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About my 1st character...

abecameabecame Member Posts: 5






Intel = 9

Per = 6

Char = 14

WP = 7

Mem = 8


I didn't know what I was doing when I made it, but I've invested a lot of skill time into him, about 5 months.

Now that I'm starting to understand the game a little more, I think I put too much into Charisma.

Any advice on what I sould do with this guy?  Is pvp and pve kinda out of the question for him?

Maybe I should make a new character to make some money for this guy to start building ships?

Also, if I do make a new character, should I make it the same race? Does that matter at all as far as giving money from one character to another? Thanks for any advice.


  • KyleranKyleran Member LegendaryPosts: 44,251

    Well, you have accurately assessed that this character wasn't built for fighting.  Truthfully, Charisma is pretty much the most useless attribute in the game and you've designed a character for trading, not fighting.  Now, its all a matter of time, you could try to level up your PVP skills, but it will take much longer than a character designed for combat.

    If you really wanted to keep this character, I'd recommend you buy a 2nd account and create a more combat oriented character (PVP or PVE) along the lines of this guide.

    Only advantage of making them the same race is you'll be able to fly the same ships more easily, (but truthfully, I'd never take your first character out of drydock) so I'd recommend you figure out what sort of fighting style you want (each race has its advantages/combat advantages) and go with that.

    BTW, you could make another character on the same account, but it would bring all training to a full halt on your first character.  If you are OK with that, then one account will work fine for you.

    You might want to read this great new player guide (if you haven't already) its really helpful in explaining EVE and character advancement more thoroughly.,3510.msg14690.html

    "True friends stab you in the front." | Oscar Wilde 

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    Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm

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  • MarkusDMarkusD Member Posts: 64

    This is very similar to what happened to me. I am considering returning to eve, and if I do I'll have to decide what to do about my old character. Thanks for this post because I had kind of forgot about how much I originally put into charisma. Thinking back, it really sucked, so I should probably start a new character. If I were you I would seriously consider restarting as well - 5 months isn't really that long.

    Anyway, thanks for the reminder. Hmmmmmm ... now I get to think about how I want to do this.

  • dumuzidumuzi Member Posts: 4

    I agree, charisma is fairly useless as a primery attribute, but it's not totally useless overall. It will help you with getting social skills, and those are helpful for mission running, but again, putting the most points into charisma is not the best idea.


    "in general" perception and willpower will help with more combat skills, intelegence and memory will help with learning/trade/non-combat skills.

    If you're not sure what kind of character you want to do, try splitting those 4 skills fairly evenly, then put the rest into charisma, that can have less points.

  • abecameabecame Member Posts: 5

    Why exactly would charisma be good for trading? 

    If thats true, then maybe I'll just make a pve alt on the same account, and level my original up just enough to trade.

  • METALDRAG0NMETALDRAG0N Member Posts: 1,680

    Is it worth pointing out that Charisma is used when learning to use and using command ships?

    "Kill one man, and you are a murderer. Kill millions of men, and you are a conqueror. Kill them all, and you are a god."
    -- Jean Rostand

  • abecameabecame Member Posts: 5

    Also, I don't know if this would make a difference, but I have

    Empathy rank 1 to lvl 5 and

    Learning rank 1 to lvl 5


    Do those skills make a difference in deciding to abandon this guy?

  • batolemaeusbatolemaeus Member CommonPosts: 2,061

    How many SP do you have now? It probably makes no sense to create a new char if you are above a certain limit, because the lowered traintimes just are not enough to balance the loss of all your sp.

  • qazymanqazyman Member Posts: 1,785

    Are you having a DOOH!!!! moment?

    The best you could do is use this as a support character. Still, expensive implants could make a big difference. The plus 4 implants are not out of the question, but you would really need a few plus 5. Bottom-line,  your looking at spending 8 to 12 days longer  to train some important level 5 combat skills(with the implants).


  • FinwolvenFinwolven Member Posts: 289

    If you have only Empathy 5 as learning skills, that puts your charisma at same level with most others of your stats, barring perception. Now, per is very important to a combat char as it features heavily in learning gunnery skills, I agree with all the others, but it's not hopeless, certainly.

    Start doing all the other learning skills, and perhaps pop in some inexpensive mem and int implants, and you should be good to go.


  • nurglesnurgles Member Posts: 840

    basically, you are worried about time managment, would you recover the 5 months of 'lost' traing buy making a new character.

    you might if you play for a couple of years. (you can test it with evemon)

    although, Charisma helps with the command ship path, also some of the prerqs for fighters (carriers and motherships)

    a lot of people put great value in min/maxing stats, sure it gets you to the skill point goals quicker, but does it mean you enjoy the game more? for me, i don't really care.

  • TaramTaram Member CommonPosts: 1,700

    My recommendation would be to keep the character and use it to run a corporation. With charisma that high your leadership, corporate and social skills should train very quickly, especially once you start using implants. To be honest the only really BAD trait you have is perception (which is a nasty one to have low, I'll admit) but if you ever want to run a corporation this would be an ideal set of attributes for a CEO toon.

    So I'd hang onto him. Maybe just park it and open a new account. Keep this one's details handy as an alt account. Use him for mining (ship skills aren't steep on those) and corporate leadership toon. Your intel is high which is also good for science etc. Actually it's also an excellent setup for a TRADE/Manufacturing/research character (as the trade skill is charisma based as well and mining skills rely heavily on intelligence, as do science)

    But if all you want to do right now is combat oriented stuff? Yeah start another character for that. By specializing you'll quickly surpass this one's skills anyway. IMO Caldari Achura is the best race for a combat toon as you can minimize charisma and push all the rest into very solid stats for a PVE/PVP toon.

    "A ship-of-war is the best ambassador." - Oliver Cromwell

  • NicoliNicoli Member Posts: 1,312
    Originally posted by abecame

    Also, I don't know if this would make a difference, but I have
    Empathy rank 1 to lvl 5 and
    Learning rank 1 to lvl 5
    Do those skills make a difference in deciding to abandon this guy?

    oh yeah if those are your current stats (not your starting stats) then your not that bad off as you think  What you want to do is pick up EVEmon and plan out what you want to do. It will probably tell you to train the other stats learning skills up a bit first. I wouldn't waste time making a new character though since your not going to make up that much time. Unless you do a 2 month crash learning course with it which you could just as easily do with this character anyways.

  • WacoedeWacoede Member Posts: 10

    OK I've had a look over at EVE-Geek and here's the base stats for your char (minus the points you get to allocate (+5 if I remember right))

    Intaki Artists

    8 INT

    5 PER

    8 CHA

    6 WIL

    7 MEM

    My guess is you put 1 point in each stat and with Empathy 5 that give you a +5 points to your charisma my advice is get the other basic learning skills to balance out your stats

    with all basic learning skills to lvl 4 your stats would look something like

    12 INT

    9 PER

    14 CHA (already basic LVL5)

    10 WIL

    11 MEM

    and then adding the advanced learning to 4 on top of those will boost you further

    16 INT

    13 PER

    18 CHA

    14 WIL

    15 MEM

    (all of this is disregarding the learning skill for ease as that will bump some up higher)

    So as you can see you not to bad off but I do echo some of the sentiment already posted here that a second char might be an idea if you really want to get into hardcore PVP and keep this one for trading or mining or any of the other things for money making

  • M1sf1tM1sf1t Member UncommonPosts: 1,583

    As everyone has stated your character is great at using social skills in the game so keep him/her around just for that alone. You could very easily make this guy into a ISK making machine with the right skills and the right industrial/transport ship. This character wouldn't bad at mission running either.

    Games I've played/tried out:WAR, LOTRO, Tabula Rasa, AoC, EQ1, EQ2, WoW, Vangaurd, FFXI, D&DO, Lineage 2, Saga Of Ryzom, EvE Online, DAoC, Guild Wars,Star Wars Galaxies, Hell Gate London, Auto Assault, Grando Espada ( AKA SoTNW ), Archlord, CoV/H, Star Trek Online, APB, Champions Online, FFXIV, Rift Online, GW2.

    Game(s) I Am Currently Playing:

    GW2 (+LoL and BF3)

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