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omfg wtf this!!

SuperSuper Member Posts: 15

webzen changed everyones password and say send new password for e mail i send webzen back over 20 mails + screnshots for they know me id and its me char and not even reply me still , wat to do get new pass and they wont reply!! shit... any1 have same?image



  • IphicratesIphicrates Member Posts: 56

    OMG same thing with me what does this mean? I have to email to them? but i need proof?!? Wtf is this? Where is my pass?::::27::

    I Play MMORPGs as a living.

    Mu online


  • SuperSuper Member Posts: 15

    looool.. i know it now they send for everyone new password for email but when i start play i dont remeber wat email i put then i start play now i 4got the email where they send me new pass for mail and now send them 30 mail in day and no anwer me fuking sad .. really sad i play it 1 year im lvl 200 or more i wont quit itimage here i hope webzen read me mails and i back


  • IphicratesIphicrates Member Posts: 56
    image  I still haven't gotten an email! What do you think they will do with it? I am deadmeat if they don't send it to me! What would they do with it! Oh god, does it take that long to get an email from Korea? Ive gotten tons of emails from Utah in seconds! Are they doing each email one at a time? Where is my password!?image

    I Play MMORPGs as a living.

    Mu online


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