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Just reactivated my account and had a few UI questions. Is there anyway to move some of the items on my screen? I have a locked quest indicator on my right which I cannot move, it is locked. Also, when I ride my horse, is there anyway to move the dismount bar under me? It is truly annoying to look at.
Or try alt then / or
It's somethign like that.
Godfred's Tomb Trailer:
Original Skyrim:
Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through.
thanks. Do I have to download Book 12 manually? The updater won't do it? So confused.
Press and hold the Ctrl key and then press the key. That will bring up a screen showing all the "hooks" for every on-screen UI component. Just drag them around to where you like. Hit Ctrl + again to turn it off. It's fairly simple once you get the hang of it.
Not sure on that one. The book 12 update is available as a "pre-patch" so perhaps that would "kick-start" your updater. If that doesn't work then you might be looking at a reinstall... perhaps you could post over in the tech section of the official forums and see if anyone there has an idea.
thanks for that. I did manually download Book 12. Is there anyway to verfiy that I have it? Also, I noticed all my gear has little locks on them, what's that about? things have changed since shortly after Beta.
The little locks on your gear have been locked by you at some time so you would not sell them to the vendor by accident.
In your UI options, or when at a vendor you can hide them from showing up when a vendor window is open.
I'm hearing very little music in game. I hear all the sounds and when instruments are played, but littl eif any music.
The game is full of music, everywhere. They have just recently added new background music for many areas (I recognised Lone Lands and North Downs new musics, and they are very much welcome (as we spend a LOT of time there
Denial makes one look a lot dumber than he/she actually is.
Still no music. I hear every other sound, however. All levels are up etc. Is there an option to install music on install?
I suggest asking around on the official techsupport boards. I really have no clue, sorry
Denial makes one look a lot dumber than he/she actually is.
you won't believe this. My speaker cable was in the wrong port of my sound card all this time. I never noticed it before because I could play every game fine, listen to MP3's without problem. Issue solved. thanks for trying to help
At least, you can enjoy the fab music that LOTRO has all around
Denial makes one look a lot dumber than he/she actually is.