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Newbie looking for some Assistance

iMMORPGiMMORPG Member Posts: 54

Hey, I just bought FFXI for my 360 and am installing/DLing stuff atm, and was wondering if anyone had a good populated server and anyone wanted to level a alt with me? Please reply, Thanks :)

Played: WoW, EVE, EQ, DDO, LoTRO, RoM, FFXI, Guild Wars, WAR, RuneScape, 2029 Online.
Currently Playing: RoM.
Waiting for: A Hardcore MMO =/


  • oskironmaideoskironmaide Member Posts: 336

    All servers are the same i believe, not sure what server is the most populated since SE doesnt give any data, and im sure if you ask in a forum everyone will say their server is the best. so just pick a random one, or just go to Pandemonium thats mine and it is a good one.

    If you watch The Karate Kid backwards it's about this karate champ that just kinda slowly becomes a pussy and ends up moving back to Jersey

  • timeholdertimeholder Member Posts: 11

    From experience, Fenrir server has a lot of asshole, and over opinionated people, If  were you go with Asura, alot of helpful people on there.

  • zubov56zubov56 Member Posts: 2

    I'd like to start playing also and would like to team up with some new players?Interested in teaming up?

    maybe we could find some steady players to team together?

  • VelgarVelgar Member Posts: 39

    I just started playing on Odin and the population seems alright. I also tried Asura and 2 min after logging in someone gave me cookies... so maybe people really are nicer there! =P

  • ixoyeixoye Member Posts: 2

    Well, I've been playing ffxi for around 3 years+ and all servers seem to be about the same. I'm on hades server and my avatar name is the same as my account name.

  • ParkCarsHereParkCarsHere Member Posts: 666

    I'm a returning player (got to level 34/17 WHM/BRD when the game was released) and just started playing a couple days ago on Pandemonium, based off of a recommendation by someone on this forum. So far, by doing some /sea all 4-8 and so on I've seen about 50-70 people in that low level range, so I'm thinking grouping should be pretty easy, not to mention that a lot of those didn't have sub jobs so they are probably new players as well.

    Anyways, any server is probably good, I can only speak for Pandemonium. I have a level 6 WHM on there right now, so if you decide to play on that server, send a tell to Xyphon and say you're from I'd love to get some grouping buddies!

    Good luck on whatever server you choose :).

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