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Why the Grand Exchange ruined the economy/community in RS?

ZaelklasZaelklas Member Posts: 25

Mostly all RuneScape players have seen or heard about the Grand Exchange and how "Great" it is.

Actually it is not, the Grand Exchange has ruined the economy and community as well. How so? - Well first off, lets say you go to buy an item such as a Rune Scimitar. there is a 30% chance that you will get the item within 4 days and a 70% chance that you will get the item from maybe a month up to a year possibly.

Now of course people still think that they can still use the old trading where you'd yell out what your selling in banks and sell your items the old fasioned way but not anymore due to so many RuneScape fanboys who have to defend the grand exchange by following you and spamming "Noob" and calling you an Idiot saying how "Your so dumb for not using the Grand Exchange". Oh and it usually isn't just 1 person, half the time its from 2 to even 10 and higher.

People will brag about how they made so much money from the Grand Exchange. Yes it is possible to get alot of money from the grand exchange, but that depends - Lets say you put up 300 rune esscence. well your not the only one, in fact you are just 1 of a million players who have 300 rune esscence up there. most liekly you will not sell them at all. though lets say your selling hmm.. maybe 100k rune esscence? you'd be mostly likely to sell then due to not many other players having 100k rune esscence up in the Grand Exchange.

 People will say that the Grand Exchange is exactly like World of WarCraft's Auction house. when truly it is not - The Grand exchange doesn't have a buyout option. you can only bid. problem is is that the  Grand Exchange is run by Jagex themselves. which is where I guess Jagex chooses who gets the item?

If your thinking about going back to runescape or re-subscribing to runescape members because you think that the Grand Exchange has improved the game - It has not.

But hey if you enjoy that type of economy and community by all means go ahead.

I am not trolling - I am just stating my opinion and some advice for others who are thinking about going back or re-subscribing to RuneScape.


  • roguetechroguetech Member Posts: 126

    Agreed. I actually caught myself saving Sandwich Lady sandwichs or kebabs to sell. Yet, I have NEVER seen any in a bank offereing triangle sandwichs for sale (I have seen people buying kebabs, but only 1 off purchases). So the market is flooded with all the crap that would normally be sold to general stores, alched, or just dropped. Personally, I make it a point to not sell anything on the Grand Exchange that is worth less than 50k, assuming it has a decent alch or store price. Under 10k, I'd rather drop it.

    But the effect on the economy is just half the issue. Interactions between players seems to be a necissary evil in MMORPGs, but Jagex is doing a fantastic job at limiting it iin every way they can.

  • K33n0K33n0 Member Posts: 80

    Pretty much agreed aswell. The GE has brought in too much ridgidity to the economy. Yesterday, I was trying to buy some steel arrowtips for 20 each. I had a level 60 come up to me (I'm level 108), and say, ""It's not that cheap on the Grand Exchange"". That's what i'm talking about. Being able to get a bargain off something has now disappeared, wth people knowing that they could sell it for higher on the GE witht he unbalanced trade removal there aswell, It's become impossible to merchant, a way countless people made their money. Stupid or What? I'm not saying that the GE was a bad idea, just that there needs to be a bit more flexibility with it.

  • LlamsterLlamster Member Posts: 234

    What are you talking about? The Grand Exchange is way faster than the old method. When I bought a rune scimitar, it took something like twenty minutes. I'm not sure if it's any different on the other end, but there's quite a lot of demand for them so I doubt there's much variation.

    And the Grand Exchange, almost every part of it, is done automatically. It automatically pairs offers, it automatically adjusts prices, etc. etc.

    The only complaint I have about it is the 5% difference cap. It needs to be raised, perhaps to 8 or 10 percent.

    And I'm assuming that you put "if you're considering returning to or resubscribing to RuneScape" in your post for a reason. RuneScape is not dead, its community is barely any smaller than it was before.


    Have played: RuneScape, EQ2 (free trial), Last Chaos, Silk Road, Dungeon Runners.
    Currently playing: RuneScape, Dungeon Runners.

    The notion that graphics, or anything else for that matter, are anywhere near as important as gameplay/fun is so utterly ridiculous that anyone who shares such a view should be placed in an asylum.

  • K33n0K33n0 Member Posts: 80

    I agree that there needs to be an increase in the trade gap. It would be brilliant if you could merchant via the Grand Exchange, and keep the normal trade cap the same. Then people could merchant without having to worry about being scammed by people. Players couldnt then use m8s to trade between accounts, but merchanting could still carry on.

  • mike480mike480 Member Posts: 75

    After they came out with the grand exchange at first (when u did not need to use it) no1 really thought of it.  But when they made it manditory, thats when things started to get out of control.  Not only did it take away the communities chances to make prices, but the prices were way off. 

    An example of this is the yew long bow.  Usually you could sell this for around 600ea, now the G.E (which prices are controlled by jagex) now sells ithem for 700ea. 

    I personally believe that Jagex does not listen to their comunity enough.  I do not think it is a terrible idea, but more control should be in the community, not the creators of the game. 

    Also the 5% trade cap is a little low.  They should make it around 10-15%.  But i this they should just get rid of it, and worry more about gameplay then RWTer's (which is whyh they made all these updates). 

    So in a nutshell, communities should control the prices, not the creators.


  • K33n0K33n0 Member Posts: 80


  • x3rx3sx3rx3s Member Posts: 53

    70% chance it will take up to a year to get a rune scimitar? Jagex controlling who gets which item? Clearly you have no experience of the GE whatsoever...

  • LlamsterLlamster Member Posts: 234

    The GE automatically adjust prices due to demand, so the yew longs will be back to normal quite soon.

    And Jagex said that they will manually adjust some of the prices that are totally out of whack.


    Have played: RuneScape, EQ2 (free trial), Last Chaos, Silk Road, Dungeon Runners.
    Currently playing: RuneScape, Dungeon Runners.

    The notion that graphics, or anything else for that matter, are anywhere near as important as gameplay/fun is so utterly ridiculous that anyone who shares such a view should be placed in an asylum.

  • SimiswimmSimiswimm Member Posts: 127


    Originally posted by Zaelklas
    Actually it is not, the Grand Exchange has ruined the economy and community as well. How so? - Well first off, lets say you go to buy an item such as a Rune Scimitar. there is a 30% chance that you will get the item within 4 days and a 70% chance that you will get the item from maybe a month up to a year possibly.
    I agree, but only partially. Some items sell easily or buy easily, others there just isn't enough of it to go around, or there is too much. You gave good examples, but there's also plenty of items you can still buy and sell easily. I am level 113, and have yet to see any people berate me for yelling out my price. I do use the GE for the best-selling items, but still use the old way for the ones that there's just no demand for in the GE. I have found that many times the people that would buy an item didn't think to buy it in the GE and I sell it easily.



    Merchanting is not totally dead, although much harder and more risky. If you can anticipate the prices of an item you can make money. The only problem with this method is if you're wrong, you can make a big loss.

    I have come to the conclusion that Jagex's formula for all the prices in runescape is based on the Grand Exchange - If there is alot of an item in the exchange, with few buyers, the price goes down. In contrast, if there is more buyers than sellers, the price goes up.

    The only problem I can see with this is if somebody buys up all of a certain item, than they can swing the market price o.O


    -=- Simiswimm -=-


  • LunethLuneth Member Posts: 63

    I agree.


  • smarty187smarty187 Member Posts: 2

    I agree.....

    The grand exchange is useless compared to good old-fashioned yelling stuff at a bank.

    BOO on the grand exchange.

  • hambuzerhambuzer Member Posts: 10

    i think jagex put ge and price limit to stop scammers, but i think that if u dont want to be scammed, u just have to pay more attention to ur trades.  the update with the "!" in red when u modify ur trade was enough.  ive been scammed 2 times, and since i pay more attention to all my trades.

    (¯\-- Please Jagex, another chance? --/¯)

  • devilisciousdeviliscious Member UncommonPosts: 4,359

    When I first heard about the grand exchange i thought it would be good , but then when I saw what had  happened because of the way they implemented it I saw that it had made it harder not easier on  veteran players. They set the prices instead of letting players set their own. Players should be able to charge whatever they want to for their work, not have any system do it for them.  It made it near impossible to sell player made members only  items such as pots, range sets,  cooked sharks , even nature runes. Which prior to the exchange if you knew where to go you could type selling them once and have 10 people trading you. The price on those items dropped significantly as soon as the exchange was introduced. Prior to the exchange anyone had a chance to buy any item at low cost, after the exchange that was made obsolete.  you no longer could trade items for other items it was only made in gold currency which made it more difficult on sellers. What i see as the biggest problem with runescapes economy in general is that the time it takes to get items are not reflected in the cost of the items. getting 85 or 91 slayer takes much longer than getting a lvl 3 clue scroll yet those hard earned items are far less in value. There is something seriously wrong with an economy that the supplies that things are made from are worth far more than the end products. I think it would be nice if the economy  was more life like in that the supplies should be easily obtained and the end products much harder, thus making them more expensive, and giving the player that worked harder the benefit of those hard earned levels.

  • DemonicpresDemonicpres Member Posts: 7

    I was hoping the g.e. would be more like WoW's auction house but it did turn out to be a piece of crap.  It would be nice to set your own prices for a rune scimitar whether it be 10k or 100k, its nice to sell something fast if you just want to make quick cash.  And if you want to sell something at the "max" price well i salute you and say good luck.  Although when buying its sometimes fast to get an item or two, overall there needs to be more of a browsing option to see what offers are on the table for items.  My benefit from WoW's auction house was being able to scout for cheap items and turn them into a profit but it just cant happen in here unless you can predict that that item will rise in price in the future.   Along with unfair trades the game is ruined in my belief.

  • LunethLuneth Member Posts: 63

    The grand exchange looked like a good idea to start with. but when the removal of unbalanced trade came, it just screwed up the game. It just did


  • Matt269Matt269 Member Posts: 124

    The Grand Exchange also ruined the economy because it was Jagex determining the prices not the players. The exchange dropped the prices of so many items that were once valuable. Jagex took of the economy away from the players. The .5% rule also makes it nearly impossible to merchant and make a profit.

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