Thee are voice overs for the starter town of Tortage. Once you pass lvl 20 and go to your home land the voice overs are no more, except for a couple of important quests.
Yes, I thought the voice actingwas particularly good for the destiny quest chain (night in Tortage). Its a shame the devs couldn't have made all quest giver npcs have voice overs, but I suspect they felt that after lvl20 most of us speed click through the responces... I know I do now.
Am I supposed to be hearing NPC voice overs? I hear music and read what they say but no voices. Any help?
During the closed beta, in Tortage (starter city), I would sometimes not hear voiceovers. The bug was fixed, then broken again, then fixed, etc. at least on my system. I guess the bug still exists if it's happening to you.
Thee are voice overs for the starter town of Tortage. Once you pass lvl 20 and go to your home land the voice overs are no more, except for a couple of important quests.
Yes, I thought the voice actingwas particularly good for the destiny quest chain (night in Tortage). Its a shame the devs couldn't have made all quest giver npcs have voice overs, but I suspect they felt that after lvl20 most of us speed click through the responces... I know I do now.
Mark E. Cooper
AKA Tohrment
Proud member of Damned Souls since 2007.
During the closed beta, in Tortage (starter city), I would sometimes not hear voiceovers. The bug was fixed, then broken again, then fixed, etc. at least on my system. I guess the bug still exists if it's happening to you.
Still getting nothing , everything maxed out. Bah!