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Am I supposed to be hearing NPC voice overs? I hear music and read what they say but no voices. Any help?


  • SiyahSiyah Member Posts: 131

    Thee are voice overs for the starter town of Tortage. Once you pass lvl 20 and go to your home land the voice overs are no more, except for a couple of important quests.



  • impulsebooksimpulsebooks Member Posts: 561

    Yes, I thought the voice actingwas particularly good for the destiny quest chain (night in Tortage). Its a shame the devs couldn't have made all quest giver npcs have voice overs, but I suspect they felt that after lvl20 most of us speed click through the responces... I know I do now.


    Mark E. Cooper
    AKA Tohrment
    Proud member of Damned Souls since 2007.

  • HappyFunBallHappyFunBall Member UncommonPosts: 221

    Originally posted by Zsavooz

    Am I supposed to be hearing NPC voice overs? I hear music and read what they say but no voices. Any help?

    During the closed beta, in Tortage (starter city), I would sometimes not hear voiceovers.  The bug was fixed, then broken again, then fixed, etc. at least on my system.  I guess the bug still exists if it's happening to you.


  • ZsavoozZsavooz Member Posts: 532

    Still getting nothing , everything maxed out. Bah!

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