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So what PVP game does everyone look forward to. Is it Warhammer Online? Will Age of Conan be close?
Warhammer Online - I'm no fan of Race versus Race games. However I never played Dark Age of Camelot so maybe I've just never seen it done right! I like how you can earn XP from PVP, do pvp quest based scenarios, and the strong lore. I flip flop on this. Only bad thing (for me) is that the combat looks traditional. Nothing wrong with that but will Meleers get pwned by Casters like every other MMO? No open PVP but this might be okay for their type of MMO.
Spellborn - I'm really stoked for this one. Checkout the recent PVP footage here: Spellborn combat video. Has hybrid Classes, armor/weapons dont have stats on them, player skill based combat, FFA PVP zones (but if I feel lazy I can go to PVE zones to earn easier XP), best resources for side items in pvp areas, etc. But no US SErver yet, sigh....
Aion - I haven't been keeping up with much. Features aerial combat and a new PvEvP system. Features good vs evil with minor differences between the factions for sake of balance.
Darkfall - skill based system, combat, sieges, player owned land, etc. Problem is it sounds a bit too good and we all know the controversy around it. Will it really come out in 2009 or will it keep going?
Age of Conan - might be a little twitchy their FAQ has tricky wording. Will have a little risk vs reward (blood money), sieges, player owned land, confirmed PVP server, and some other interesting ideas. Like DFO they might be trying to do way too much
Huxley - recent footage looked a bit too much like Unreal Tournament 3 but I still have some hope.
Depending on when these MMOs release I might try them all if their release dates are spaced out. But if they all release at the sametime....
I hate to admit this but I wonder if Spellborn will be a sleeper hit? Because they are focusing on their strengths not trying to do anything fancy. All the other big hitters are spreading themselves really wide making us a lot of promises.
Huxley - Looks like UT3 .. But.. Its a MMOFPS.. Not much information about it yet.
A few videos etc.
I'll try to keep upto date with it.
These game are just in the process of becomming.In addition.....people have little or no information.Heck if it's a Mythic creation...whats true today ......could be completly different tomorrow.
I voted for Spellborn here is why:
Warhammer: Looks like EA trying to get as much as money as WoW using Mythic’s wizardry and Warhammer’s IP.
Age of Conan: Looks Darkfall lyte but hey at least we know it is going to come out :P.
Aion: I know I will get flamed for saying this but to me it looks like WoW’s open pvp.
Huxley: Just isn’t my type of game.
Potbs: Don’t know a lot about this game.
And of course Darkfall: Who could want more? Twitch combat, Open world pvp, sieges,, player made cites, etc sadly this is a lot to code and all of these features won’t come out.
Spellborn: This is just what I want D&D online system of combat (a combat that I loved) + pvp=win (to me at least.)
I am interested in TCoS of Darkfall out of those considering all the others feel like just skill spamming which leads to equipment/level based.
Currently Playing:
Waiting for DF
Might take a look at AoC if I here anything good from my buddies. If anything my past experiences with Funcom have contributed to my lack of interest.
ROFL @ Darkfall
For once could we avoid the tactless jabs?
Im throwing my vote to WAR. Its made as a PvP game from the ground up, from a company known for making good PvP games
Torrential: DAOC (Pendragon)
Awned: World of Warcraft (Lothar)
Torren: Warhammer Online (Praag)
Fallen Earth will become an great PvP game. It is for a part player skilled with I think migth get a good amount of poeple to PvP and about 1/3 of the world is PvP. You will also actualy have an goal, like taking over town and benifit from the mission you can get there and from the resources it might provide. Really worth looking in to.
WARs PvP sounded interesting, but I fear it might be a bit to much a la WoW.
Darkfall, hands down. Nothing else even comes close at this point.
DF by far (in principle), the only ones getting it remotely right imo. Will try TCoS depending on release date, also AoC but mainly for the novelty factor. Will not touch WAR in a million, just isn't my kind of PvP at all.
The person who is certain, and who claims divine warrant for his certainty, belongs now to the infancy of our species.
WAR could be the most fun if they can make it fun and not just skill mashing... but best, best should be AoC if the lag don't kill it.
Darkfall, idea is great but I think that studio of that size could never pull it off, if it ever does come out it will probably be the crappyest game with the best ideas.
Not intersted in others.
Darkfall is by FAR the most interesting, IMHO. An open sandbox style game where the players can create their own PvP structure. But, will it ever actually make it? Who the hell knows?
WAR will be the biggest, when it comes to subs, no doubt at all there. The game has a lot of things going for it, but it the end, it doesn't seem like it will have much depth. Another narrow class/level system, gear centric (I'd be willing to bet), simplistic game play, and a fairly static world. Just too much of the same old to keep me interested.
TCoS has a really interesting combat system. Problem is, as far as I know, it looks like another class/llevel based, linear MMO.
Darkfall nothing come even close!
Hope to build full AMD system RYZEN/VEGA/AM4!!!
MB:Asus V De Luxe z77
CPU:Intell Icore7 3770k
GPU: AMD Fury X(waiting for BIG VEGA 10 or 11 HBM2?(bit unclear now))
PSU:Corsair AX1200i
OS:Windows 10 64bit
What if it does come out, but gameplay is choppy and character animations are rigid and ugly, there is none to very litle customization, but delivers on the rest, at least in theory, would it still be the best PVP, even if you need suspension of disbelief of a five year old to have fun?
what if whats that for a reply ?
I dont know if that ,if so who cares?
From what i know now is for anyone who want a deep gameplay with high lvl of rpg and freedom and hardcore pvp, want to play such a game simple.
Darkfall will be a hardcore rpg pvp dream come true:)
Hope to build full AMD system RYZEN/VEGA/AM4!!!
MB:Asus V De Luxe z77
CPU:Intell Icore7 3770k
GPU: AMD Fury X(waiting for BIG VEGA 10 or 11 HBM2?(bit unclear now))
PSU:Corsair AX1200i
OS:Windows 10 64bit
All of these have great concepts and great potential but until we actually see and experience the gameplay on a "stable" release version of that game anything can happen. For all we know they might be saying all this stuff will be implemented and when release comes around they change things up. Its best to wait and see what happens instead of making assumptions.
Don't be terrorized! You're more likely to die of a car accident, drowning, fire, or murder! More people die every year from prescription drugs than terrorism LOL!
Well the have stated prestige clases arent making release but it seems ot me the other features are in place how good it plays not sure we will find out soon enough
They do have payed Q/A testers and thats all they do they just added a few more 2 since there lil behind in testing a few things
notice in the newer screenshots how much more polished it looks?
WAR imo. Seems to become a really good PvP game, got high hopes on it and believe it will live up to them.
level and dice roll doesnt really make for good pvp skill based games are more suited for it depending on the depth
Didn't vote as there was no 'other' or 'Wait and See' option. I would hope that WAR lives up to it's promises, but with EA lurking in the background i am scared for it's future if EA demand changes to make it more popular!
At the end of the day we just won't know what any of them will be like until after release, good luck to them all.
It must be Thursday, i never could get the hang of Thursdays.
Easily WAR imo. To me having every quest in pve helping with the war for those people that need a balance in their game makes the difference. I know alot of people waiting to play WAR one includes my wife that can t PVP(RVR) all the time and i can understand that. I myself love rvr and will want to do it alot but she and some others i know LOVE the fact that everything they re doing pve wise helps in the war effort. To me every game that has pve/pvp mix should do this. In my perspective alone it s WAR mostly on the fact that i played and loved DAOC. It seems as though they re definately going to be alot of DAOC in WAR, and some that won t be. The chance to have that keep take excitment and feeling again in another game albeit the same company makes me very happy
Can't believe so many voted for Darkfall. I mean, come on, 25 developers? The game will be lucky to just work and have a tenth of the features they say they will have. Maybe they will wake up and learn to start small on the features list like Eve did, but I doubt it, hence Darkfall will be just another in a long line of disasters in the MMO field.