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Thinking about rejoining since I loved it back in the pre-ToA days (My first MMO!). But, how many are still playing on the EU servers?
Edit: Oh and by the way. Wtf is it with the website? Where is the map where I can see captured territories on every server and the guild rankings?
I went to the Camelot Herald to look at the current players and noticed that the EU servers were at around 1700 while the North American servers hovered just shy of 3000. I've heard that the EU servers were generally considered dead and while I played DAoC about 1 year back I found tons of European players on the North American servers.
No required quests! And if I decide I want to be an assassin-cartographer-dancer-pastry chef who lives only to stalk and kill interior decorators, then that's who I want to be, even if it takes me four years to max all the skills and everyone else thinks I'm freaking nuts. -Madimorga-
That's pretty damn sad if you ask me. North American server = More latency.
SO about how much people is there still playing this game Prime time on UK servers ?
well last time i played daoc a few months ago there was 7000 people is the NA servers on the uk prime time...just play in the NA servers
Well, i just whent back to DAOC after like a year or so. Thou im on the us- severs, i used to play euro. But i can tell u that if you whant to play on classic, or anyway wanner have atless some one to play whit, play on the us -severs. Plus the classic severs on the Euro are a joke, its in franch or some other

But when that is sayd you allso need to know that daoc are almost, a pve game now. What i meen by that is that the ones out there are more or less eqp, up to 15 lvls abow there lvl. So all u need to do this days to get around in bg, and in main rvr are : Get the best crafted armor there is. Ohh forgot that cost mony, and a crafter that wants to help you, by taken the time.
Beside that:
BD are more or less tha most powerfull class there is in both close and range combat.
Vamps are still more or less the onle class, that can take out any other melee class, and some casters.
Arzhers, yea what are bout them, Well ... just renember to DUCK, they allmost one shot anyone this days.
- And pets walk though doors now, think about it a bd pet in your ass
- Hits like a Armsman, and teamd up whit 3 clerics.
- And beside this the game is more or less a range game now.
But beside that the game are still the best there is - end of story.
hmmmm..... funny right 
Ohh forgot, try to see this for you:
A paladin that solo at allmost any lvl, up to 3 red at ones. ( Damn good pve class right
But can not take out a hunter in melee at same lvl
Well good luck and wellcome back to DAOC.
Ohh and please take your S... together in WH Mr. M
GW necro msx, WOW never maxd, DAOC reaver-paladin-cabalist-vamp max, L2 never maxd, VG never maxd.
Daoc - Paladin. Classic.
Plenty of europeans on the US servers and the ex-euros I spoke to left the EU server caus pop got too low
Eu classic servers have like 100 people on at EU peak lol.
Note: PlayNC will refuse to allow you access to your account if you forget your password and can't provide a scanned image of the product key for the first product you purchased..... LOL