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ricko32ricko32 Member Posts: 17

i think if we did roll back to OB style fom and did have the amount of players we had back then . BUT THIS TIME we had free and premium accounts we would still have the reason to play it. BUT fom will never be back like that we all know that, and FOM guys dont care about us like a great person said "lets be frank" there out to get our money they dont care that much about FOM. I thought FOM was the best game i have ever played and the day i found out OJAM fucked us about it was the saddest "gaming day" i loved that game so much but its over now. FOM R is aimed at a wider public the FPS crowd and no more missions no more ranks its just a FPS that has clans in its the same as all the rest and i think what made FOM FOM was its indviduality as ranks and factions. I am extreamly sad to see this concept die and i dont think another FOM like game will ever be around again for a very long time. Unforunatly i have come to accept that FOM R will be a waste of time to download when it comes out. Of course i will download it to just prove my self wrong and hope that its originalitys still there.

I would hate to say this but it should be called "Halo without the armour". Now if any Devs are reading this have a heart dont destroy the concept of the game it was the best idea i have ever seen in a game the only real game where politics worked and the ranking system worked. You do deserve more than the 60 players at max who suscribed but they are 60 which could have been alot more and by changing small things like adding free accounts that 60 could be changed to say 100 and that 100 could be 200 ect.

I dont think they will achieve any better than they did with FOM because no ones gonna subscribe for a game you could play for free. Games like WW2 online, Planet side, JO, Gunz, wolfienstein, ect. next year FOM R will be forgotten and the concept will die with it. I just hope that i can say i am wrong when they release FOM R.

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