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First questions is,
In the manual it says the HUD shows you (in color codes) if you are getting damage mitigated when behind cover. It doesn't however tell you were to look for it, so I am not sure how I can tell if I am using cover properly. So where is it located?
Second question is,
Does using cover AND crouching benefit with damage mitigation or would say standing by a tree and crouching by a tree be the same? (other than better aim/damage given)
Thanks in advance for answering my questions.
When you are shot - the targetting reticle will have colors flash on the outside - to indicate both how much cover you are in, and the direction you are being shot from.
- Red indicates no cover, yellow, orange and green indicate better cover. Not sure of the % but I think green is 50%.
They really need a status somewhere else when you are in cover to indicate cover - like a shield with a %.
But crouch behind rocks, behind sandbags, in bunkers, atop the walls of forts etc for cover. Even crouched on a hill will provide cover from critters below you.
1) When you get hit a warning "splash" on your screen in the direction you were hit. The color indicates whether or not you're under cover. Red=no cover, yellow=cover.
2) I don't believe crouching assists with cover in itself, unless the effect puts you behind a rock or something.
Think of it in terms of how much of you body is obscured to the vision of the enemy. The more that is blocked, the greater your damage mitigation. Crouching makes your profile smaller so it's easier to obscure.
To read the manual, it sounds like there's also another interesting and easily overlooked aspect: When crouching, you're supposed to naturally take less damage from ranged enemies but take more damage from meleeing enemies. I haven't noticed this definitively for sure in the game, but that's what it says in the manual.
lol, that makes sense now! I was crouching in some PvP and this guy smacked me with the butt of his rifle (from behind even, how dare he!?) and did a lot more damage than I ever got hit for before at that level! lol
That'll learn me

Unless they changed it since beta, meleeing with some weapons hurts more than shooting someone with them. At one point it was viable to run through a horde of baddies spamming "F" and watching them fall.
It hurt though, that's for sure
I can add something regarding the second question in the OP:
Crouching IN A DITCH, or BEHIND SANDBAGS can provide complete protection in SOME cases.
Case in point: PREDATORS! I had 3 of them firing on me at once when I was crouched in a ditch with flanking berms and took ZERO damage at level 12. This was in the battlefield area somewhat south of foreas base. Those suckers normally toast me in about 2 salvos normally.
It pays to look for cover when facing difficult enemies!
Thanks for all the info guys. I am gonna need to relay it to my friend who only uses manuals for cup holders or toilet paper then gets fustrated because he doesn't know about certain features.
By the way I did read the manual but question 1 was partially covered. They just said the HUD is color coded so I would be looking at all the outlines around the buttons and health bar and stuff to change to a certain color when I was behind cover.
Sorry for the nonsense blabbering.
Thanks again.
Happy hunting SideBuster!
Oh and please keep "blabbering"
We need some good old fashion chit chat around these parts!
And as far as i hear and expirienced
crouching will up! your damageoutput put with ranged weapons.(which makes some sense
for accuracy regarding recoil)
At least it did for my rifle chain and pistol..
i seldom crouch with the shotgun in the griffel *grin*
It`s alright
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