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I am thinking of playing the trial of this game because I haven't played it in a while but i remember when i did I loved every moment of this game, i only quit because i had this quest to kill 500 trolls and it got annoying cuz i kept dying.. but that was my fault.
My question is, does the trial include all the mini expansions or just the main ones.... 14 days is quite a bit if you ask me, and does the trial have any restrictions?
It includes everything. Thats why it takes so long to download. However, the trial only allows you to level until level 10 and has limits on where you can go. For example... if you're playing on the Isle, you can't leave the island.
What this means is that, if you decide to buy, you'll get a code (if you buy online) that you can enter into the loading and it will give you immediate access to all of the game.
are you sure because it doesnt say anything about those restrictiosn anywhere.
yeah, hes right, in the trial you can only hit level 10 and you can only be in certain areas
<a href=""><img src=""></a>
that really sucks!
No, not really. Most games do that. They want to give you a taste, not the full experience. That way it wets your appetite. To give you the full experience would be pointless. Its kind of like the trailers for movies. They are meant to wet your appetite so that you'll pay to see the movie, they aren't meant to give you the full movie.
You don't get mad over trailers for movies, so why would you get mad over a level limit that is the teaser for a game?
the taste is the fact that it's for only 14 days...... then you have to pay.. they may as well have the trial be forever then no?
Yes, there were a few special trial accounts which last forever. Personaly I am using this lifetime trial account to update game after long pause of playing.
Mundus vult decipi, ergo decipiatur.
and you cant even play all the races, what kind of trial is that!
With the exception of the Sarnak you can play whatever race you want in the trial.
If you start by creating a Fae you can play all other races.
I dont know why are you surprised that trial dont have this and that. Its a trial and in EVERY game there are limitations in trial. I think trial is good enough for everyone to decide and BUY the game.
Also if you want longer trial, buy a game and play 30days for free.
Mundus vult decipi, ergo decipiatur.
You MUST create a fae first, but if you don't want to play one, create a junk one then log out and create a new character. It was designed with the EoF expansion came out and forced players to see the new content.