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Quick question just curious if there are any other PKers out there. Was reading a post whereas a pve'er (anti-PK) declared that a ganksquad consisted of around 4 players.
This is weird too me because I know I've soloed 4+ players in PVP single handedly (and put it up on FRAPS to accompany a guide I wrote on my build with proof how well it worked). Basically what prompted me to provide video evidence at the time- in city of Heroes everyone posted on the forums Brutes blow and cant solo a fly. So after I made a film where I was soloing 4+ players they got a lot of players attention. Just wanted to prove my avatar wasn't gimped and was fun sharing my roleplay (bio, etc) with others
I think even in WoW with blues (no epix) I could solo 2+ players on my Shaman. I've seen better geared players takedown much more then that and FRAPS it.
So let's get a count, how many players have you soloed in PVP? Am I just out-the-ordinary (able to solo more then 1 guy)? I didnt think I was anything special my friend sent me a vid just the other day where he tookdown 2 PKers solo in WoW arenas on his Shaman
Do players that complain about 'gankers' simply lack player skill? Well, if no one replies to my poll then I know I'm just really good in which I seriously doubt
Kind of a hard post to reply to. It really depends on the game.
My recors is like 25 ppl with one attack - was because of a bug beut hey i didnt know. I was a force jedi in SWG PRE-NGE, and we had this funny area spell called intimidiate which just lowerd the attack rate of all enemys and doing a little dmg. But if you kill the one you target with that spell all foes in an area of 32 m die instantly. Ohh joy :P
In DAOC pretoa I took out 4 infiltrators with my minstrel. Was on the pvp server in the barrows dungeon. Had to blow every single RA I had, but was my best run ever at the time.
My brother took on 8 solo in Asheron's Call Darktide server... and in UO we took on tons... but those were skill based games back in the day, back when gear didnt mean anything it was how well you played.
Sadly MMO's have drifted away from that style of play and more towards getting the uber sword of doom that cant be stopped, or the god armor that cant be pierced... its a shame really.
I think my record (in WoW) is 6 players, pre-TBC.
I played an UD Rogue, and they were all max level. They even knew I was there, heh.
WoW. The old days when people were in queue for Alterac Valley + Mage = PWNT ;D
I have memories of logging on a pbae caster (animist as well) with a bot in daoc and killing a LOT of people at once in certain towers and choke points. I never bothered to do a body count though.
8 in DAoC!
Okay I was level 50 and my opponents were level 20... It was more of a massacre... God DAoC was good back in the day. Shame they ruined it with BGs
In UO, I have seen people take on 5+, however I coul only take on 3 at a time. In WoW, me and my bro were guarding the mine in AB and we took out a group of 5 over and over. You could say it was 6 because there was this dumb warlock that always lead their charge and me and my bro insta-killed him so he doesn't really count. In BF1942 on Omaha beach, I once came up the left side of the beach and when I got to the top of the hill there were 9 enemies there and somehow I killed all of them, only 2 were killed with grenades.
I have to admit though, once the ratio gets more than 2:1 it's not really how good you are that deteremines the battle, it's more how much they suck. Which I consider ganking when you outnumber the enemy more than 2:1.
Your mind is like a parachute, it's only useful when it's open.
Don't forget, you can use the block function on trolls.
I manage to kill 12-13 players in World of Warcraft a couple of years ago (Pre-BWL) in 20 the Stranglethorn Vale Arena Event. I must have been before patch 1.6, but again it played a Warlock
I don't PvP in MMORPGs because it's lame. However, I think my longest killing spree in FPS games was right around 15. I was never able to break that barrier for some reason.
My best kill was in War Rock just before K2 took over and right after they put in the Counter-Strike style maps. I took out two guys with one shot from my sniper rifle at a distance of about ten feet. They came in from opposite sides of the room and I just happened to fire at the exact moment that they lined up. It was a one in a million shot and you just had to be there..... <sigh>
For RTS games, I beat four other players in Age of Empires 2, regicide mode, using the Franks. I'm not sure if the faction I was using was overpowered, or if my opponents were total n00bz because I absolutely suck at AoE2 and always have.
I also managed to around 75 rounds of Kumite in Virtua Figher 4, but that wasn't against human opponents. Then again, the AI in Virtua Fighter 4 (and 5) is really, really good on it's higher settings. <shrugs> It's not like your ever going to have more than five or six wins in a row at the arcade anyway. Not only does it get expensive, but people tend to stop challenging you after so many wins in a row.
Maybe if anyone does PvP in an MMORPG in such a way that skill matters more than stats and gear, I'll actually try it. Until then, enjoy comparing spreadsheets.
It absolutly depends on the game.
In tribes I could easly take out and hold the enemy base (8 enemy)
In Starsiege I could easly hold my own agenst 4 enemy hercs. (6 if they were average players)
In Mechwarror 4, I hand no problem agenst 3 average enemy mechs players (a good player then it was a trade off 1 win for every 1 loss)
In shattered gallaxy I can take on 2 average players and win. But again agenst a good player it's 1 win for every 1 loss
In COD, BF, CS etc... I have taken out a squad of 5 with a well placed gernade, claymore. With well placed land mines I have taken out 21 in BF2 at 1 time. Caravan charges, FTL.
In EVE back in the early days when we had real battles (before ganking became the norm) durring wars I used to salt planets with mines and took out 5 (3C 2 F) when I retreated to a trap I had set up. Now days such battles would not be possable.
In wow I have managed to kill 3 using traps, my pet and good ammo (multy shot). Sat I had a lvl20 warrior challange my lvl15 Lock which to his amazement I was able to kill him without him ever hitting me once. I had him follow me into a building before we fought, fear, fire, my voidwaker, marbles and gernades (my lock is an engineer) and he was running away or stunned for the entire fight.
On the other hand I have been killed by players in all the games so quickly that I may as well have been AFK.
Point being, it is easy to kill players that are not as skilled as you or not as well equiped as you or simply dont have the experence to play effectivly.
So killing a lot of noobs is no great feat, nor is it really PVP. When I shoot down 6 players in a transport heli that is not really PVP, thats duck hunting. When I tear through 2 enemy rifts with my albs in SG thats not PVP, they never had a chance so thats taking candy from a baby. When my claymors take out a squad trying to sneak though the back way in BF2 that is not PVP, nor are mine fields PVP.
PVP is when an enemy sniper, mech, ship or just the player and I are circleing, striking and covering knowing that which ever of us makes a mistake will be the one that looses.
An so it begins
Take the Magic: The Gathering 'What Color Are You?' Quiz.[/CENTER]
Well in eve i once soo killed 2 people in the same fight. One was in a frigate the other in a cruiser.
Of course i didnt use mines to get that as using mines is wdly regarded as a lame gankers tactic for getting Kills as they lagg the server. Probably why CCP got rid of them.
Retired from: Neocron, Everquest, Everquest 2, Guild Wars, RF Online and Final Fantasy VII
Currently Playing : EvE Online.
If we are talking even levels and odds, the best I ever did was 1 on 1. I can take on more lower levels, but I could never take out more than 1 if they were the same level. So, I didn't reply to the poll since it really depends on the level of the person you are fighting and what they have for equipment.
AKA - Bruxail
Yeah true. In City of heroes they have gear but its not really "epic" gear like you see in World of Warcraft. So, at least before Inventions (I havent played since Inventions was introduced)- a casual PVPer could beat a veteran. Not to mention there was no limit to the 'potion spamming' so you could get really amped up if you popped a bunch. What was funny clever use of inspirations is what made Arenas strategic (guild vs guild or 1vs1)
Still there are Class discrepancies and the fact it was not really built for PVP. So it was no picnic and gives your post even more credance (sp?).
But it was fun grabbing an avatar everyone said was horrible and sort of showing them how fun the avatar could be when played right.
Not to mention Vertical Movement is very key in City of Heroes. Here I will show a film from one of my favorite PvPers in that game to illustrate:
Guild Match put up by Aura from Freaks of Legend
Best I've ever done was in Shadowbane, on the server Carnage we were at a Bane defending a city against a raid of about 75 people. My group of 8 druids, one bard, and a teleporting wizard warped into the middle of them all. Immunity + ae earthquake = dead raid. We didn't lose one person in our group.
I'm not sure if this is just an elaborate "I am Lewt, F3AR my SKillZ" post or a serious question.
However, Altho every MMORPG in which PvP occurs strives for class balance, I have yet to see any that accomplishes it. There is always one class that seems to shine and outcompete all others. Most often these are ranged DD class (often casters or archers). As an Archer in DAOC Ive single handedly killed 6786 players in one fight...because I was high up on a keep wall and they couldnt get inside. Obviously you can see the fault in this argument.
When it comes down to it, "how many people can you kill in PVP" isnt a good question. "How much fun did you have in PvP, win or lose" is a much better question to ask yourself.
Torrential: DAOC (Pendragon)
Awned: World of Warcraft (Lothar)
Torren: Warhammer Online (Praag)
Hmm I wonder whose post you read...
4+ players isn't a gank squad, ganking isn't about numbers.... it's about difference in power.
4 players ambushing and attacking a single player, if they are all around the same level/power it's not ganking, it's simply being ambushed/attacked by a group.
A level 70 stealthing around a level 20 zone one-shotting noobs is ganking.
4 level 70s stealthing around a level 70 zones and jumping other level 70s isn't ganking nor are they a "gank squad" they are simply a PvP squad.
As for the answer to your poll...
I've won Arena matches in WoW 2 on 1, my whole team dead and I finish off the last two enemies solo. I've won 4 vs. 5 matches when we had our 5th DC right before the match started...
In UO I remember winning vastly outnumbered fights, and I remember in UO factions PvP kiting 3 players at once, killing two before I could Recall away to safety.
I never was very "good" at PvP in WoW, not in BG's anyway, but did well in Arena. I was a warrior, so, only did well depending on what class' the enemy had
The Planetside crowd should get on this one. I've personally seen (not my own kill alas) a CR5 position an Orbital Strike with such precision that 73 players were killed - at once! Alas, 70 of those were his own troops...
I stink at PVP, but excel at evading being ganked.... I may not kill may folks, but few people can actually catch me.... I'm a master at using the games design/terrain to my advantage to avoid attack..
"True friends stab you in the front." | Oscar Wilde
"I need to finish" - Christian Wolff: The Accountant
Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm
Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Pvbs 18:2, NIV
Don't just play games, inhabit virtual worlds™
"This is the most intelligent, well qualified and articulate response to a post I have ever seen on these forums. It's a shame most people here won't have the attention span to read past the second line." - Anon
Shortly after the new RvR design in DAoC came out (the ability to drop oil), I dont remember the exact number, but it was around 2 full grps. I was on my runemaster, or actually, just logging in.
I was logged out in a keep, and the keep was being attacked late at night when hardly anyone was on. Which i think meant it was a guild. I put down my GTAoE, went upstairs, dumped the oil, killed all but 4, and 2 more GTAOE's dropped the rest. Quite hilarious.
Now technically i didnt kill them with skill, but thats just a technicality
I intentionally made the post very broad it is applicable to any MMO. In UO there were no Classes per se so Class balance is not really an issue per se. There are also MMOs out there in the vein of Starport/Vendetta whereas your player skill is a huge factor
I do think in most MMO player skill does play a big factor over the Class imbalances. For example, my Class in City of heroes was for sure an underdog, underpowered. But given the right circumstances and perhaps due to ignorance/arrogance of my opposition- I was able to exploit them. I dont mean exploit like "cheat" but exploit as in- I killed them easily because they thought I was a gimp and was shocked once they discovered I unlocked a strategy
Btw, I should add though my Brute in particular was an EM/ELectric. So city of heroes players know what great fun it was when that new powerset was introduced. I grinded my guy up to max cap right fast and was funny taking out other Classes that assumed my powerset was gimped. They just never really even seen an Electric Brute before. Was very funny
in some games soloing 2 people is hard but in some games soloing 10 is easy... depends which game
I like that definition I must say I agree with that
Yeah, I agree.
Hmm, Shooters that are large in scale is where I have done the most damage. Games like BF2 and BF2142; I think I may have taken out in upwards of 8-10 with maneuvers and/or grenades. Those are really hard to gauge for me though because because my kill streak is about 40 in BF2 and 60+ in BF2142. I can say though that I have taken flags single handedly from what seems like full squads in both of those games. Before I stopped playing I was playing regularly on a server called Texas Team Players, where all the regulars were in the top 15,000. Playing with those guys (leet players will eventually make you leet if you adapt well to their tactics) and going to a average server makes you feel like a god and you can't be stopped. Good times.
Now if we are talking MMO's and ganking, well...I could go on all day ganking without being killed. Being a 70 in WoW in a lowbie area can go on endlessly til another 70 arrives to possibly take you down.
But level for level I don't think I have taken out more then maybe 2-3 in succession. Infact I know I haven't. BG's don't really count to me because so many are involved and you may get the KB...but someone else may have done all the damage.
Guild Wars is about the same...2-3 players in quick succession as a Derv or as an Ele.
It really does depend on the game.
Best I ever did was 3 in AC1
AC1 had really killer PvP and it was all about skill.