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In this morning, I login to TR and it just says "No servers found". I mean the server list is empty. Anyone else having problems?
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Ouch. can't say that I do...but I don't play this game. That sux though.
Maybe server maintenance? do they have a down cycle for TR? or server reset?
I'm getting that to. I imagine it just means they are down, probably due to the update.
Same issue here. It shows the servers as being up on the TR web site but no servers found when I try to log in. seems like everyone is having the same problem...
I think somebody forgot to plug in the login server to the main servers.
It's one hour after downtime and I'm still getting that problem, anyone else?
I noticed this this morning and I am glad to see I am not the only one having issues. When did the update come out?
nevermind I just checked and the servers are available again. Must have gone live in the last few minutes.
Cant connect through the authenticating server now
Cant connect to any part of tabula now.
I'll just nip over to the official forums and let them know whats going on, oh wait no can't do that cause there aren't any.
Damn my slow posting, but they did post up saying that there was a problem so maintenance was extended... although as of this time of posting... its all up (unless you are on Virgin Media in the UK were you are havin issues right now)
Whats the situation with Virgin media ? , as typical - I am on Virgin and cant log in.
Known issue ?
Any help appreciated
Im with virgin too Im going to file a report, with ncsoft but it looks like I wont be able to play this game.
Strange thing is though I can access everything apart from anything to do with ncsoft.
Well me and a couple of friends only realised this today with NTL (who are owned by Virgin) couldnt reach the playNC website, nor a couple of other websites (, the skype credit purchase site, and others) not to mention not being able to connect to the game.
Now for my friend, this only happened after the patch.... but rather suprisingly, this is when NTL had their issues as well (rebooting of the main computer, swapping computers to check the websites)... so it looks like the Virgin/NTL combination right now just isnt playing ball.
Thanks for the info, if they dont fix it soon and give a reliable service Im switching to BT.
Spoken to Virgin Tech, its a known issue with German / European Server Sites , they are aware of it, had
loads of calls and hope to fix it Asap.
Talk about a HUGE patch!
Server and Client Updates
Creature Updates
Maps and Missions Updates
Ligo: Ashen Desert
Ligo: Crucibe: Incurables Ward
Valverde: Howling Maw
Eloh Temples - Several changes:
Skills and Ability Updates
UI Updates
Known Issues
Was it this patch or the next one they are implementing the Surplus Store (Auction House) ?
Eve-Online, EQ2, DnL, SWG (Dead), Guild Wars, Anarchy Online, EQ, DAoC, Planet Side, WoW, LOTR, Tabula Rasa.
According to other TR forums, its the next big patch Diross. Was suppose to be in this one, but it was too buggy, so they held it back.