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Returning to Vanguard!

TarbloodTarblood Member UncommonPosts: 98

Hello! I am Tarblood of Hathor Zhi! (Good memories... :] ) I am looking to return to Vanguard: SoH. I just have a few questions:

A. Is there still an F.F.A. PvP Server?

B. Is it worth starting a new character there?

C. -Are- there any good roleplaying guilds looking to recruit an easy-going, very talkative person?



  • demented669demented669 Member Posts: 402

    A: yes

    B: don't know it is FFA after you hit lvl 7 so...

    C: no info on any guild sorry

  • FischerBlackFischerBlack Member Posts: 573

    The ffa PVP server is Sartok - still alive and kicking.

    I play on Seradon myself, and there are plenty of little whippersnappers running around after the free play session over the summer and I would imagine it is the same on Sartok so I would say yeh, sure, there should be plenty of company for a new toon.

    Don't really know about the RP community on Sartok myself, but there is a neat LF guild interface panel that has gone in that allows you to search guilds that are open to applications. You can filter for RP, casual, raiding etc and get a list of recruiting officers.


  • TarbloodTarblood Member UncommonPosts: 98

    Yeah, that last question I meant for any server. I have/had a level 29 Cleric on Tharridon (I think was the name?) the original FFA server. Would he be on Sartok?


  • Cway214Cway214 Member UncommonPosts: 92
    Originally posted by Tarblood

    Yeah, that last question I meant for any server. I have/had a level 29 Cleric on Tharridon (I think was the name?) the original FFA server. Would he be on Sartok?

    Yes all the pvp servers got merged in to Sartok, so your cleric should be on there.

  • TarbloodTarblood Member UncommonPosts: 98

    Happy this makes me :) Thanks for the information.


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