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I've played EQ up to a 60th level shammy, and i can't think of any reason why i would want to play another game in exactly the same world, with pratically the same races/classes. Ok so the graphics, the politics, and some of the skills are different, but so what? I'll still end up doing the level grind in one zone after another, and probably the same zones as in EQI. Why is everyone raving about this pointless product?
Also, the avatar models are the worst i've ever seen. The armour looks painted on. They remind me of the paperdoll in UO 3D, if you know what i mean.
Can anyone persuade me to play?
I would never try to convince anyone to play a game they have doubts about. Reason is that people have different views on things.
What i can tell you is why I am looking very forward to this game. I have played EQ1 since the beginning. Loved it all the way up to LDoN. Then got bored becuase of how the game had changed so much from its start. They added things to make the game to easy. This defeated the joy I had up through the first 3 or so expansions. I played pretty much every class, most atleast up to level 10 to get an idea, only a few past the 45 level. 1 to lvel 65 (Enchanter).
EQ2 is a continuation in a sense. Its 500 years later. The zones may have the same names for the most part, but the world itself has changed. The world has been reshaped and its time to explore once again. They have added new classes and races (although they still have the old ones in there too). To me its a new game with an old time feel. I think most of us who played EQ1 who are planning on playing EQ2 are looking to continue on with the fun times we had. We made some good game "friends". Were able to play really how we wanted and when we wanted ( even if your guild wanted more). With games today becomming so short and easy to beat, I welcome any game that thinks it has the capability to never end, and be able to hold me. Most MMO's I have played (most of them) have not been able to keep me more then a month. EQ kept me for a few years. That to me says alot about the Programmers of EQ. They to me put in the extra effort, and im willing to see if they can do it again.
If you really think it is the same, I cant blame you for holding off or not even playing the game. If your really not sure, you could always do what I do with new MMO's, test it out with the 30 day trial, or if you dont want to buy the game, wait a couple of years and see if they offer a free trial. Then there is always your friends ( if they are going to play it) who can usually tell you more about the game in a way you can relate to. Either way man I hope to see you there becuase I hope the game is going to offer more then an "expansion" so to speak.
The gameplay of EQ2 is completely different then EQ1. Read up on it and you will see.
You get no information from me!!!
I know what you mean. I stopped leveling at 56 with my Shammy, just because I knew that if I capped the levels on him I would basically have little to strive for, other than AA points and better loot.
I'm going to Play EQ 2 because I know that it's going to be around for a long time. Also, because the graphics engine is going to last for any upgrades to computers and it's going to be such a beautiful game that the world with be irresistable. The environment will not turn me off in otherwords. The thing that will keep me playing is the friendship and community. I ran a guild for about 9 months before I quit. I don't know if I will take on that much responsiblity again. Planning raids, and acquiring allies can start to seem like a job after you do it long enough. Also running a guild website gets to be a hassle after a while.
Only played EQ1 for a short time, so the whole scenario isn't that worn out to me.

Just because some of the zones have the same name doesnt mean its all been done before. The zones will have different mobs, cities have been taken over by other factions etc. Besides with the new graphics engine and new storyline it will be nothing whatsover like EQ1.
Laying in bed, looking up at the stars, a single thought passed through my head. Where the fuck is my roof?
I would rather someone with your attitude not play EQ2. Maybe you should try out WoW instead.
So from your content, you've never enjoyed reading the second or third book in a trilogy. Or any stories set in the same 'universe'.
To me, they got to have EQ1 set a rich history for a new story to unfold. There will be new things to find, more puzzles to solve, quests to overcome.
The whole point of these games to me is the journey, and here is a new one. All that EQ1 does is allow the content creators to set traps in your expectations and surprise you more often.
As I walk through the valley of death I will fear no evil BUT it will have no choice but to FEAR ME!!!
As I walk through the valley of death I will fear no evil BUT evil will have no choice but to FEAR ME!!!
I would rather someone with your attitude not play EQ2. Maybe you should try out WoW instead.
I am 58% addicted to Counterstrike. What about you?
Well, I can tell you haven't done your research. EQ2 will be a huge change from EQ. For example, Luclin was blown up (yay, that was the start of the downturn in EQ anyway), and you will have a hard time finding FoB since it won't be in the game (at least, not at release). Try reading up on the lore, the game play, and the crafting. EQ2 has some very good ideas that, if they work, will make it one heck of a step forward in MMORPGs.
They are planning graphic upgrades for EQ... that's different than the major overhaul and time line shift of EQ2.
EQ2 will also provide for more instancing and a different way of dealing with combat by locking out others.
Playing: City of Heroes/ Dark Age of Camelot
Upcoming: EverQuest II
This is really sad and all too common it seems. People that have no clue about EQ2 write it off because they just assume its EQ1 with better graphics. Who knows, it may turn out to be just that, but if you read about the game at all or watch some of the game play videos you will see they are very very different games.
As has been said before repeatedly, EQ2 is not a sequal to EQ1 but rather an alternate game based in the same universe but with a very different play style.
Personally I wouldnt mind if it was a sequal as I loved the first game and would love to explore a new EQ world with newer game mechanics, graphics, and character abilities. This game is however being designed with the idea of appealing to people that werent as excited about the features of the original and trying to provide more of what those people would like to see.
'I would rather...'? Who put you in charge?
Anyway, i definately won't be playing WoW, but i admit i don't know much about EQII apart from a bit of background and screenshots so maybe i'll give it a go. That is if you let me n2sooners......
Sure, send them our way. Well gladly take disgruntled EQ players
Played: AC1, DAoC, E&B, SWG
Tested: AC1, AC2, DAoC, Eve, Planetside, Rubies, Lineage 2
The point of EQ2 is to pwn WoW.
Laying in bed, looking up at the stars, a single thought passed through my head. Where the fuck is my roof?
I am 58% addicted to Counterstrike. What about you?
No one put me in charge. I am in charge of nothing in EQ2. And I am especially not in charge of trying to convince whiners to play the game. Come on now, check out your first post. You complain about the world, about the races, about the classes, about leveling, you say so what about any changes, you call it a pointless game, and then you go on to trash some of the best graphics in the industry. And then you expect people to try and convince YOU to join in their community? Why should they? The last thing they want to do is hang out with someone who complains about everything and can't even be expected to do their own research. So, I simply suggested WoW where you would probably feel more at home with the kiddies and the cartoon like graphics.
"Do I come to your workplace and tell you how to kill civilians? No, so don't tell me how to do my job" - Sam Fischer.
CoH: Level 24 Invulnerability/Super Strength Tanker++Level 14 Gravity/Storm Controller
DAoC: Level 42 Paladin
Like: DAoC, CoH, WOW, GW, DnL
Dislike: SoR, EQ, EQ2, SWG, KO, AC2
Don't Care About: Most Everything Else
"Do I come to your workplace and tell you how to kill civilians? No, so don't tell me how to do my job" - Sam Fischer.
Like: DAoC, WOW, GW, DnL
Dislike: SoR, EQ, EQ2, SWG, KO, AC2, CoH
Don't Care About: Most Everything Else
-EQ1 character:Grotub, shaman of the Tribunal server
It sounds to me as if you don't want to leave EQ. So, there is really no point in trying to convince you to play EQ2. The proof is in the in the pudding. Buy it and take advantage of the free month. There's not a soul on these boards, other than EQ2 devs and their friends and families, whom have played for any amount of time to sway you one way or the other.
Good Luck!
AMD Athlon 64 3000+
1 GB Kingston DDR 400
ATI Radeon 9600 XT 128 MB
(eVGA 6800 GT 256 MB on the way!)
I think it's funny as hell to see people go on and on complaining about how much a game sucks that they havn't even played yet. Try it out, or talk to a few people that have....and then voice an opinion.