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Of all the place all over the web I chose this one to ask this very important question
Anyways, I mainly only play MMORPGs and I was wonder what brand or even specs are recommended these days? I was looking at this one
Actually I can figure out most of the specs, but what has me stumped is the contrast ratio; which is the better ratio, 800:1 or 1000:1. I'm also unclear about the brightness, most seem to have 300cd/m2, so I just want to double check to make sure it's a good number to pick up.
Thanks in advance to any advice you might be able to provide.
Contrast ratio is a measure of the brightest to the darkest, so the larger the ratio, the better. OTOH, exactly what is being measured varies, plus these measurements are often conducted under controlled conditions that are definitely not found in the home. In essence, be wary when determining how much stock to put into contrast ratio.
I dunno what a good cd/m^2 number is, so I can't really help you there. I know what it measures, but not what constitutes a good value.
For myself, I look more at brand names and reviews by independant groups/agencies. Dell and Samsung have pretty good reputations for monitors, so I'd take a look at them. You really don't want to skimp out on something that you stare at for hours at a time -- I do, anyway.