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I bought the game and was planning on trying it out with my hubby, him using the buddy key and me using the regular registration key. Well, now that I have created a new account .. I find that Buddy Keys aren't even available yet!
What the heck? Every game I've played, just had the Buddy Keys in the box.. but not this one.
You are supposed to get them off the web page after you register your account.. but no. They say these are on hold until all the new "paying" customers are settled. I could not find any information that stated how long we must wait or when these might become available. To say that I am a bit miffed... is putting it lightly. *sighs*
A Voice From Within
I'm confused as well because I paid for 30 days and still no buddy key option for me when i go to account stuff.
I think they using the people who payed to finish testing the game to make it more playable that way people who try the game will have a better chance at liking and buying it. Cause using the giving the people who already payed time to settle in excuse makes no sense considering they added 9 more servers since launch. The players who play the game now are already spread out level wise.
not until they start rolling out the chargable months
People who have to create conspiracy and hate threads to further a cause lacks in intellectual comprehension of diversity.
Because they want a chance to fix their game before the people on the fence get a chance to try it.
In all seriousness I'm fucking pissed about this because my order was fucked to hell and back. On the bright side, if my first shipment decides to get unlost I'll have a free copy of AoC.