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This game is awesome.
One of the most original, in depth mmorpg's I have played in a LONG time.
Def NOT a WoW clone, wanna be, etc.
TONS to do in this game...tons.
End-game is realm PvP as well. Not item grinding.
BUY AND PLAY this game.
BigCountry | Head Hunters |
Ummm.... no.
Only 5 posts and telling people to buy it..
No, it's a lousy game anyway.
This is the equivalent of the "this game is boring, it sucks, don't play it, don't buy it" posts on the other side.
You have seriously nothing to say with any depth, don't bother.
Agreed. So the important question is... what does that make him?
What IS and anti-troll anyway? What do we call it? A Hobbit? An Elvish Archer??
OR, is he still a Troll, but just a different species of troll?
Inquiring minds want to know!
Nothing says irony like spelling ideot wrong.
Agreed. So the important question is... what does that make him?
What IS and anti-troll anyway? What do we call it? A Hobbit? An Elvish Archer??
OR, is he still a Troll, but just a different species of troll?
Inquiring minds want to know!
For some, like me, the game is actually awesome. I was there for the launch of Meridean 59 (after years of MUD'ing) and was also there for the launch of UO. I was foaming at the mouth for the beta and launch of EQ1. I have played every mainstream mmorpg to date since then, and some that aren't so mainstream at at all. Some I have liked, some I have hated.
PotBS is a gigantic breath of fresh air to me. This caught me by some surprise because I am not a gigantic fan of pirates in general, and I honestly never could get intop EVE, even after 4 serious attempts (giving it more than 30 days each time). And yet... here I am... played to level 38 in open beta and then to 50 with the exp books at the end, and now have a level 21 in pre-boarding and I honestly can not get enough of it. I haven't even barely scratched the surface of the economy so I have that whole side of the game to look forward to at launch.
I absolutely love the ship combat system, but that's not news to many. I see some folks here that absolutely despise the game and even some of them liked the ship combat system, so no surprises there. What is a surprise, I guess, for me at aleast, is that i honestly like the avatar combat as well. I like the arcade feel of it. I love the skill selections. It's extremely "niche" but that's exactly what it was suppose to be. So how can somebody who loved EQ1 and AC1, AO and Camelot, EQ2 and LotRO... love the avatar combat in PotBS? I don;t have an answer for you. But I'd be lying if I said that i am not having a complete blast in this game and that included Avcom. When i forst read about avcom, I winced, seriously. I mean, I love meeting with 40 guildies for Planes raids (at least back in the day when Fear and Hate were in their infancy), I love huge explorable worlds and the more seamless the better as far as I am concerned... and yet again, here I am and loving PotBS... even after sinking 80+ hours into the game, and it's so different from those other experiences that I loved. It makes no sense that I would love this game so much when I am generally an explorer at heart, and yet I do.
I loved what I have seen of the economy and can't wait to dwelve deeper into it. I love the port contention and RvR aspect of the game as well. I love taking into account wind direction and ship positioning. I love having many different types of ammo to choose from depending on the situation and what i am trying to accomplish (de-masting... punching holes in sails, destroying a ships armor from afar, crushing the structure itself or just knoicking the crew into the drink a few at a time! I love it!
Boarding needs some TLC. It needs some balancing, especially at low levels. I got to 38 in beta and by 35 I had not died to any NPC's aboard a ship. We can generally win the boarding fights in about 10 seconds if done in a certain way. But the actual combat itsel is great in my opinion. Like I said before, I love the arcade type feel to it and I think it;s a great thing in a genre of pretty common and predictable combat mechanics. I think a big part of the issue is that people want the combat to be more like what they are use to. I am glad it's not, I have a billion mmorpgs I could play if I wanted that type of combat (and I still do play some of them, for that very reason), but PotBS is not like the rest, it's drastically different and with that comes quite a bit of disgust from those who simply weren't looking for this type of game. I have quite a few rl co-workers and friends who i have talked into playing this (they all play mmorpgs quite a bit), not one of them has expressed an issue with the avcom aside from some animation issues that are being worked on by the devs as we speak, and the fact that "it's so different". We are all enjoying the hell out of it.
I'm in no way saying that I think anybody is wrong for thinking it sucks. I just have a completely different opinion than you. Nobody should buy the game because someone says "it's great, buy it now!" and hopefully nobody will dismiss the game because someone says "it sucks, stay clear of this mess!" Hopefully people will research it thoroughly, check out any free trials that pop up and/or get some buddy passes if there are any in the future, and can make an educated decision based on personal experience at little to no risk (cost). Barring that, it's a gamble for anyone who wasn't in beta or the pre-boarding. If people have the money and the risk seems pretty low to them, try it out, I find it wickedly fun. If you'd rather hang on to your 50 bucks until more info arises, that's totally cool and respectable, the game has some issues and they are working on them feverishly as they prepare for launch and by waiting in the wings you will likely miss any launch issues that arise and should be able to get a look at the first few sets of patch notes and some player feedback based on them. If you have played and hate the game, that's cool too, it's certainly not for everyone. I truly like people and I believe that despite the passionate feeling that happen to be on opposite ends of the gaming spectrum, we all have the same goals, we want to play mmorpgs and have fun. So someday maybe we will agree on a different games mechanics and will end up buddies, fighting side by side... perhaps not... either way it's ok... we don't see eye to eye on a game... it's a pretty small thing.
I think that PotBS will do well for what it's targeting, a niche group of folks who want something different from the norm, even if that means dealing with some lumps along the way until things get ironed out. They aren't going to change the core mechanics here, if you hate the game than chances are you will always hate the game. Some people want things changed that would completely flip this game upside down and make it common mmorpg, just like the majority of what is out there right now. That's just not going to happen, I believe that FLS is a lot like Turbine in the sense that they are creating a game that they themselves love and that's why they are doing it. Sure there's money involved, but I bet that nopt one of them are doing it for the money, call it a hunch. They'd rather have the game they love with a niche 100 - 200k subs than a game that is nothing like what they envisioned but with 1 million subs. And there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. In fact, it's a nice contrast to what's already out there for the most part.
i can't get into EVE, but they are doing extremely well for what they set out to do. The game isn't a failure because it has under 500k subs. It's a great game that is constantly making strides forward and although it has it's own lumps to hurdle (and how can it not, being as "different" as it is), it's playerbase pretty much love it, as they should, it's a labor of love made for them by people who think like they do... it's what a niche game is all about.
Anyway... I wish you all the best. I'll be here playing for the long haul
If you happen to like the game, or just trying it out, perhaps we will meet in game either as friends or on opposite sides of the cannons
Or maybe you hate the game as it stands today and we'll never meet in the Caribbean, but perhaps in the future a game will arise where we agree on the value of it and can play together there. That's what this is all about, right? hanging out with friends and having fun in these games? So as mushy as it sounds, I hope you find a great game that you truly enjoy, and i hope someday to see you in a world where we can have some fun! 
Peace out guys/gals. Agree or disagree with me, this puppy is launching in 5 days. We've made it!
now thats how you make a reply!!!!!!!!!
The ultimate solution to every problem: more space marines.
Im going to swing into gamestop and get a pre order key, just called and they have some. Ill give it a go this weekend, and hoepfully it turns out good. I need something to waste time on untill AOC comes out.
Did you notice his join date by any chance?
I got shoes older than most you guys..
Anyway, been doing this gig (online gaming) since early UO back in 98'-99' and this game is def worth trying/buying...
Mith summed it up nicely.
BigCountry | Head Hunters |
Oh and yeah I don't post much here because most stuff out there is CRAP and not worth posting about.
BigCountry | Head Hunters |
reread the OP and tell me how worthwhile it was.
p.s. "Hi, I'm BigCountry, and I like POTBS" would have been shorter and accomplished the same thing.
Trust me, they would rather have 1 million. They are not a non-profit company.
Trust me, they would rather have 1 million. They are not a non-profit company.
Thanks. 100 - 200 thousand, not just 100 to 200. And yes, I believe they would rather have the 100 - 200k. But it's not a cut and dry statement like that. Of course they'd rather have a million IF and that's a giant "IF" they could have them without sacrificing the original foundation and design of the game. I'm in upper management at one business and run my own business as well. Both businesses are extremely successful. In both cases we'd much rather have a smaller client base and make less of a profit anually (while still makiung a profit mind you, that's important), if we can stay the course as true to ourselves and true to our actual plan. If we could make more with more clients and maintain that level of integrity than sure we'd go there in a heartbeat. But if "more profit" = "selling out" than guess what... I'll be out. There's a million other avenues I could explore. Obviously not everyone or every company thinks this way, but I truly believe that FLS does. They made this game as a labor of love and they should, hopefully, stay that course. If they begin to reach for the masses and spread it out too thin, it won't stand a chance. It's a very niche game, so in order for the subscriptions to explode into bigger number, it's niche market would have to explode into bigger numbers, and that is highly unlikely.
With that said, if they could get a million subs and be true to themselves and the original concept of the game, then I agree
They'd certainly take that!
Maybe I am wrong about FLS. Maybe they will swing by and speak for themselves on this issue. But this is certainly what I got from them over the past few months.
The day this game sees a million subs, I'd personally have sex with the Cloverfield the catcher.
This game will launch with less than 100k, and without HUGE pushes in the update department will never see 6 figures.
Trust me, they would rather have 1 million. They are not a non-profit company.
Thanks. 100 - 200 thousand, not just 100 to 200. And yes, I believe they would rather have the 100 - 200k. But it's not a cut and dry statement like that. Of course they'd rather have a million IF and that's a giant "IF" they could have them without sacrificing the original foundation and design of the game. I'm in upper management at one business and run my own business as well. Both businesses are extremely successful. In both cases we'd much rather have a smaller client base and make less of a profit anually (while still makiung a profit mind you, that's important), if we can stay the course as true to ourselves and true to our actual plan. If we could make more with more clients and maintain that level of integrity than sure we'd go there in a heartbeat. But if "more profit" = "selling out" than guess what... I'll be out. There's a million other avenues I could explore. Obviously not everyone or every company thinks this way, but I truly believe that FLS does. They made this game as a labor of love and they shoul, hopefully, stay that course. If they begin to reach for the masses and spread it out too thin, it won't stand a chance. It's a very niche game, so in order for the subscriptions to explode into bigger number, it's niche market would have to explode into bigger numbers, and that is highly unlikely.
With that said, if they could get a million subs and be true to themselves and the original concept of the game, then I agree
They'd certainly take that!
Maybe I am wrong about FLS. Maybe they will swing by and speak for themselves on this issue. But this is certainly what I got from them over the past few months.
The Realm Online > Meridian 59
Who said it would see a million?
Trust me, they would rather have 1 million. They are not a non-profit company.
Thanks. 100 - 200 thousand, not just 100 to 200. And yes, I believe they would rather have the 100 - 200k. But it's not a cut and dry statement like that. Of course they'd rather have a million IF and that's a giant "IF" they could have them without sacrificing the original foundation and design of the game. I'm in upper management at one business and run my own business as well. Both businesses are extremely successful. In both cases we'd much rather have a smaller client base and make less of a profit anually (while still makiung a profit mind you, that's important), if we can stay the course as true to ourselves and true to our actual plan. If we could make more with more clients and maintain that level of integrity than sure we'd go there in a heartbeat. But if "more profit" = "selling out" than guess what... I'll be out. There's a million other avenues I could explore. Obviously not everyone or every company thinks this way, but I truly believe that FLS does. They made this game as a labor of love and they shoul, hopefully, stay that course. If they begin to reach for the masses and spread it out too thin, it won't stand a chance. It's a very niche game, so in order for the subscriptions to explode into bigger number, it's niche market would have to explode into bigger numbers, and that is highly unlikely.
With that said, if they could get a million subs and be true to themselves and the original concept of the game, then I agree
They'd certainly take that!
Maybe I am wrong about FLS. Maybe they will swing by and speak for themselves on this issue. But this is certainly what I got from them over the past few months.
The Realm Online > Meridian 59
Uhm.. ok! That was pretty random, but thanks!
You are absolutely right! To YOU, it is exactly that.
Thanks for your input!
I didn't really play this game for too long so I'm not going to say how good it is or not but I will say this
To me --- guys wearing blouses, wigs and hose aren't really my idea of Kick Ass.
Thats just me though.
You know, I use to think like you. Now, after 17 years of marriage, I'll take anything that walks AS LONG as it's wearing a blouse, a wig and hose!
...nah, too easy.
Just for the record though, if you're posting on the MMORPG website forums you're not nearly as "cool" as you think.
...nah, too easy.
Just for the record though, if you're posting on the MMORPG website forums you're not nearly as "cool" as you think.
pfft what do you know. I'm exactly as "cool" as I think
You know, I use to think like you. Now, after 17 years of marriage, I'll take anything that walks AS LONG as it's wearing a blouse, a wig and hose!
hahaha thats awesome. Kinda disturbing, but I like where your heads at.