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Is it worth it?

I just started playing VG thanks to a buddy key someone gave me. I'm enjoying it so far. Questions is, will the game be around for awhile, by that I mean, is it worth me investing time in this game considering it's not so humble beginnings.


  • bcrankshawbcrankshaw Member Posts: 547

    Absolutely ...not even a question

    It must be one of the best PVE online  games around :)

    "after the time of dice came the day of mice "

  • SignusMSignusM Member Posts: 2,225

    If it survived its release (which it has, and is currently having a revival) then it will be around. The original EQ is still around, no reason for Vanguard to fade into the mists.

  • declaredemerdeclaredemer Member Posts: 2,698

    Torak was nice enough to provide a buddy key to me.  I enjoyed myself, and as promised, I reactivated my Vanguard account.



    I have since canceled my subscription because I am simply bored with nothing to do at the maximum level, and I do not enjoy

    • Raiding
    • Crafting
    • Diplomacy
    • Long, grindy Quests for mounts


    I enjoy more

    • Adventure oriented content
    • Character customization, development opportunities
    • Logging in and socializing (SWG is a great model for this)
    • Group content, dungeons, slaying named dragons


    I am now just keeping an eye out on Vanguard.  I play Everquest I more often, and I probably will continue to over the summer. 

  • ZsavoozZsavooz Member Posts: 532

    I am amazed this game is no more popular than it is. It has a lot going for it. The world seems endless and I'm still in the starter zones. Very little , if any, instancing. When i walk through a door in any castle or wood elf village, they open, I'm in. How simple. Try that in AOC. Being only level 7, I finally got something to wear that looks better than my starter gear. It just seems like an enormous world with much to do. Hopefully this will continue. But for now, I love it.

  • ThillianThillian Member UncommonPosts: 3,156

    It will continue. Vanguard is a step from linear mmo's towards sandbox games. It's somewhere between and fills the void. Shame the market for this kind of games is so low.


  • UgaritUgarit Member Posts: 213
    Originally posted by bcrankshaw

    Absolutely ...not even a question
    It must be one of the best PVE online  games around :)

    Yes + people comes back to VG

    pop is growing

  • declaredemerdeclaredemer Member Posts: 2,698
    Originally posted by Thillian

    Shame the market for this kind of games is so low.


    I do not think the market demand for this type of game is low.


    I think the market demand for this quality (bugs, incompleteness, lack of character customization, only raiding at end-game, grindy quests, instant and long travel system) is low.  The market still associates Vanguard with "bad performance" and not with "sandbox."  It also has a lot of missing features to be considered a genuine "sandbox" MMORPG.


    If anything, I think the market demand for a sandbox-type of MMORPG is huge.

  • boojiboyboojiboy Member UncommonPosts: 1,553

    VG is definitely going to be around for the long haul.  It's enjoying a great resurgence right now and word of mouth is spreading and more people are joining etc.  And all this is still happening prior to the Free Trial release and marketing push.

  • Daffid011Daffid011 Member UncommonPosts: 7,945

    All other aspects aside, games need content to survive "for the long haul".  It is a year and a half after launch and the game is still content wise almost the same as when the original Sigil team was working on. 

    A marketing push and free trial mean squat if a game doesn't get a regular and frequent infusion of fresh content to keep people playing.  My concern has always been that the game doesn't have enough resources since SOE took over to properly maintain and expand the game. 

    Talking about the finer points of the game are rather moot considering that.  If SOE starts talking about expansions then maybe the game might rebound.  Otherwise I suspect it will just be a short stayover for people bouncing around from MMO to MMO looking for something new. 


    To answer the original posters questions, Is Vanguard worth it?  If you don't mind a game that might never go any further yes it offers some fun time in comfortable MMO environments.  If you are looking for something that might be your game of choice for years if you fall in love with it, no. 

  • TorakTorak Member Posts: 4,905
    Originally posted by Daffid011

    A marketing push and free trial mean squat if a game doesn't get a regular and frequent infusion of fresh content to keep people playing. 


    I agree with that, it will be interesting to see where VG goes over the next 6 - 12 months. Hopefully they don't just choose to add a bunch of raids in.

    Remember, Silius in his last interview said that they were pretty happy with were performance was at and now they could start working on livening up the game itself. I guess time will tell.


  • ToladinToladin Member Posts: 94

    I can't Imagine this game not getting an expansion within the next 12 months ... SOE is famous for releasing expansions.

    Look at EQ - how many xp's are there now? 12?

    I think the above poster has it right, now that the game is running fairly smoothly, and a lot of the original bugs have been worked out - they can start creating additional content and working it into the game -

    I hope so anyways, although new to the game, I would love to see some plans for an expansion, at least to generate hype for the game, and get some additional subs.

  • UgaritUgarit Member Posts: 213

    Imo Soe's projects

    1° save the game i mean fix bugs, patch a lot etc: GU1 to GU6

    2° content marked on the box: i'ts done (flying mounts etc) GU1 to GU6

    3° trial: we can expect it now (1 2 months ?)

    4° relaunch + expansions


  • Daffid011Daffid011 Member UncommonPosts: 7,945
    Originally posted by Toladin

    I can't Imagine this game not getting an expansion within the next 12 months ... SOE is famous for releasing expansions.
    Look at EQ - how many xp's are there now? 12?
    I think the above poster has it right, now that the game is running fairly smoothly, and a lot of the original bugs have been worked out - they can start creating additional content and working it into the game -
    I hope so anyways, although new to the game, I would love to see some plans for an expansion, at least to generate hype for the game, and get some additional subs.


    The problem is EQ and EQ2 both have much larger dev teams than VG.  Vanguards team is smaller than the SWG team by last public announcements and that game hasn't seen an expansion in 3 years.  Similar fates for the rest of their games that are sub 100k users, no expansions.

    SOE is certainly expansion happy for both versions of EQ, but I don't know if they would dedicate the amount of resources needed to make one for VG considering the smallish population, but the population sure could do well if they announced and expansion.  Thats that catch 22.

    Maybe they are waiting to see how well Conan and War do before they reevaluate the games potential market.

  • boojiboyboojiboy Member UncommonPosts: 1,553

    Sillius talked about planned expansions... but not until 2009, which I think bummed some folks out that were hoping for something around Christmas.  That said, Sony  has fixed a crap-ton of stuff in this game and they've got a few biggies left to go like the Free Trial, putting character customization back in with the new models, finishing the remainder of class fixes, etc. 

    But other things, not officially called an expansion are a new raid zone and hopefully AAs before the end of the year.  They've actually introduced a lot of new content just with the Game Updates... if they wanted too, they probably could have bundled some stuff together with the release of APW and called it an expansion.

    Gotta remember, Vanguard is massive and I've played since day one without a break and I've got many, many things on my 'to do list' including progressing in APW, diplomacy house quests, faction mount, griffon mount... and I've got a new monk to work on too :)  If one does like raiding or epic style quests then yes, there certainly can be a void when you've gone through the top level adventuring dungeons. 

  • lareslocilaresloci Member UncommonPosts: 373

    Hmmm...I am finding a bit of passion amongst the Can't wait for the trial.

    Why is it that, as a culture, we are more comfortable seeing two men holding guns than holding hands? ~Ernest Gaines

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