this is a warning to all the new ppl. v9 is not a good time to start. here are the following reasons...
- Pk everywhere now where is safe. even spawn points.
- You die you loose exp(not much difference from earlier versions.) only increased exp loss and you can delevel It has happened where some one was killing a boss for their lvl 60 class change some high level came in and killed him right before he killed the boss now since ur lvl 60 you can't gain exp untill you get ur next class. well that person deleveled wich then caused him to have to do the class change quest over again this can also be said for your lvl15 class change. I am not sure of this either but you also can loose items upon pk death. this poses a huge problem.
- hair has bumped up in price i am not sure but some one said it costed 6 mill just to change hair color maybe he over exagerated.
- pets not a bad idea really. but hard to lvl them and difficult upkeep.
- difficult item upgrades they just got harder.
I'm sorry to say this but Fly is dieing. they have a 50 page complaint thread on the forums of ppl yelling and ranting. Flyff is going down hill and i am hoping to see some change. this is just a warning to the new players. Enter at your own risk. it trully is sad to see a game this successfull die in a matter of weeks.
He makes a good point, basically, this is the most hardcore update for Flyff ever. And by hardcore, I mean everyone gets buttf*cked in one way or another.
ign: (all retired) -server lawolf-
Songsta (level 99 blade full dex)
PhajEh (level 81 billposter str build)
RiceCandy (level 71 ringmaster raiding build)
unfortunately agreed...i had a lvl 36 yoyo acro...its now a lvl 30 after getting chased all over the map by a gang of lvl 20s who wanted to have some fun ...i'm afraid to grind my lvl 64 satan psy for fear of getting pk'ed from behind for my lvl 52 knight to be merc i may be able to survive now that sneaker is a stun spell, but why bother? I'm not against pk but i miss my hours of relaxing in a safe environment just grinding's not fun for me anymore to always have to look over my shoulder in the game fearing everyone that comes near me is going to kill me just for the heck of it....version 9 has some good points with the updated shop system and the little details like the colored buff icons and blinking character, but with as many complaints as this version has received i really wish they would make a pk free server(or at least pvp only). pk is not what i started playing this game for. the game has potential, but be warned once you get past lvl 20 the game world is out to get you
-lvl 64 psy PsychicStorm Lawolf
-lvl 52 merc FlameOfDarkness Lawolf
-lvl 30ish acro MisticRain Lawolf -retired for now-
so than everything i read on the forum is true, i just saw that they had a new skill distribution thing in one of the versions, but seeing this sucks, i had a level 20 char before but he was using their old skill points/stat points and i forgot my acc info and than i see all this, if im going to be hunted down for "fun" than I'm not going to bother, cause i don't like random pks, and their ks and loot thing apparently is bad too now, so i think ill put this game on hold till the devs fix it....because right now it's not pretty...thats my opinion, it was good before :P
Agreed... I was thinking of getting back into Flyff.... But after seeing this I am not too sure...
Sick of playing Entropia Universe? Want to quit, but don't want your hard earned money to vanish? Give your items to ME :-)
After all the complaints, PK has been removed from the servers. So it's safe to go back.
oh yeah forgot to post in here that it was fixed XD well disreagard the first post in this thread. i did make a new thread called great news though. but yeah. so yeah fly si safe.... for now (till they screw up again u.u) but hopefully the complaints taught them a lesson they will not soon forget. which is don't mess witht he players. XD well peace out and good luck to the new players hope you guys enjoy the fixed flyff just as much i enjoyed the game before they screwed up adn hopefully i'll see you ppl aroudn the game.
So sad.. this game used to be good at once.
you guys are wuss bags, everyone disregard this thread
You like open PK so much, get on Demian server. I'd like to see you get past level 30 without being pk'd repeatedly over and over and over and over and over.
Like the other poster said, Flyff was a mediocre game before, and after the new updates, it's now simply pathetic.
" In Defeat, Malice; In Victory, Revenge! "
Its still pretty good on the non pk servers.
well it is true the pk on all servers sucked, its the reson ive quit playing many other games, but flyff is good again, iwell it was always good but its better again is what i should say lol.