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pvp concerns...

GrisuGrisu Member UncommonPosts: 227

if u have the right to attack anyone anywhere anytime then isnt the game going to become just a giantic war everywere? do u think u will have the ability to do for example /pvp to toggle pvp on off? if not then the game is gonna be terrible...



  • crmznoutlw16crmznoutlw16 Member Posts: 142
    Originally posted by Grisu

    if u have the right to attack anyone anywhere anytime then isnt the game going to become just a giantic war everywere? do u think u will have the ability to do for example /pvp to toggle pvp on off? if not then the game is gonna be terrible...

    Don't play on the FFA servers if you don't want to get ganked.

  • GrisuGrisu Member UncommonPosts: 227

    so theres gonna  be FFA servers? and if not how will a normal pvp server work?

  • TibbzTibbz Member UncommonPosts: 613

    not too sound like a butt but go read the main site, they have a good amount of info about it... and /search never hurts either.

  • crmznoutlw16crmznoutlw16 Member Posts: 142
    Originally posted by Grisu

    so theres gonna  be FFA servers? and if not how will a normal pvp server work?

    There will be PvP servers (FFA), RP PvP servers (self explanatory), and regular servers which only allow player vs player in the Border Kingdoms or mini games.

  • JadarJadar Member Posts: 300

    When did all this happen? Last I heard the pvp rule set was still being worked on.


  • AmazingAveryAmazingAvery Age of Conan AdvocateMember UncommonPosts: 7,188


    Originally posted by Jadar

    When did all this happen? Last I heard the pvp rule set was still being worked on.

    It is. The PvP server was designed to be FFA anywhere apart from Cities /Hubs only. Exactly the same for RP-PvP servers. The devs have always maintained  that the PvP servers will be FFA apart from safe places, the game was essentially designed like this from scratch - all they are asking for now are do you want safe places or not on these servers.  This is Hyboria :)


    What is, at question now is:

    A.) Would you prefer the only safe places are town/cities/hubs for RP-PvP or PvP servers, or NO safe places at all.

    B.) Looting system. To be decided later.

    The regular servers are just like crmznoutlw16  says.


    I posted an offical survey still on first page here earlier.


  • GrisuGrisu Member UncommonPosts: 227

    do u not see my concerns? theres going to be so many higher lvls ganking AND corpse camping lower lvls for there drops if they add in a pvp looting system. its gonna be mass chaos

  • Hoobley_deletedHoobley_deleted Member Posts: 677

    Originally posted by Grisu

    do u not see my concerns? theres going to be so many higher lvls ganking AND corpse camping lower lvls for there drops if they add in a pvp looting system. its gonna be mass chaos
    Some people like that.


    If it's not for you, play on a PvE server where you'll have access to PvP in the Border Kingdoms and mini games.


    No idea if there is a /pvp toggle, but if it is implemented it would be on a PvE server and it sounds like this is what you're looking for.

  • Xris375Xris375 Member Posts: 1,005

    Originally posted by Grisu

    do u not see my concerns? theres going to be so many higher lvls ganking AND corpse camping lower lvls for there drops if they add in a pvp looting system. its gonna be mass chaos
    As for PvP, you will probably not get any more nor less ganging than the average PvP WoW server. The looting system as I understand it, is still under development. I cannot imagine that the devs want to encourage griefing, so I'm pretty sure there will be some kind of level difference cap. That said, for some easy kills are motiavtion enough. Probably because they were ganked themselves plenty of times themselves in the past.

    If you have a problem with this, I suggest rolling on a PvE server or go some sort of stealth class.

    And when we got more women on the team, it was like ‘No, no, no. We need puppies and horses in there.’ ”
    John Smedley, SOE

  • BigdavoBigdavo Member UncommonPosts: 1,863

    Depends who's doing the ganking

    O_o o_O

  • TordakTordak Member Posts: 285

     They're still working out the different servers rulesets, but RP-PvP is FFA-PvP(if there's full loot it's likely to happen here).

     The standard PvP will work differently than the RP-PvP's and then the normal PvE servers are 'safe' outside the pvp areas(don't expect full loot ability here).  That's how I see them setting things up, anyhow. ../shrug

    * Life is not black or white, it's shades of grey. But, at it's best/worst, it hints at 32bit color. -Me (a.k.a. RuthlessTimes)

    * I do not need to know how to make a better game than you. I just need to know how to cancel my subscription. -Antarious(a slight misquote but the sentiment remains)

  • talismen351talismen351 Member Posts: 1,124
    Originally posted by Grisu

    if u have the right to attack anyone anywhere anytime then isnt the game going to become just a giantic war everywere? do u think u will have the ability to do for example /pvp to toggle pvp on off? if not then the game is gonna be terrible...

    Just don't play on the FFA PvP servers....problem solved...the FFA PvP servers not your concern then.


  • TraviztyTravizty Member Posts: 114


    Originally posted by Grisu

    if u have the right to attack anyone anywhere anytime then isnt the game going to become just a giantic war everywere? do u think u will have the ability to do for example /pvp to toggle pvp on off? if not then the game is gonna be terrible...


    If this is seriously what you think, than this is not the game for you.

    Personly I hope it is an all out war, that is what I am expecting and why I am playing this game. Brutal, no rules all out war, looting, pilaging and drinking your enemies blood from they're skulls!

    Don't confuse a players ability, with a class being Over Powered.


  • dmathewsfldmathewsfl Member Posts: 79
    Originally posted by Travizty

    Originally posted by Grisu

    if u have the right to attack anyone anywhere anytime then isnt the game going to become just a giantic war everywere? do u think u will have the ability to do for example /pvp to toggle pvp on off? if not then the game is gonna be terrible...


    If this is seriously what you think, than this is not the game for you.

    Personly I hope it is an all out war, that is what I am expecting and why I am playing this game. Brutal, no rules all out war, looting, pilaging and drinking your enemies blood from they're skulls!


  • DAS1337DAS1337 Member UncommonPosts: 2,610

    Hey guys, back in the middle ages... was there such a thing as ganking?


    A war general on the battlefield against a lowly infantry unit, who wins?  Is it ganking?  No, it's one man brutally ravaging another man who isn't skilled in combat.  That's what it will be in AoC.  If there is a loot system, let players con grey 8 levels or lower and turn off the loot system for them.  You should only receive loot from players within your level range and guild/pvp rank should also determine what can drop as well.  This will remove any possible loot farmers, how can you loot something if there is nothing there to loot?


    You'll get just as much 'ganking' in AoC than you will in WoW.  Plus, no one is going to be anywhere near max level for the first 3-4 weeks at least.  People are going to be too interested in leveling up in order to gank you easlier later.


    Ultimately, if you don't like PvP, why are you playing a PvP game?  If you don't like FFA, go play on a non-PvP server.  Simple as that.

  • jiveturkey12jiveturkey12 Member CommonPosts: 1,262

    Originally posted by DAS1337

    Hey guys, back in the middle ages... was there such a thing as ganking?
    A war general on the battlefield against a lowly infantry unit, who wins?  Is it ganking?  No, it's one man brutally ravaging another man who isn't skilled in combat.  That's what it will be in AoC.  If there is a loot system, let players con grey 8 levels or lower and turn off the loot system for them.  You should only receive loot from players within your level range and guild/pvp rank should also determine what can drop as well.  This will remove any possible loot farmers, how can you loot something if there is nothing there to loot?
    You'll get just as much 'ganking' in AoC than you will in WoW.  Plus, no one is going to be anywhere near max level for the first 3-4 weeks at least.  People are going to be too interested in leveling up in order to gank you easlier later.
    Ultimately, if you don't like PvP, why are you playing a PvP game?  If you don't like FFA, go play on a non-PvP server.  Simple as that.

    Case Closed right here guys, its as simple as he said dont like pvp then dont play it.


    Its like the people that whine there is breasts or profanitity on tv. Guess what if you dont like breasts and cursing, then dont watch those channels!


    "O but my kid was channel surfing and accidently heard a bad word!"

    There is no excuse for that either anymore , we have systems to prevent it.


    o sorry, age of conan....yea anywys FFA FOR THE WIN!



  • SonofSethSonofSeth Member UncommonPosts: 1,884

    My only concern is if comabat is gona be fun enough to actualy bother with griefing.


  • GrisuGrisu Member UncommonPosts: 227
    Originally posted by Travizty

    Originally posted by Grisu

    if u have the right to attack anyone anywhere anytime then isnt the game going to become just a giantic war everywere? do u think u will have the ability to do for example /pvp to toggle pvp on off? if not then the game is gonna be terrible...


    If this is seriously what you think, than this is not the game for you.

    Personly I hope it is an all out war, that is what I am expecting and why I am playing this game. Brutal, no rules all out war, looting, pilaging and drinking your enemies blood from they're skulls!

    ur missing the point, the game becomes un playable this way. u wont be able to lvl cuz there will be ppl ganking the shit out of u 24/7

  • waverat81waverat81 Member Posts: 287
    Originally posted by Grisu

    Originally posted by Travizty

    Originally posted by Grisu

    if u have the right to attack anyone anywhere anytime then isnt the game going to become just a giantic war everywere? do u think u will have the ability to do for example /pvp to toggle pvp on off? if not then the game is gonna be terrible...


    If this is seriously what you think, than this is not the game for you.

    Personly I hope it is an all out war, that is what I am expecting and why I am playing this game. Brutal, no rules all out war, looting, pilaging and drinking your enemies blood from they're skulls!

    ur missing the point, the game becomes un playable this way. u wont be able to lvl cuz there will be ppl ganking the shit out of u 24/7

    I think you're kind of missing the point.  If you don't like that type of pvp than play on one of the pve servers.  That way you have the ability to pvp only when you want by going into the mini games or the border kingdoms. 

  • LaserwolfLaserwolf Member Posts: 2,383

    One day gamers will learn that Open-PvP doesn't mean "Gank Fest". On that day, MMORPGs will start getting good.(Pre-Trammel UO Good).

    UO was open PvP outside of cities and there were very few areas I didn't feel safe. If someone stepped out of line, usually a kiddy, we would strike him down as a group. Even Player Killers who were attackable without penalty could feel safe in areas where non-Player Killers gathered a lot of the time. One spot was a dungeon room where a group of players could stuff themselves together and block a doorway leading to an infinite spawn. As long as everyone played fair, we all won. The moment an asshole stepped out of line and started screwing up the spawn we would all put a stop to him PK or not. If someone tried to attack someone else who was just trying to raise some skill, we would all take him out PK or not. The moment the game was split into Felucia and Trammel everyone moved to the safe Trammel.

    It wasn't so much an indication everyone wanted limited pvp, but rather a necessary move. With a choice between mining or gathering resources in an area where you can be killed or looted, and an area you were absolutely safe, you would be an idiot to not choose the latter. The new Housing Spots drew the rest of the population. Now you could either play in Felucia where you could still deal your own justice but had nobody else to back you, or you could play in Trammel where idiots could screw up spawns or lead monsters to you without any fear of retribution.

    I use to attend guild plays and other ceremonies at player towns and unique spots. All were welcome unless they started causing trouble. If they caused trouble, they were dealt with quickly. Once we lost the ability to police ourselves these same idiots could lead monsters into the ceremonies and nothing could be done. I even remember many player towns where you were completely vulnerable, but the guild behind them would keep 1 or 2 high-end players there to keep an eye on things and run out any trouble-makers.

    I didn't even know what a "Griefer" was until PvP was limited. Before that, we just stopped them before they could cause any "Grief"

    Also, what makes for a better Good vs Evil system than Open PvP? Sure AoC will be missing the critical Non-Combat Player to make this a true Good vs Evil system, but having a choice between killing someone whose death would benefit you despite them not having provoked you in any way, or letting them go does a much better job of shaping your character than whether or not you are white with blue eyes or blue with red eyes.


  • KyleranKyleran Member LegendaryPosts: 44,251


    The moment the game was split into Felucia and Trammel everyone moved to the safe Trammel.
    It wasn't so much an indication everyone wanted limited pvp, but rather a necessary move. With a choice between mining or gathering resources in an area where you can be killed or looted, and an area you were absolutely safe, you would be an idiot to not choose the latter.


    Actually, the way I see it, everyone moved to safe Trammel because they hated the PVP prior to that.  I think your fond memories of the way things were are not shared by a large percentage of the former players.

    You are basically saying they all should have been forced to stay together.  Not realistic, and of course the first time players got a chance to get away from it they took it.

    Even games with decent pvp like EVE have to accomodate those who do not want to be ganked, and I think they do a great job while keeping us in the same universe.

    Oh yeah, and FFA PVP does mean gankfest, I love playing on servers like DAOC's Mordred server, and I expect it to be that way.  And I don't even like fighting folks, it just more of a challenge to complete the PVE game with some extra obstacles in the way.

    "True friends stab you in the front." | Oscar Wilde 

    "I need to finish" - Christian Wolff: The Accountant

    Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm

    Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Pvbs 18:2, NIV

    Don't just play games, inhabit virtual worlds™

    "This is the most intelligent, well qualified and articulate response to a post I have ever seen on these forums. It's a shame most people here won't have the attention span to read past the second line." - Anon

  • LaserwolfLaserwolf Member Posts: 2,383

    I permanently switched to Trammel and hated it. Everyone I played with hated it, but had to switch.

    Within a week every mountainside was covered by players on auto-macros for hours while they went to work or school. Before Trammel they would have been quickly killed by PKs. This caused Ingots to flood the markets. GM Smiths popped up everywhere because of this. The value of having a GM Smith went down. Selling High Quality GM Weapons and Armor was no longer enough to have a profitable character.

    This was repeated with every skill/profession from Carpentry, to Fishing, to Mage. 

    After many years of watching MMORPGs come and go, I have realized that players don't know what they want. No one seems to want Open PvP, Looting, and strict Death penalities... but then they stop playing the game when they are able to level up without any real difficulty and find no end game.


    In other words, I do think a lot of people wanted Trammel to get away from Open PvP, however I also believe this ruined the game for a lot of them. I also know that those who screwed themselves never figured out it was because of Trammel, and continued demanding this in every future MMORPG.


  • HengistHengist Member RarePosts: 1,317

    Originally posted by Kyleran
    Actually, the way I see it, everyone moved to safe Trammel because they hated the PVP prior to that.  I think your fond memories of the way things were are not shared by a large percentage of the former players.
    You are basically saying they all should have been forced to stay together.  Not realistic, and of course the first time players got a chance to get away from it they took it.

    It is interesting, because UO had it's highest Subscription numbers after the split of Felucca and Trammel.

  • LaserwolfLaserwolf Member Posts: 2,383

    Prior to Trammel the game was word-to-mouth. During and after Trammel MMORPGs became more well known. Also, a lot of those are probably EQ players. There was always a back and forth, but Trammel probably appealed to the play-style they were more familar with in EQ.


  • HengistHengist Member RarePosts: 1,317

    Originally posted by Laserwolf
    Prior to Trammel the game was word-to-mouth. During and after Trammel MMORPGs became more well known. Also, a lot of those are probably EQ players. There was always a back and forth, but Trammel probably appealed to the play-style they were more familar with in EQ.

    I.E. -The game was more appealing to a broader range of people. Exactly. People talked just as much before Trammel, but the appeal of that drew more people in. I'm not so sure that too many of them were EQ players, because in general, the EQ Population did not shrink at the time, it experienced some modest growth before it truly bloomed.

    Personally, I prefered it pre-Trammel, and I've never found a PvP system that incorporated all the good things that I felt UO had to offer. Although most games have seemed to embrace level based system instead of skill based. In any case, nothing is going to appeal to everyone. What some like, others wont...

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