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Questions from an old Vet

TalonsinTalonsin Member EpicPosts: 3,619

I played UO during it's first 3 years and then left.  In 7 years I have not been able to find the sandbox that UO has.  I resubbed my old account to check things out.  I have a GM warrior with 100 in swords, archery, tactics, anatomy and 95 in parry.  I purchsed a basic suit of chainmail and a longsword and ventured out into the woods.

I got owned!!!  I saw a reaver (tree thing) and got hit with lightening and died before I could hit it once.  I got owned by a gargoyle and a mordain priest.

I dont remember being the bend-over boy before, have the usefulllness of tactices and anatomy diminished or do I just stink?  I dont remember the woods being sucha  dangerous place so close to the main city before.  Would magical gear really help me at all?

"Sean (Murray) saying MP will be in the game is not remotely close to evidence that at the point of purchase people thought there was MP in the game."  - SEANMCAD


  • FockerFocker Member Posts: 344

    LOL, welcome to uo.  The day AOS came out, I took my 7x gm out into the woods and got my butt kicked my a mongbat.I sold my account right after that.  UO is item based and  Gm armor isnt' worth snot. You have to go out and grind for a few hours to find some items on monsters.  That or spend a few million to find something nice.  Yeah, a million today is like 10k to us back in the day. 

  • The_Boo_CatThe_Boo_Cat Staff WriterMember UncommonPosts: 157

    As above.  And while current playersd reckon that anyone can get the money to buy these arties for the millions they sell for I think what they really mean is lets buy the gold from the scripters that are running rife in tjhe game.

    Obviously no-one admits to this but buying items for real cash from from the UO official site shop is so much different isn't it?

    Damn it I miss this game...just resubbed recently but it didn't last.  Like you I am an old vet of the game and I just don't like its current incantation.

    I need to stop coming here..I really hate people like me who go to the forums of a game they don't even play and feel the need to vent.  Some people really do like the game the way it is at the moment...let them have their fun...we had ours.

    Notice: The views expressed in this post are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the reviews of or its management.

    Neil Thompson
    Staff Writer

  • joeybootsjoeyboots Member UncommonPosts: 628

    Yes this game is very item reliant nowadays. They added item stats and effects a while back, and completely changed the feel of the game. I imagine ea was trying to make uo more like eq and such. Your skills still matter, but not as much as what gear you equip.

  • SemielSemiel Member UncommonPosts: 94

    As above. And while current playersd reckon that anyone can get the money to buy these arties for the millions they sell for I think what they really mean is lets buy the gold from the scripters that are running rife in tjhe game.

    Not only that, but *alot* of the rich vet players did get rich by duping, either directly or indirectly. At one time single players were duping hundreds of millions of gold a day. The bug was so well known that I am still disgusted thinking about it, the people that were caught were too stupid to hide/or mask it.

    Of course those players have alot of money to buy whatever they want now (and thus like the item based gameplay as it greatly favours them), but thats also a reason why the game is dead for new players or people that didnt profit from the massive duping.

    I am playing on a freeshard now and it is lots of fun...

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