i am almost done upgrading computer so i can play vangurd again good been having video problems so it be fixed soon but vangurd has fixed alot of bugs and still working on it and they plan in release alot of stuff when its all done expasions new dungeons and new stuff.oh age of conan ant nothing that great same as vangurd but with shiney grachics new game engine and building forts pvp system new combat system and such nothing that different
if you play vangurd look me up when i gt back on name is zhoujin :)i should be back bye next month in a couple weeks i need more ram i am gting 4 gigs duel channel soon because i like to mutltitask and play games at once .:) then i need new mother board and video card so i just need those 3 things ^_^
If I could I would merge Vanguards open world and dungeons with AoC's combat and PvP. Since I played Vanguard and left I am with AoC now but I have a lot of fond memories of Vanguard and I played at launch when it was bugged up. .....mmm.....reminds me of AoC actually lol
just give vangurd some time i am sure it start gting better soon i know it will this game is amazing to me i love it alot i have lvl 19 warrior and i have alot of fun i like the classes and i like what they did to the blood mages. its a great game it grow in time and the people it has now it be better we just have to wait till they sort out bugs and fixing and such
Maybe I didn't give AOC enough of a chance. I got one char to 20 and went to the next area which seemed to turned me off. Go find this guy and that thing etc. Just seemed boring.
Yea, I've always been wanting to try out Vanguard as well, but until lately I have heard nothing but bad things.
I've always wondered why they haven't put out a trial though, are they running a "Buddy key" program like some other MMO's do? And if yes, could I posibly get a key?
Well, I should probably make this clear: just because there are "negative" or "positive" threads about something doesnt change the thing itself in any way.
Yes, Vanguard has been made more stable and everything. It works nicely now, it is definitely fun, and it is definitely easy accessible, at least in respect to group PvE almost perfectly balanced in its 15 classes - but its still exactly the same kind of game it was in the beginning - a classic, traditional fantasy MMO, with a huge gameworld and complex classes, and very PvE centered.
Serious death penalties makes every close call an adrenaline rush, and every minor achievement a major victory. This alternative rule-set should be in all MMORPGs.
Everything is patched. Started a Necro, level 2, now. Have everything running at Maxed settings and looks great, really great. Just getting used to the combat etc. A special shout out to End Dream for the great help today! Very good man!
I am just coming back... Started playing friday night again after well over a year off.
I also tried AoC and got so bored witht he WoWish quests. The combat is fun but the quests and instances suck.
Population seems low, My Necro is lvl 40, was lvl 38 when I left the first time... I have been in 2 groups, one that last most of the day on Sunday. I am enjoying the game, they fixed it alot since I left. I can't wait to get back in to raiding and someday start crafting.
Vanguard is becoming my second favorite MMO of all time. EQ1 is #1 and will never lost that spot as long as their are no Sandbox skill based games.
I'm watching the magic Patcherdance right now. Looks like I won't get to try it tonight, but after my profound "meh" reaction to World of Warcraft and good word-of-mouth, I'm going to try this game.
Any advice to utter n00bs who don't even have a game manual would be appreciated. Server and starting class/archetype/profession/ne'er-do-well would be a... erm... start.
Vanguard is awesome to play but it would be much better with more peoples. However the current population is very mature and helpful. I started playing a month ago and i'm having lots of fun, currently playing a level 20 cleric.
If I could I would merge Vanguards open world and dungeons with AoC's combat and PvP. Since I played Vanguard and left I am with AoC now but I have a lot of fond memories of Vanguard and I played at launch when it was bugged up. .....mmm.....reminds me of AoC actually lol
its ok lots of people left for age of conan but vangurd ant quiting yet so thats a good thin
thanks. I think I'm going to give this game a try. People are starting to say positive things for a change. I tried AOC, very unhappy with it.
i am almost done upgrading computer so i can play vangurd again good been having video problems so it be fixed soon but vangurd has fixed alot of bugs and still working on it and they plan in release alot of stuff when its all done expasions new dungeons and new stuff.oh age of conan ant nothing that great same as vangurd but with shiney grachics new game engine and building forts pvp system new combat system and such nothing that different
if you play vangurd look me up when i gt back on name is zhoujin :)i should be back bye next month in a couple weeks i need more ram i am gting 4 gigs duel channel soon because i like to mutltitask and play games at once .:) then i need new mother board and video card so i just need those 3 things ^_^
If I could I would merge Vanguards open world and dungeons with AoC's combat and PvP. Since I played Vanguard and left I am with AoC now but I have a lot of fond memories of Vanguard and I played at launch when it was bugged up. .....mmm.....reminds me of AoC actually lol
just give vangurd some time i am sure it start gting better soon i know it will this game is amazing to me i love it alot
i have lvl 19 warrior and i have alot of fun
i like the classes and i like what they did to the blood mages. its a great game it grow in time and the people it has now it be better we just have to wait till they sort out bugs and fixing and such 
Maybe I didn't give AOC enough of a chance. I got one char to 20 and went to the next area which seemed to turned me off. Go find this guy and that thing etc. Just seemed boring.
yeah i know what you mean its like here go find this guy umm i dont know his name but he out there somewere o-0 sometimes i wounder who in charge lol.
Yea, I've always been wanting to try out Vanguard as well, but until lately I have heard nothing but bad things.
I've always wondered why they haven't put out a trial though, are they running a "Buddy key" program like some other MMO's do? And if yes, could I posibly get a key?
if i want to chop arms legs heads off i got ninja gaiden 2 awsome game lol should try it i think you find it fun
yeah vangurd may be having bad time but they working on it
soon it be better and soon they come out with awsome stuff ^_^
Well, I should probably make this clear: just because there are "negative" or "positive" threads about something doesnt change the thing itself in any way.
Yes, Vanguard has been made more stable and everything. It works nicely now, it is definitely fun, and it is definitely easy accessible, at least in respect to group PvE almost perfectly balanced in its 15 classes - but its still exactly the same kind of game it was in the beginning - a classic, traditional fantasy MMO, with a huge gameworld and complex classes, and very PvE centered.
OMG! I'm patching now and it is taking forever.
It's worth it! Vanguard is great.
Serious death penalties makes every close call an adrenaline rush, and every minor achievement a major victory. This alternative rule-set should be in all MMORPGs.
Everything is patched. Started a Necro, level 2, now. Have everything running at Maxed settings and looks great, really great. Just getting used to the combat etc. A special shout out to End Dream for the great help today! Very good man!
Necro should be a great choice for a class, if you know what you're doing.
I am just coming back... Started playing friday night again after well over a year off.
I also tried AoC and got so bored witht he WoWish quests. The combat is fun but the quests and instances suck.
Population seems low, My Necro is lvl 40, was lvl 38 when I left the first time... I have been in 2 groups, one that last most of the day on Sunday. I am enjoying the game, they fixed it alot since I left. I can't wait to get back in to raiding and someday start crafting.
Vanguard is becoming my second favorite MMO of all time. EQ1 is #1 and will never lost that spot as long as their are no Sandbox skill based games.
Sooner or Later
Learning. I'm playing ( I forget, but I look like a dog). Level 4, got my first pet and having a blast, really!!! I just hope no one pets me.
I'm watching the magic Patcherdance right now. Looks like I won't get to try it tonight, but after my profound "meh" reaction to World of Warcraft and good word-of-mouth, I'm going to try this game.
Any advice to utter n00bs who don't even have a game manual would be appreciated. Server and starting class/archetype/profession/ne'er-do-well would be a... erm... start.
How does one look at his journal? I cannot find a journal
Vanguard is awesome to play but it would be much better with more peoples. However the current population is very mature and helpful. I started playing a month ago and i'm having lots of fun, currently playing a level 20 cleric.
AOC (combo system) + VG (large world) + DAOC (rvr) = perfect game IMO