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I am just wondering what the "end-game" is like in Vanguard.

Hello everyone. I started playing Vanguard about 2 months after launch and LOVED it. I found the game very similar to EverQuest 1, which i never thought i'd find. Anyway, i leveled a Necromancer to level 50 in about 3 weeks, yeah i know... i had ALOT of spare time and overall just loved everything about Vanguard, apart from the performance of course.

Once 50, i started grinding some spells that droped of different mobs. I then raiding Rhaz Inkur... i think thats what it was called... and an amazing chest peice dropped that was good for Necromancers, unfortuneatly some idiot in my guild looted it by mistake. Anyway...

The raid i did was fun, though the lag was crazy for all of us. Because this was my first raid, afterwords we all started talking about the "end-game" and APPARENTLY the end game is only going to be big ass long raids for spells and equipment.

Now, the PvP was a joke in this game but I'm not bothered, it wasn't designed for PvP.


If there is no PvP and only hardcore raids at the end of the game, i can't see myself playing this game again. Like i said, I'm not bothered about PvP but PvP tends to be more casual, hardcore raids are not.

Can someone please let me know just how the "end-game" is in Vanguard now. I would really love to read that they have Casual raids or just something else to do once 50... and not crafting or diplimacy :)

I'm going back to college now but i will check the thread in an hour or so.


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  • boojiboyboojiboy Member UncommonPosts: 1,553

    For group casual end game stuff you can do Rahz Inkur and it sounds like you've been there.  However, the quest lines go on and on there and are a lot of fun.  The Oracle event is one of the end first for example.  Nusibe boss kililng is fun, crypt clearing is great, Hegenarian. 

    Overland raid bosses, the Volcano zone all take multiple groups.

    For end game soloing, if you like to solo, working on the Swamp armor lines results in some great gear. 

    The high end raid content is not in yet (Ancient Port Warehouse), but perhaps within under a month.  Different than the above listed, this will be what most of us think of as raiding.

  • SturmrabeSturmrabe Member Posts: 927

    Ever played EQ?

    Of all that is written, I love only what a person has written with his own blood. -Nietzsche

  • SathirSathir Member Posts: 161

    Originally posted by boojiboy

    For group casual end game stuff you can do Rahz Inkur and it sounds like you've been there.  However, the quest lines go on and on there and are a lot of fun.  The Oracle event is one of the end first for example.  Nusibe boss kililng is fun, crypt clearing is great, Hegenarian. 
    Overland raid bosses, the Volcano zone all take multiple groups.
    For end game soloing, if you like to solo, working on the Swamp armor lines results in some great gear. 
    The high end raid content is not in yet (Ancient Port Warehouse), but perhaps within under a month.  Different than the above listed, this will be what most of us think of as raiding.
    Hm, sounds like nothing much has changed. I'm glad they are working on the performance though, I'll just wait until the end game is more clear and implemented.

    Thanks for your post.

    WAR is coming, are you prepared?

  • SathirSathir Member Posts: 161

    Originally posted by Sturmrabe

    Ever played EQ?

    Yes for 5 years. I have considered joining again but i see it as a step in the wrong direction. I'm currently thinking about buying the station pass so i can play all of the Sony games... I may have to take another look and hope going back will not destory my old memories.

    WAR is coming, are you prepared?

  • SathirSathir Member Posts: 161


    Deleted for double post - Forum playing up big time at the minute.

    WAR is coming, are you prepared?

  • KyleranKyleran Member LegendaryPosts: 44,251

    When you think about it...there's really only two ways an MMORPG's end game can go.....

    They can follow the PVE route (see EQ1/2, WOW, LotRO) and add ever increasing land areas to explore, gear to replace,  increase the level caps or create raid instances to conquer.   Toss in some side items like housing, crafting etc....and that's your game.....  VG is cut from this mold and none of these games will vary from this path....

    The second design choice can involve an end game where player actions impact the game world itself.  It can involve taking possession of and controlling pre-built castles or keeps, like Lineage 2 , DAOC and WAR, or it can involve players creating their own cities and defending them from attackers like in Shadowbane and perhaps AOC.   Another model is to allow players to control large areas of territory a la EVE.... where Corporations lay soveriengty claims to vast areas of space....

    The second model requires one thing though.... player conflict.  I suppose you could design a pve game where PVE actions like conquering certain quests or instance would result in actual territory control, or perhaps access to a great new dungeon.  Generally though, its been PVP oriented games which have focused on this sort of a mechanic.


    "True friends stab you in the front." | Oscar Wilde 

    "I need to finish" - Christian Wolff: The Accountant

    Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm

    Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Pvbs 18:2, NIV

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    "This is the most intelligent, well qualified and articulate response to a post I have ever seen on these forums. It's a shame most people here won't have the attention span to read past the second line." - Anon

  • StellosStellos Member UncommonPosts: 1,491
    Originally posted by Sathir

    Originally posted by Sturmrabe

    Ever played EQ?


    Yes for 5 years. I have considered joining again but i see it as a step in the wrong direction. I'm currently thinking about buying the station pass so i can play all of the Sony games... I may have to take another look and hope going back will not destory my old memories.

    Personally, I don't recommend that.  I think you'll be happier with exploring the games and finding just one you enjoy.  I don't feel like Sony's quality is worth the pass.  I just wanted to give my 2 cents incase you are debating it.

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