually believe. Connect with a small firm to handle european distribution IF and WHEN we are ready to release. That's a far cry different than hiring a publisher to get ready for actual launch, because the game is completed and we need to move now!
Time always seem to stand still regarding Darkfall though. It's amazing actually.
No matter what statements you read, nothing ever comes to fruition.
We shall see.
But don't be surprised if 2008 comes and goes and we are still in the same exact position we're in this very day. Scratching our heads in bewilderment.