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Thinking about playing SQO? Read here.

l0rdb0shl0rdb0sh Member Posts: 20

I've been noticing a lot of the new people from my fleet come from this site, so I just felt I should post a few basic helpful facts to anyone who is going to try the game out, are lost, or need someone to help show you the basics.

To access the Tutorial - You must make a Starfleet character. In the career path when creating your character select Starfleet Cadet, you will have several divisions you can specialize in. By selecting cadet and starting as a starfleet officer you will start on the U.A.S. Simulator, and this will begin the tutorial.

If you're looking to play with a group of people, there are many factions that are interested in training new players. The two main player fleets in the Starfleet are the 2nd and 7th fleets.

More information about fleets, and the game in general, can be found in the SQO Galactopedia (wiki).

If you're ever lost, you can try to contact someone using the chat program, most people will be in Chat 1. Or, try the in game mail. You can even mail a ship by selecting the ship in the Faction window.


You can also access the forums here.


Being that SQO is a very complex game, the learning curve can be steep. So I hope this helps some of you.

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