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I feel so bad for not believing all those people out there that got the red rings on their 360. I was all, "psht, won't happen to me, I take care of my console"
Well Shazbot, it just happen tonight and I feel like I've been violated in some electronic way.
Sorry Just had to get that off my chest.
P.S. Sorry to all you who got the RRoD and I thought it was due to you being stupid.
I think the RROD is completely random. I got the RROD the first day I bought the console.
I've gotten the RRoD a few times, but the console has never actually bricked. I just turned it off and on and it was fine again.
Eternally mine,
The MMO gaming blog I write for.
Sorta like being hit by lightning. 1 in 5000 seems like good odds, until your hit

Havent they fixed this yet????
Retired from: Neocron, Everquest, Everquest 2, Guild Wars, RF Online and Final Fantasy VII
Currently Playing : EvE Online.