YOU try and buy a PC for 300-400 bucks that can play the same game that Xbox360 and PS3 can play ...
For $250 or less, I can UPGRADE a very ordinary PC that I already have, so that it can play the same games the Xbox360 and PS3 can play, only better, and buy those games for $10-20 less per title. I can also play many games (e.g. most MMOs) that are not available on consoles.
Plus, I can play and download music on it, surf the internet, watch movies, do work, transcode video, email my mom, trade stocks, post stupid crap like this on forums....
____________________________________________ im to lazy too use grammar or punctuation good
Originally posted by Calasto why did they post this topic, pls close this discussion, this is not a place for console war. ALL THE COMPANIES LOSE MONEY ON THEIR SYSTEM they make money off the software, WHY DO U THINK THEY GIVE PRICE CUTS, because the more software they sell more money they make, with more console sell from the price cut they sell more software they sell which mean more money YOU try and buy a PC for 300-400 bucks that can play the same game that Xbox360 and PS3 can play Quit being stupid and go somewhere.
Actually, I know somebody at work that did this for $300. It's just a matter of being computer savvy and knowing what parts you need to get. If not, even a $500 system will do the trick, (if you don't buy them at Best Buy, they are WAY too overpriced)
Great Thread Jestor!!! Interesting too. Not sure about many people, but if you live here in the US, you are feeling great at the pump, at the grocery store, from you health insurance company, Everyone is feeling it due to ression and $150ish oil Back to subject. Can my tax stimulas check get me a PS3 with controllers and games....Nope Can it get me a Xbox 360, possible but to get everything, not probabal Can it get me a Wii? nope can't find any Can it build me a sweet rig for WAR......yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks Hrica, building your own rig for Warhammer online is a great move.
Now SOE is still producing Dual Platform - both PC and PS3 but as I and most know is that the Agency will not cross platform but that would be great if they did because then you could talk smack or communicate with your team on the PC and the PS3 players would just be there pissed off and pushing buttons.
Originally posted by rikilii Originally posted by Calasto ... YOU try and buy a PC for 300-400 bucks that can play the same game that Xbox360 and PS3 can play ...
For $250 or less, I can UPGRADE a very ordinary PC that I already have, so that it can play the same games the Xbox360 and PS3 can play, only better, and buy those games for $10-20 less per title. I can also play many games (e.g. most MMOs) that are not available on consoles. Plus, I can play and download music on it, surf the internet, watch movies, do work, transcode video, email my mom, trade stocks, post stupid crap like this on forums....
Exactly right! It really amazes me how little some people here seem to know about PC rigs, when you'd think that, due to the nature and resource intensiveness of MMO's there'd be more PC savvy people here who know how or what parts to rig up their system on the cheap. I know I did the same for my PC a couple of years back for the same price you quoted, and to this day it still does the same job a 360 does. Except I have more options as to what I can do with my PC
YOU try and buy a PC for 300-400 bucks that can play the same game that Xbox360 and PS3 can play
For $250 or less, I can UPGRADE a very ordinary PC that I already have, so that it can play the same games the Xbox360 and PS3 can play, only better, and buy those games for $10-20 less per title. I can also play many games (e.g. most MMOs) that are not available on consoles.
Plus, I can play and download music on it, surf the internet, watch movies, do work, transcode video, email my mom, trade stocks, post stupid crap like this on forums....
Exactly right! It really amazes me how little some people here seem to know about PC rigs, when you'd think that, due to the nature and resource intensiveness of MMO's there'd be more PC savvy people here who know how or what parts to rig up their system on the cheap. I know I did the same for my PC a couple of years back for the same price you quoted, and to this day it still does the same job a 360 does. Except I have more options as to what I can do with my PC
not getting the point i am said the hardware cost more then the price, rikilii said a PC can be UPGRADE for 250 bucks or less NOT BUILD FROM THE GROUND UP,
if you could build a computer for 300 buck that can run the pc version of Assassin's Creed like it does on the xbox360 or the PS3 and then add a blueray player to that bad boy, U should start ur own computer company and i will be ur first customer
everyone can rig their pc to play better game with a cheap price now, since graphic cards are much cheaper
Just a few interesting points to all of those trashing the PS3.... (look especially at the items in BOLD)
According to, current worldwide sales have the Wii in a commanding lead with 27.42 million, 360 in second with 19.13 million, and PS3 in third with 13.26 million.
The Xbox360, of course, was release a year ahead of the Wii and PS3. It is interesting to note as well that PS3’s growth and speed of sales almost exactly mimics that of the Playstation 2, which won last generation’s battle by a landslide, now having sold well over 125 million units worldwide.
At this point in its life, it only trails PS2 by about 700,000 units, and surpasses the 360 by about 3 million. Nevertheless, fans and critics alike have hailed MGS4 as the first must-have exclusive for the system.
In fact, on day one of sales, Thursday June 12th, 1.3 million people worldwide took Solid Snake home for one last mission.
The PS3 saw a 180% increase in system sales week over week in the United States, as well. This included about 70,000 bundles w/MGS4 in box. Worldwide, sales increased by more than a factor of 2.
Just a few interesting points to all of those trashing the PS3.... (look especially at the items in BOLD) According to, current worldwide sales have the Wii in a commanding lead with 27.42 million, 360 in second with 19.13 million, and PS3 in third with 13.26 million. The Xbox360, of course, was release a year ahead of the Wii and PS3. It is interesting to note as well that PS3’s growth and speed of sales almost exactly mimics that of the Playstation 2, which won last generation’s battle by a landslide, now having sold well over 125 million units worldwide. At this point in its life, it only trails PS2 by about 700,000 units, and surpasses the 360 by about 3 million. Nevertheless, fans and critics alike have hailed MGS4 as the first must-have exclusive for the system. In fact, on day one of sales, Thursday June 12th, 1.3 million people worldwide took Solid Snake home for one last mission. The PS3 saw a 180% increase in system sales week over week in the United States, as well. This included about 70,000 bundles w/MGS4 in box. Worldwide, sales increased by more than a factor of 2.
I have a 360 and am a HUGE Microsoft fanboy (Zune 80, Vista on my pcs, 360) and can admit that I'm seriously considering dropping 500 on a ps3 just for mgs4. On top of that the ps3 comes with a blu-ray dvd player, seems worth it to someone like me who isn't stressing w/money, plus I want to see what it has to offer. I can honestly see the ps3 passing the 360 in time, shit I still have a ps2 in my living room. The 360 is simply amazing though, I think microsoft did an awesome job and I really enjoy it.
For the guy who said he can just upgrade his pc and play the same games on his pc as the 360 for 250$ there is a big difference between the two which should be obvious. Most people who go for a console already have a nice hd tv to put it to use, something about seeing a great looking game on my 37'' lcd is just nice. There is a lot of stuff I can do with my 360 and some extra software such as tversity, watch movies from my pc without burning them or streaming stuff off youtube or whatever.
But the real reason to enjoy a console is because it's more socially friendly, let's say a buddy comes over, all I have to do is turn on the other controller and set the game to co-op, 2 player or whatever and get to enjoying. With Halo 3 I can have 3 people over and we can all kick back crack open a beer and have some fun. With the console you get simplicity, I can understand that if you are the only person who will be using the 360/ps3 then sure just stick with your pc. Not to turn this into a pc vs console topic though, just saying. As I do gaming on both I really enjoy the console as much as the pc for those reasons.
What the hell, since this thread is already so far off the topic of MMO's anyways.....
Thing that seems to be hurting PS3 a little this time around is the lack of good exclusive games, MGS is about it, most the others are multi-platform or exclusive to other systems. I know, I got one hardly ever gets any play anymore since I already burned through the couple games I had.
At least Sony started to pull their head out of their a$$ and make their online system halfway decent this time around, last console gen X-Box live blew away sony's online service (what there was of it), and so far I still think X-Box live is the better service despite and because of the fees involved. (and honestly if you drop $500-$600 for a system that is more than likely only good for a couple of years yet bitch about paying a what? $9.00 fee for a superior online service then you probablly shouldn't have bought the system in the first place).
I went with the PS3 this time around because I had a bunch of friends that wanted to hook up and play online, last gen consoles I had an X-Box, was very pleased with it, this gen, well at least I can watch Blu-Ray movies (what few of them that are currently out) now.....
Roomate has a Wii, while entertaining & it does have many exclusive titles the sad truth is most of it;s exclusives to not appeal to me at all, so probablly not going to go out and purchase a Wii so I can work up a sweat playing Wii sports......
Overall I think PC games are far superior, generally they are updated more reliably and often (although this has been getting better with consoles this time around), with upgrades a PC can be kept viable for a much longer period of time abd quite honestly there are more superior titles out for PC than all 3 consoles put together and the PC has much more versatility.
Also can anyone verify, I thought I read awhile back in a gaming magazine somewhere that Sony was no longer getting exclusive rights to the Final Fantasy series?
Great Thread Jestor!!! Interesting too. Not sure about many people, but if you live here in the US, you are feeling great at the pump, at the grocery store, from you health insurance company, Everyone is feeling it due to ression and $150ish oil Back to subject. Can my tax stimulas check get me a PS3 with controllers and games....Nope Can it get me a Xbox 360, possible but to get everything, not probabal Can it get me a Wii? nope can't find any Can it build me a sweet rig for WAR......yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks Hrica, building your own rig for Warhammer online is a great move.
Now SOE is still producing Dual Platform - both PC and PS3 but as I and most know is that the Agency will not cross platform but that would be great if they did because then you could talk smack or communicate with your team on the PC and the PS3 players would just be there pissed off and pushing buttons.
My recent experience as a game tester at a video game development studio is that the PS3 is treated like the red headed step child of the three main platforms PC, 360, and PS3. The wii isn't included because we don't make any games for it.
Yes the 360 and PS3 share many games, but from what I've seen the quality of the game will be better on the 360 simply because the developers consider it to be the primary system on which they are developing for. At least at the company I'm at.
--------------------------------------------- I need more Cow Bell! Slothman's Home Tree
My recent experience as a game tester at a video game development studio is that the PS3 is treated like the red headed step child of the three main platforms PC, 360, and PS3. The wii isn't included because we don't make any games for it. Yes the 360 and PS3 share many games, but from what I've seen the quality of the game will be better on the 360 simply because the developers consider it to be the primary system on which they are developing for. At least at the company I'm at.
its strange that you did not mention the Wii system
It is fairly typical in this industry to lose money on the hardware to sell the software. Do you think Microsoft is making money on the xbox-360? I highly doubt they are even now. Same for the Nintendo Wii. Software is where the money is and a propriatary console guarentees you income as long as your software is decent..
Actually, I think Nintendo is making something like 50 dollars profit on every wii system (based on manufacturing, not counting marketing.)
Great Thread Jestor!!! Interesting too. Not sure about many people, but if you live here in the US, you are feeling great at the pump, at the grocery store, from you health insurance company, Everyone is feeling it due to ression and $150ish oil Back to subject. Can my tax stimulas check get me a PS3 with controllers and games....Nope Can it get me a Xbox 360, possible but to get everything, not probabal Can it get me a Wii? nope can't find any Can it build me a sweet rig for WAR......yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks Hrica, building your own rig for Warhammer online is a great move.
Now SOE is still producing Dual Platform - both PC and PS3 but as I and most know is that the Agency will not cross platform but that would be great if they did because then you could talk smack or communicate with your team on the PC and the PS3 players would just be there pissed off and pushing buttons.
do you work for sony?
Do i look like I work for Sony???
I frequently suspect you're an SOE shill. Shouldn't you slink back into the swg forum and tell us how great the nge is now? ( ' ;
Actually I think now that Blu-Ray has beaten HD-DVD we're going to see a pick-up in PS3 sales. If you look at it most Blue-Ray players are around the 300 - 400 dollar price range. If I had to spend that much I'd get something I can surf the web with and play games with too. And thats exactly what I did.
Now that Blue Ray Drives are dropping into affordable range (currently $129), and the Cell Processor is starting to branch out on the PC with a PCI-e card. I think Sony should just sell an virtualization program to act as a PS3. It would save them a bundle and broaden the market alot.
In my opinion the PS3 is the superior system because the XBox360 is already feeling the limits of its design. XBox360 games can't look any better. On the other hand PS3 games are just getting better. Even though its harder to make a PS3 game since its benefit is utilizing script based effects, it will always look prettier.
Great Thread Jestor!!! Interesting too. Not sure about many people, but if you live here in the US, you are feeling great at the pump, at the grocery store, from you health insurance company, Everyone is feeling it due to ression and $150ish oil Back to subject. Can my tax stimulas check get me a PS3 with controllers and games....Nope Can it get me a Xbox 360, possible but to get everything, not probabal Can it get me a Wii? nope can't find any Can it build me a sweet rig for WAR......yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks Hrica, building your own rig for Warhammer online is a great move.
Now SOE is still producing Dual Platform - both PC and PS3 but as I and most know is that the Agency will not cross platform but that would be great if they did because then you could talk smack or communicate with your team on the PC and the PS3 players would just be there pissed off and pushing buttons.
do you work for sony?
Do i look like I work for Sony???
I frequently suspect you're an SOE shill. Shouldn't you slink back into the swg forum and tell us how great the nge is now? ( ' ;
Please call and have me paged at SOE HQ! At E3 today Sony said it would shave $100 off the cost of its most expensive PlayStation 3 model.
The move goes further than Microsoft’s $50 price cut on Sunday for the Xbox 360. That move was viewed more as a clearance model, as Microsoft moved to eliminate its inventory of 20-gigabyte Xbox 360 machines and replace them with a $349 60GB model.
Sony, on the other hand, is eliminating its 40GB $399 PS 3 model entirely. The 80GB version which was $499 will now cost $399. Microsoft now has the most expensive box on the market, with the Xbox 360 Elite with a 120GB hard drive now costing $449. Microsoft will likely have to cut prices in reaction or lose market share.
Cutting the price - that will get them back on track .
BTW edit - Nice move to Hardware ,MODS. This story will be on my next Rodo Report. Trust me!
Blagh! I hate console war garbage. Personally I think everyone would be a heck of a lot better off with just one system and tons of games. Now if only Microsoft, Sony, and Nintendo could set aside their differences and make one system. . .well that would be the end of the world for sure but one could always dream.
It's a Jeep thing. . . _______ |___| \_______/ = |||||| = |X| \*........*/ |X| |X|_________|X| You wouldn't understand
you guys paid $600 for yours? damn we Aussies got shafted big time. we were paying $1000 at launch (and our dollar was something like 95 US cents at the time).
i recently picked mine up for $750 (with MGS4) and i think its one of my best buys so far. i think the thing that really makes it shine is when you get it connected to the net (wireless set-up at a friends place usually used for LAN gaming was used for the PS3 and we even did some PS3 LAN gaming too ). i think $750 was a good investment for a console that i have no doubt that i will be using for at least the next 4 years (works out to be $200 a year) and serves as a blue ray player. heck if any decent MMO's come out i might even be playing the thing for longer.
MMO wish list:
-Changeable worlds -Solid non level based game -Sharks with lasers attached to their heads
Sad. Nintendo = Gaming God. All video games evolved from Nintendo, etc gameboys, NES, dreamcast etc. I still like the xbox 360 no matter what though x]
why did they post this topic, pls close this discussion,
this is not a place for console war. ALL THE COMPANIES LOSE MONEY ON THEIR SYSTEM
they make money off the software, WHY DO U THINK THEY GIVE PRICE CUTS, because the more software they sell more money they make,
with more console sell from the price cut they sell more software they sell which mean more money
YOU try and buy a PC for 300-400 bucks that can play the same game that Xbox360 and PS3 can play
Quit being stupid and go somewhere.
For $250 or less, I can UPGRADE a very ordinary PC that I already have, so that it can play the same games the Xbox360 and PS3 can play, only better, and buy those games for $10-20 less per title. I can also play many games (e.g. most MMOs) that are not available on consoles.
Plus, I can play and download music on it, surf the internet, watch movies, do work, transcode video, email my mom, trade stocks, post stupid crap like this on forums....
im to lazy too use grammar or punctuation good
Actually, I know somebody at work that did this for $300. It's just a matter of being computer savvy and knowing what parts you need to get. If not, even a $500 system will do the trick, (if you don't buy them at Best Buy, they are WAY too overpriced)
Thanks Hrica, building your own rig for Warhammer online is a great move.
Now SOE is still producing Dual Platform - both PC and PS3 but as I and most know is that the Agency will not cross platform but that would be great if they did because then you could talk smack or communicate with your team on the PC and the PS3 players would just be there pissed off and pushing buttons.
do you work for sony?
For $250 or less, I can UPGRADE a very ordinary PC that I already have, so that it can play the same games the Xbox360 and PS3 can play, only better, and buy those games for $10-20 less per title. I can also play many games (e.g. most MMOs) that are not available on consoles.
Plus, I can play and download music on it, surf the internet, watch movies, do work, transcode video, email my mom, trade stocks, post stupid crap like this on forums....
Exactly right! It really amazes me how little some people here seem to know about PC rigs, when you'd think that, due to the nature and resource intensiveness of MMO's there'd be more PC savvy people here who know how or what parts to rig up their system on the cheap. I know I did the same for my PC a couple of years back for the same price you quoted, and to this day it still does the same job a 360 does. Except I have more options as to what I can do with my PC
For $250 or less, I can UPGRADE a very ordinary PC that I already have, so that it can play the same games the Xbox360 and PS3 can play, only better, and buy those games for $10-20 less per title. I can also play many games (e.g. most MMOs) that are not available on consoles.
Plus, I can play and download music on it, surf the internet, watch movies, do work, transcode video, email my mom, trade stocks, post stupid crap like this on forums....
Exactly right! It really amazes me how little some people here seem to know about PC rigs, when you'd think that, due to the nature and resource intensiveness of MMO's there'd be more PC savvy people here who know how or what parts to rig up their system on the cheap. I know I did the same for my PC a couple of years back for the same price you quoted, and to this day it still does the same job a 360 does. Except I have more options as to what I can do with my PC
not getting the point i am said the hardware cost more then the price, rikilii said a PC can be UPGRADE for 250 bucks or less NOT BUILD FROM THE GROUND UP,
if you could build a computer for 300 buck that can run the pc version of Assassin's Creed like it does on the xbox360 or the PS3 and then add a blueray player to that bad boy, U should start ur own computer company and i will be ur first customer
everyone can rig their pc to play better game with a cheap price now, since graphic cards are much cheaper
Just a few interesting points to all of those trashing the PS3.... (look especially at the items in BOLD)
According to, current worldwide sales have the Wii in a commanding lead with 27.42 million, 360 in second with 19.13 million, and PS3 in third with 13.26 million.
The Xbox360, of course, was release a year ahead of the Wii and PS3. It is interesting to note as well that PS3’s growth and speed of sales almost exactly mimics that of the Playstation 2, which won last generation’s battle by a landslide, now having sold well over 125 million units worldwide.
At this point in its life, it only trails PS2 by about 700,000 units, and surpasses the 360 by about 3 million. Nevertheless, fans and critics alike have hailed MGS4 as the first must-have exclusive for the system.
In fact, on day one of sales, Thursday June 12th, 1.3 million people worldwide took Solid Snake home for one last mission.
The PS3 saw a 180% increase in system sales week over week in the United States, as well. This included about 70,000 bundles w/MGS4 in box. Worldwide, sales increased by more than a factor of 2.
- Zaxx
I have a 360 and am a HUGE Microsoft fanboy (Zune 80, Vista on my pcs, 360) and can admit that I'm seriously considering dropping 500 on a ps3 just for mgs4. On top of that the ps3 comes with a blu-ray dvd player, seems worth it to someone like me who isn't stressing w/money, plus I want to see what it has to offer. I can honestly see the ps3 passing the 360 in time, shit I still have a ps2 in my living room. The 360 is simply amazing though, I think microsoft did an awesome job and I really enjoy it.
For the guy who said he can just upgrade his pc and play the same games on his pc as the 360 for 250$ there is a big difference between the two which should be obvious. Most people who go for a console already have a nice hd tv to put it to use, something about seeing a great looking game on my 37'' lcd is just nice. There is a lot of stuff I can do with my 360 and some extra software such as tversity, watch movies from my pc without burning them or streaming stuff off youtube or whatever.
But the real reason to enjoy a console is because it's more socially friendly, let's say a buddy comes over, all I have to do is turn on the other controller and set the game to co-op, 2 player or whatever and get to enjoying. With Halo 3 I can have 3 people over and we can all kick back crack open a beer and have some fun. With the console you get simplicity, I can understand that if you are the only person who will be using the 360/ps3 then sure just stick with your pc. Not to turn this into a pc vs console topic though, just saying. As I do gaming on both I really enjoy the console as much as the pc for those reasons.
What the hell, since this thread is already so far off the topic of MMO's anyways.....
Thing that seems to be hurting PS3 a little this time around is the lack of good exclusive games, MGS is about it, most the others are multi-platform or exclusive to other systems. I know, I got one hardly ever gets any play anymore since I already burned through the couple games I had.
At least Sony started to pull their head out of their a$$ and make their online system halfway decent this time around, last console gen X-Box live blew away sony's online service (what there was of it), and so far I still think X-Box live is the better service despite and because of the fees involved. (and honestly if you drop $500-$600 for a system that is more than likely only good for a couple of years yet bitch about paying a what? $9.00 fee for a superior online service then you probablly shouldn't have bought the system in the first place).
I went with the PS3 this time around because I had a bunch of friends that wanted to hook up and play online, last gen consoles I had an X-Box, was very pleased with it, this gen, well at least I can watch Blu-Ray movies (what few of them that are currently out) now.....
Roomate has a Wii, while entertaining & it does have many exclusive titles the sad truth is most of it;s exclusives to not appeal to me at all, so probablly not going to go out and purchase a Wii so I can work up a sweat playing Wii sports......
Overall I think PC games are far superior, generally they are updated more reliably and often (although this has been getting better with consoles this time around), with upgrades a PC can be kept viable for a much longer period of time abd quite honestly there are more superior titles out for PC than all 3 consoles put together and the PC has much more versatility.
Also can anyone verify, I thought I read awhile back in a gaming magazine somewhere that Sony was no longer getting exclusive rights to the Final Fantasy series?
Thanks Hrica, building your own rig for Warhammer online is a great move.
Now SOE is still producing Dual Platform - both PC and PS3 but as I and most know is that the Agency will not cross platform but that would be great if they did because then you could talk smack or communicate with your team on the PC and the PS3 players would just be there pissed off and pushing buttons.
do you work for sony?
Do i look like I work for Sony???
Unaware of the Jestor?
Friends enjoy his classic Vblog -
My recent experience as a game tester at a video game development studio is that the PS3 is treated like the red headed step child of the three main platforms PC, 360, and PS3. The wii isn't included because we don't make any games for it.
Yes the 360 and PS3 share many games, but from what I've seen the quality of the game will be better on the 360 simply because the developers consider it to be the primary system on which they are developing for. At least at the company I'm at.
I need more Cow Bell!
Slothman's Home Tree
its strange that you did not mention the Wii system
Unaware of the Jestor?
Friends enjoy his classic Vblog -
the PS3 has outsold the XBOX in America for most of 2008 so far
and is expected to be the bigger seller for June
the PS3 has also been making some headground on the Wii
EQ2 fan sites
That's because they aren't making Wiis fast enough.
"There is as yet insufficient data for a meaningful answer."
EQ2 fan sites
Actually, I think Nintendo is making something like 50 dollars profit on every wii system (based on manufacturing, not counting marketing.)
Thanks Hrica, building your own rig for Warhammer online is a great move.
Now SOE is still producing Dual Platform - both PC and PS3 but as I and most know is that the Agency will not cross platform but that would be great if they did because then you could talk smack or communicate with your team on the PC and the PS3 players would just be there pissed off and pushing buttons.
do you work for sony?
Do i look like I work for Sony???
I frequently suspect you're an SOE shill. Shouldn't you slink back into the swg forum and tell us how great the nge is now? ( ' ;
Actually I think now that Blu-Ray has beaten HD-DVD we're going to see a pick-up in PS3 sales. If you look at it most Blue-Ray players are around the 300 - 400 dollar price range. If I had to spend that much I'd get something I can surf the web with and play games with too. And thats exactly what I did.
Now that Blue Ray Drives are dropping into affordable range (currently $129), and the Cell Processor is starting to branch out on the PC with a PCI-e card. I think Sony should just sell an virtualization program to act as a PS3. It would save them a bundle and broaden the market alot.
In my opinion the PS3 is the superior system because the XBox360 is already feeling the limits of its design. XBox360 games can't look any better. On the other hand PS3 games are just getting better. Even though its harder to make a PS3 game since its benefit is utilizing script based effects, it will always look prettier.
Thanks Hrica, building your own rig for Warhammer online is a great move.
Now SOE is still producing Dual Platform - both PC and PS3 but as I and most know is that the Agency will not cross platform but that would be great if they did because then you could talk smack or communicate with your team on the PC and the PS3 players would just be there pissed off and pushing buttons.
do you work for sony?
Do i look like I work for Sony???
I frequently suspect you're an SOE shill. Shouldn't you slink back into the swg forum and tell us how great the nge is now? ( ' ;
Please call and have me paged at SOE HQ! At E3 today Sony said it would shave $100 off the cost of its most expensive PlayStation 3 model.
The move goes further than Microsoft’s $50 price cut on Sunday for the Xbox 360. That move was viewed more as a clearance model, as Microsoft moved to eliminate its inventory of 20-gigabyte Xbox 360 machines and replace them with a $349 60GB model.
Sony, on the other hand, is eliminating its 40GB $399 PS 3 model entirely. The 80GB version which was $499 will now cost $399. Microsoft now has the most expensive box on the market, with the Xbox 360 Elite with a 120GB hard drive now costing $449. Microsoft will likely have to cut prices in reaction or lose market share.
Cutting the price - that will get them back on track
BTW edit - Nice move to Hardware ,MODS. This story will be on my next Rodo Report. Trust me!
Unaware of the Jestor?
Friends enjoy his classic Vblog -
NPD figures are available for June: PS3 did well
EQ2 fan sites
Blagh! I hate console war garbage. Personally I think everyone would be a heck of a lot better off with just one system and tons of games. Now if only Microsoft, Sony, and Nintendo could set aside their differences and make one system. . .well that would be the end of the world for sure but one could always dream.
|X| \*........*/ |X|
You wouldn't understand
you guys paid $600 for yours? damn we Aussies got shafted big time. we were paying $1000 at launch (and our dollar was something like 95 US cents at the time).
i recently picked mine up for $750 (with MGS4) and i think its one of my best buys so far. i think the thing that really makes it shine is when you get it connected to the net (wireless set-up at a friends place usually used for LAN gaming was used for the PS3 and we even did some PS3 LAN gaming too
). i think $750 was a good investment for a console that i have no doubt that i will be using for at least the next 4 years (works out to be $200 a year) and serves as a blue ray player. heck if any decent MMO's come out i might even be playing the thing for longer.
MMO wish list:
-Changeable worlds
-Solid non level based game
-Sharks with lasers attached to their heads
Sad. Nintendo = Gaming God. All video games evolved from Nintendo, etc gameboys, NES, dreamcast etc. I still like the xbox 360 no matter what though x]