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Tonight is a major milestone for me friends this is my first Tech II ship. I already purchased the Stealth Bomber and Improved Cloak II device for it
I cant wait to take it out for a spin. My first Tech II PVP ship.
My question-
Train Bomber Launchers first?
Or Train Cruise missile launcher first?
My corpmate did advise Cruise Missiles first. Well guess I should at least train Cruise missiles to L4 then get on Bomb Launcers
edit- BTw I cant get into my SB until Electronic Upgrades V finishes tonight. So that is why I cant undock in it yet. Cant even look at it in my hanger yet either til this skill completes...
Congrats on your first T2 ship, mine was a Zealot....and then I learned HAC's were an expensive habit >.> Unless your a 0.0 pvper bomb launchers are useless because they can only be used in 0.0 space. SO unless likewise just focus on cruise missile skills.
Ahh, welcome to T2.
Stealth Bomber was my first T2 as well.
Cruise Missiles are definately the way to go, as mentioned, bombs are 0.0 only, so if you plan on using the ship in lowsec, then you'll be better doing something that can be used in both situations.
Also, make sure you pick up the other non-specific missile skills as well to make you more effective, most of them are rank 1 or 2 and can be up to Level 4 fairly quickly.
Ah I see good advice thanks alot
One thing didnt realize insurance really sucks on Tech II ships I better make sure I know what I'm doing in this thing before I get engaged in pvp
Yeah, T2 insurance is designed around a different market than T1.
T1 is designed so that new players are able to compete without losing everything in one fateful moment.
T2 is designed so that older players can use the best of the best. T2 is also the way that money is extracted out of the market. If insurance was too high, then ISK would accumulate way too quickly for older players.
Insurance is actually something that is hotly debated on the EVE Online forums, so be warned.
Note: Anyone "else" reading this, don't start an insurance debate, there are other posts for that.
Thank you Snookie I agree with your post about how it is beneficial. I will be careful not to bring up insurance.
Gratz on your Stealth Bomber, hope you have taken it out for a spin to see how it performs. I have so far only trained for tech II Covert ops frigate the Helios with cloaking device and it is fun to use and can be very helpful to lock down a thief in high sec while your corpmates warp over to you in heave dps ship to blast him away.
I'm looking at the Deimos HAC (Heavy assault cruiser) but that will take me 72 days to train for before I can fly it but I got most of the relevant gunnery skills already as I'm Battleship pilot so that helps.
Again, gratz on your fine SB ship and I hope you keep it for a long time
Congrats on your first T2 ship. SB's were my first ship and training up Cruise launchers and other relevant missile skills is definitely what you want to focus on first, even if you are in 0.0.
If you check around there are several corporations that specialize in SB warfare (Dirt Nap Squad being one) and it can be great fun flying in a gang of SB's, popping up here and there to cause general disruption to shipping and supply lines of your enemies.
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Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm
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Yeah, welcometo the T2club... My first was a Vengeance... Just gotten both a Zealot and a Heretic and flying down to pick up my Damnation this saturday actually...
I actually boughtmy Damnation 13months ago and its been waitingfor me ever since, as a carrot to make me stay true to my skill plans, but damn it, I kept getting side tracked and doing other things...
I will geta Paladin for flett lvl 4's andlow secratting, but I'll keep using my Abbadon for my solo Lvl 4's as it has the better resists and i love it more than the Apocalypse hull...
Huh? The only isk sink are the pos that are required to get the moonminerals for production and copyslots/invention.
T2 just doesn't spawn money out of nowhere because the insurance is so low, in contrast to t1.
Oh man seems like forever since I made this thread. I was so excited when I could fly SB I ran out and purchased one. but then my corpmate told me to train for Helios (my main is gallente). I ended up falling in love
But alas (warning, whine coming)- CCP changed my beautiful Helios hull from the sleek Malvalas shape into Imicus. I know why they did it but at sametime I still don't understand! Oh well like they say I should be cloaked anyway
So I ended up training for interceptor after the hull change. Unforunately that story too ends in tragedy I got my 1st taranis blown up when I tried to aggress a pirate in front of gate guns in lowsec. Not a smart move.
luckily I did have wisdom to buy in bulk so I got another Taranis. nice cheap little tech II ships. Still trying to maxout my skillz for it
Yeah it would be hella long train for me too. I too would like a Deimos but I need to get my economy going so I can afford to lose it. most notably, I would need medium turrets V, hull upgrades V even after I could sit in the cockpit. Soon I will start training for the Tech II frigate version. Then gradually work my way up to Deimos
By then I should be a better pvp pilot. Right now, like you explained, I mostly focused on Helios for the recon.
I debate between force recon arazu and Deimos/Ishtar. I know people say Arazu is weak but I like being stealthed.
so many possibilities. For now I will keep maxing out my interceptor abilities then gradually maxout the Tech 2 skills for Thorax (hull V and med turrets V). Thorax is beautiful ship
The Ishtar is generally a more flexible ship than the Deimos, The Deimos is mainly just a beefed up Thorax and is a glass cannon and you charge in and shoot and either die or win and it its easy prey for nano gangs nor does it tank well so its not so great going to toe to toe with heavier ships. The Deimos is a powerful ship and does a lot of damage but its very limited in the roles it can fulfill.
The Ishtar is more skill intensive as T2 heavy and sentry drones are essential but the Ishtar is a brilliant ship, same drone damage output as a Dominix and it can either sport a modest EHP buffer or a fairly good nano fit and a nano Ishtar is great in gangs and makes a good solo boat to.
Currently playing:
EVE online (Ruining low sec one hotdrop at a time)
Gravity Rush,
Dishonoured: The Knife of Dunwall.
(Waiting for) Metro: Last Light,
Company of Heroes II.
That's why i changed to buzzard.
I have yet to get into T2. Even when I started EVE back in 03 I decided I'd never get into a BS because I didn't want to deal with losing one. I love fast blaster frigs, and cruisers can handle most other things I need. In fact I left astrology 5 training when I quit, so I can use a top tier mining barge now... if I can afford it. and I got a destroyer before I quit, and that was a bit of fun.
The question is, should I get into T2 at all? is a hulk that much better than a barge? is a T2 frig that much better than my rifter? or is it just too expensive to be worth anything.
Everything creates huge amounts of negativity on the internet, that's what the internet is for: Negativity, porn and lolcats.
when is the last time you played? they keep hinting at T3 lately.
yes, they are better, and if it's been a while since you've played, there have been many new ships added. plus hulks go for only 100m (or less) nowadays, not half a billion or so, like they used to. and the rifter... stealth bomber (frig) can shoot out cruise missiles and bombs AND be all sneaky. so, that's a nice improvement, if you go for that sort of thing.
could we please get correspondent writers and moderators, on the eve forum at, who are well-versed on eve-online and aren't just passersby pushing buttons? pretty please?
Congrats on getting Stealth bombers. They can be hellishly fun. I didn't catch which race you fly but all of them it's best to train cruise launchers first, then worry about bombs later. It's also highly beneficial to train covops to 5, for several reasons:
1) More damage on your missiles
2) faster speed while cloaked
Bomb bonuses are just gravy... the first two should be enough to convince you that the palsy 15 days to train covops to 5 is worth it.
Personally I don't use T2 cruise on my bombers even though I could. I fit Malkuth launchers and with the saved pg & cpu I fit BCU's in the lows. 1 BCU more than makes up the difference in damage output from dropping from T2. And I use 2 of them
With T2 launchers, depending what else you fit, you may have a hard time getting BCU's into the lows.
Oh and another tip: Never stay uncloaked long in a bomber. Learn how to PAD (Pop & Drop) with your cloak so that you can time your missiles to hit while you're uncloaked and you'll survive a lot longer. Also: Never decloak unless you are aligned to something. It'll save your life... trust me.
"A ship-of-war is the best ambassador." - Oliver Cromwell
Considering that you often only need your alpha, and not high dps, dishing out money and crippling your fitting abilities with t2 launchers isn't very productive.
Oh btw. in case it wasn't mentioned. With the slow firing rate and only three launchers, faction ammo is absolutely a must. Dirt cheap good bang for the buck, you don't need many missiles anyways.
yeah I've heard that too but I still want a Deimos but I suppose my vainty would have to step to the side for efficiency. I guess the vexor hull looks decent