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Hey, I just bought FFXI for my 360 and am installing/DLing stuff atm, and was wondering if anyone had a good populated server and anyone wanted to level a alt with me? Please reply, Thanks
Played: WoW, EVE, EQ, DDO, LoTRO, RoM, FFXI, Guild Wars, WAR, RuneScape, 2029 Online.
Currently Playing: RoM.
Waiting for: A Hardcore MMO =/
All servers are the same i believe, not sure what server is the most populated since SE doesnt give any data, and im sure if you ask in a forum everyone will say their server is the best. so just pick a random one, or just go to Pandemonium thats mine and it is a good one.
If you watch The Karate Kid backwards it's about this karate champ that just kinda slowly becomes a pussy and ends up moving back to Jersey

From experience, Fenrir server has a lot of asshole, and over opinionated people, If were you go with Asura, alot of helpful people on there.
I'd like to start playing also and would like to team up with some new players?Interested in teaming up?
maybe we could find some steady players to team together?
I just started playing on Odin and the population seems alright. I also tried Asura and 2 min after logging in someone gave me cookies... so maybe people really are nicer there! =P
Well, I've been playing ffxi for around 3 years+ and all servers seem to be about the same. I'm on hades server and my avatar name is the same as my account name.
I'm a returning player (got to level 34/17 WHM/BRD when the game was released) and just started playing a couple days ago on Pandemonium, based off of a recommendation by someone on this forum. So far, by doing some /sea all 4-8 and so on I've seen about 50-70 people in that low level range, so I'm thinking grouping should be pretty easy, not to mention that a lot of those didn't have sub jobs so they are probably new players as well.
Anyways, any server is probably good, I can only speak for Pandemonium. I have a level 6 WHM on there right now, so if you decide to play on that server, send a tell to Xyphon and say you're from I'd love to get some grouping buddies!
Good luck on whatever server you choose