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Don't expect this thread to be a "join vanguard today patch blah blah made it better".
What I wanted to say to people who play though is it just me or does vanguard really feel like the original Everquest in some ways? I just feel like I am playing Everquest. I was tricked back to playing by those stupid posts that are all "oh yeah patch made game good" posts and resubbed. Although I am starting to get in the groove again and have some fun.
I am Jammis the 12 Bard on the Seredon (is that the name?) server if anyone wants to group or if you have a spot in a lite to medium RP guild.
I play that server now and then.. not overly often tho.
Even after this last patch with "performance" enhancements.. some outdoor areas run very nice.
The places that were always laggy.. are still laggy. To the point I have less lag during an EQ2 raid with full effets on "high quality" settings blah blah.
VG does to an extent feel like EQ1. I play it now and then because I honestly enjoy the classes. Plus its on station access so its a good distraction imho.
Oh if it helps I was in beta from phase 2 and pre-ordered. Its a LOT better than it was at launch. It just seems more like a phase 3 beta (to me).
But it has definitely improved since SOE bought it... yes I did say its improved since SOE bought it. Which is more than I can say for some of their other games.
I saw the title and thought i would come and give you my condolances
Speaking for myself, one of the primary reasons why I enjoy Vanguard as much as I do is that it is reminiscent of Everquest 1 as it relates to (a) travel, (b) death penalty, (c) dungeons, and (d) other.
Nevertheless, I think travel has some issues that require addressing and the death penalty system should have better res abilities for the Cleric such as a res every hour or so for full experience [and buffs that is perhaps obtainable via AA-points].*
*Anyone know if SOE is planning to implement an AA-point system similar to EQ 1's?
WoW and fast food = commercial successes.
I neither play WoW nor eat fast food.
I think Vanguard is a lot like EQ 1. It is easier than the original EQ and you can solo with most classes, but it has a lot of depth, a sense of danger, a lot of complexity in strategy, and in general it has the EQ 1 feel. It was marketed sort of as a return to the old days EQ 1 days of MMORPGs. Arguably it has been made a lot easier over the months with faster leveling and more forgiving systems.
I describe it as “EQ 1 with most of the things you hated removed and with all the new features you expect (like mounts, email, auction house, flight, public teleportation etc)”
The main attraction for me is its depth, innovation and the beauty and realism of the world. Character abilities and combat is just more satisfying for me than in EQ2 or WoW.
Thanks for all of your replies guys. They are fun to read in the downtime.
Actually, when I first played the game near release, I never got that old EQ1 feel - but then again it had been several years since I had played the game. To me, Vanguard felt distinctly different; of course it had a familiar foundation, but I got a unique sense of style from it. I've always sort of wondered why people accuse Vanguard of being the same as any other MMO. It's true that it and other MMOs work off of the same formula, but each of the games' execution in the relevant aspects is different.
Anyway, EQ1 will always hold a special place in my cache of gaming experiences; it was the first MMO that I've ever played and at the time the newness of it all really made me gape in awe of the game.
If they would actually take the whole actual class system, pick up another graphic engine which required lower spec, and add more interesting quests connected to dungeon crawling, this game could easily replace EQ2.
The tragedy of Vanguard is all about the graphic engine and the technological choices imo.
My addiction History:
>> EQ1 2000-2004 - Shaman/Bard/Wizard/Monk - nolife raid-whore
>> WoW 2004-2009 + Cataclysm for 2 months - hardcore casual
>> Current status : done with MMO, too old for that crap.
Similar feelings here as well...glad to hear you're having fun.
I find it amusing how you hardcores go on and on about obscene death penalties and how people should "fear" death, then turn around in the same breath and request resurrection spells that return most if not all of the lost experience. Talk about your oxymoron statements.
With PvE raiding, it has never been a question of being "good enough". I play games to have fun, not to be a simpering toady sitting through hour after hour of mind numbing boredom and fawning over a guild master in the hopes that he will condescend to reward me with shiny bits of loot. But in games where those people get the highest progression, anyone who doesn't do that will just be a moving target for them and I'll be damned if I'm going to pay money for the privilege. - Neanderthal
I think the real tragedy and the primary reason why this game is so unpopular is because it IS so much like EverQuest. People will no longer tolerate such oudated and unfun game mechanics. Everyone is quick to blame the graphics engine when in truth, it is a very small part of the reason why people leave or won't play the game.
With PvE raiding, it has never been a question of being "good enough". I play games to have fun, not to be a simpering toady sitting through hour after hour of mind numbing boredom and fawning over a guild master in the hopes that he will condescend to reward me with shiny bits of loot. But in games where those people get the highest progression, anyone who doesn't do that will just be a moving target for them and I'll be damned if I'm going to pay money for the privilege. - Neanderthal
I find it amusing how you hardcores go on and on about obscene death penalties and how people should "fear" death, then turn around in the same breath and request resurrection spells that return most if not all of the lost experience. Talk about your oxymoron statements.
Please read the following carefully:
WoW and fast food = commercial successes.
I neither play WoW nor eat fast food.
I forked out the $99 bucks for the colllector's/guild edition and even checked out a higher end rig from work under the label of stress testing and even with a nice dual core box with 4 GB ram and a decent setup the game was stil fairly problematic. I could have lived with the lag and the bugs but as a guild leader I found the guild tools to be just about useless and from a guild management stand point it was the worst game I have been a part of to date. Now harsh words aside as many have mentioned when Sony stepped in things improved greatly and now almost a year later the game is almost to the point of being of a quality you would expect from a release version and not a beta but in the mean time most of my guild went back to games they were playing before and even I have a hard time logging into VG and spend the vast majority of my game time with EQ2 which has been a pure joy for us. We had lots of hope for Vanguard and perhaps in time we will play it more but for now it is only played at all because of the greatness that is the Station Access plan.
I still check this game in the hopes it will become a ready for prime time type release but for now it is still something that we will only play on occasion especially with EQ2 hitting the joy target as a bullseye. In closing though I hope the folks involved with this game recognize that the efforts they have put forth to improve the game are very much noted and appreciated.
Founder of Skara Brae Guild
Sysop Bard's Tavern BBS 1987-2002
Co-Leader Skara Brae guild
Everquest 2 chapter.
Guild Hub site: Http://
I think the real tragedy and the primary reason why this game is so unpopular is because it IS so much like EverQuest. People will no longer tolerate such oudated and unfun game mechanics. Everyone is quick to blame the graphics engine when in truth, it is a very small part of the reason why people leave or won't play the game.
This is your opinion.
Game mechanics are also problematic because the game engine didn't help during development.
Imo if the game engine had been good from day 1, they could have focused more on mechanics, and less on fixing bugs and improving performances.
As for EQ being outdated and all... VG is not EQ, and only people who never played it believe it is.
My addiction History:
>> EQ1 2000-2004 - Shaman/Bard/Wizard/Monk - nolife raid-whore
>> WoW 2004-2009 + Cataclysm for 2 months - hardcore casual
>> Current status : done with MMO, too old for that crap.
Ok, PLEASE list the fantasy games that are not copies of EVERQUEST.
Ulitma Online there you go Merry Fing Christmas, saved you from thinking...
I think the real tragedy and the primary reason why this game is so unpopular is because it IS so much like EverQuest. People will no longer tolerate such oudated and unfun game mechanics. Everyone is quick to blame the graphics engine when in truth, it is a very small part of the reason why people leave or won't play the game.
This is your opinion.
Game mechanics are also problematic because the game engine didn't help during development.
Imo if the game engine had been good from day 1, they could have focused more on mechanics, and less on fixing bugs and improving performances.
As for EQ being outdated and all... VG is not EQ, and only people who never played it believe it is.
There is very little that EQ and VG share in terms of real gameplay mechanics... The combat systems are completely different. Mob agro is somewhat similar but so are most games. It is nice they didn't setup hard linked mobs so you can again split pulls. I guess that comes from EQ but most MMORPGs have similar mechanics. One of the things EQ had in spades was the sense of a large world with many interesting things. I think VG false somewhat short on this one. It is a large world but it isn't as well crafted as say EQ2 in terms of interesting area's pois and general density. VG hopefully will fill out more in time but initially it has areas with very little to see. On the other hand the seamless design gives an almost overwhelming sense of immersion and the feeling you are in a real world...
Death penalties in EQ and VG are barely comparable. In EQ you drop a corpse, you loose xp, and even levels, and you have to find your corpse to get your stuff back. Course now there are some summoning options and at low levels you don't drop a corpse but EQ originally was very harsh for death. VG is nothing like EQ for death.
Crafting in EQ is more like wow then VG so their is no comparison there. Questing in VG is more like wow since in EQ quests were something you had to find talking to random npcs and then you had to actually say the right words to get the quest by actually typing. So VG is nothing like EQ there.
Fact is other then being a fantasy game with classic fantasy elements and even some unique ones I'm not sure I understand how VG is like EQ in any way?? It seems to me to be far more similar to Wow and then EQ2 at least in the adventuring aspects.
Ah there is ONE element that is more EQ like and that is the lack of instancing. But that's really a pretty minor similarity and even EQ is using instancing now.
I can't believe you think that VG is more like WoW than EQ. You must be delusional. WoW, at least till the end game is a very, very casual friendly game. EQ and VG are not casual friendly in the least. It doesn't matter whether specific systems are similar or not, it's the way the game plays that sets them in the same category. Hardcore, slow leveling, grindy, boring game play.
With PvE raiding, it has never been a question of being "good enough". I play games to have fun, not to be a simpering toady sitting through hour after hour of mind numbing boredom and fawning over a guild master in the hopes that he will condescend to reward me with shiny bits of loot. But in games where those people get the highest progression, anyone who doesn't do that will just be a moving target for them and I'll be damned if I'm going to pay money for the privilege. - Neanderthal
aye, but it does matter if you pay to test a beta (VG) cos thats what this game is still.
Whereas WoW is not, but is 1 boring pile of crap thesedays. Not sure about EQ2, in one of those do i go take another look at it after a year - 14mths out of the game or not, as the latest news that was posted here has somewhat been putting me off doing that with the test server players being moved onto the live servers, what if it was the server i had my character on?
Hahaha, but you and the others was indeed talking about game mechanics and "wether specific systems are similar or not". So hence the comparisment and conclusion.
I'm so broke. I can't even pay attention.
"You have the right not to be killed"
ok, thought i would just make a post since a couple of friends have told me to take the trial and then make a decision, what have i got to lose by doing that. After all you have a free month placed on your account (and that part is true, just checked and it is there), but still, found it bizare that they havent sent out a mass e-mail to account holders (my e-mail is the same i used to create my VG account).
The only thing i can think of posibly losing is a better offer (cos right now i doubt the game is running as it should have been at release), as i am still see'ing how the game ran in the 1st 2mths rather than afterwards (when i dumped it) feeling completly conned into buying something that had half the stuff not implemented/missing from the game and the other half broken.
Still, i will start installing the 2 dvd's, and then the umpteen hrs of patch's (i expect).
I will not appologize for any posts however about still calling and dishing this game as one of the worst ever released for a mmo. Even though its almost 1yr on. If the mob warping and fallign through the game world and zoning/portaling under the gameworld is still there i will say and will dish it.