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Which Game(s) Got You Started?

AstralglideAstralglide Member UncommonPosts: 686

Which games got you started role-playing? Was it a video game first or pen and paper/ table top? Do you still play them today? I'll start (this is just for curiosity's sake).

Video Games came first for me:

Final Fantasy (for NES) or Dragon Warrior (for NES)

The first pen and paper game I played was Shadowrun 2nd Edition but I became a big Vampire: The Masquerade Fan.

I have ROMs for all of the NES games, but I haven't played them in a while and I gave up on pen & paper games a while ago.

A witty saying proves nothing.



  • bonobotheorybonobotheory Member UncommonPosts: 1,007

    Good old-fashioned D&D.  I bought the "blue box" Basic Set in 1980 (give or take a year).  For computer RPGs, it was Ultima II on my Atari 800XL.

  • IlliusIllius Member UncommonPosts: 4,142

    I started with the original Baldur's Gate.  Before that I just played around on my NES but never played any of the rpg's.

    No required quests! And if I decide I want to be an assassin-cartographer-dancer-pastry chef who lives only to stalk and kill interior decorators, then that's who I want to be, even if it takes me four years to max all the skills and everyone else thinks I'm freaking nuts. -Madimorga-

  • lordsn0wlordsn0w Member Posts: 99

    ultima: quest of the avatar on the NES, still have the original cartridge.

  • KyleranKyleran Member LegendaryPosts: 44,245

    Never did the pen/paper thing... so my first RPG was a game called Dungeons of Daggorath on the TS-80 (Trash 80) in 1983.  I saw many a sunrise while pressing the famous A-R (attack-right) which normally held my two handed sword.

    Next game after that was the original Bard's Tale 1 on a IBM PC about 1986....then came a long string of PC RPG's that is too numerous to remember these days....

    "True friends stab you in the front." | Oscar Wilde 

    "I need to finish" - Christian Wolff: The Accountant

    Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm

    Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Pvbs 18:2, NIV

    Don't just play games, inhabit virtual worlds™

    "This is the most intelligent, well qualified and articulate response to a post I have ever seen on these forums. It's a shame most people here won't have the attention span to read past the second line." - Anon

  • CzzarreCzzarre Member, Newbie CommonPosts: 3,742

    I think it was D&D, But actual roleplaying was probably the old MUSH games



  • kestorkestor Member Posts: 37

    1 - Pen&paper D&D then ADD and some Call of Chtulu

    2 - Alkalabeth then ultima series from 1 to the last (9?) on apple then pc

    3 - Wizardy series (all of them)

    4 - Baldurs' gates series

    5 - Meridian 59

    6 - in june 2000, i got a new rpg game called Everquest (didnt know was an online game). Still play it nowadays 

    7 - getting online opened a new era : i played Asheron call, ultima online, lineage, Anarchy online, shadowbane...and Wow !

    I need to clone myself  to be able to play them all at the same time.


    PS : I love Zelda 

  • bartoni33bartoni33 Member RarePosts: 2,044

    Originally posted by bonobotheory

    Good old-fashioned D&D.  I bought the "blue box" Basic Set in 1980 (give or take a year).  For computer RPGs, it was Ultima II on my Atari 800XL.
    I still have my D&D Blue box, though its pretty worn now! I also have the Red Advanced D&D box. I got mine I think in 84, I remember it was in the middle of all the backlash from those college kids somewhere that sposed to have killed somebody while RPing D&D. My preacher was condemning it as satanism while his son was turning everybody on to it in grade school, including me! Anybody remember that After School Movie with John Travolta (I think) about D&D? I used to go over to my rich friends house to watch it on their $600 VCR (yes children they used to cost that much)and make fun of it!

    As far as computer games go I was late getting one so Ultima 9 was my first. Also my first taste of "Buggy Way to Early Release" game! They actually MAILED me a Patch disk to fix it. Still a good game though.

    Bartoni's Law definition: As an Internet discussion grows volatile, the probability of a comparison involving Donald Trump approaches 1.

  • AlcuinAlcuin Member UncommonPosts: 331


    Originally posted by Kyleran

    ... so my first RPG was a game called Dungeons of Daggorath on the TS-80 (Trash 80) in 1983.  I saw many a sunrise while pressing the famous A-R (attack-right) which normally held my two handed sword.


    In all my days I have never met anoyone else who played Dungeons of Daggorath.  I remember actually getting surprised/scared in that green wire frame dungeon.


    AR {enter}, AR{enter}, AR{enter}, ....



    D&D, Reading The Hobbit, Wizardry, D&D Gold Box games (pool of Radiance),


    Then my first MMO:  Neverwinter Nights on AOL.  I was a member of WGWfor a time (Warriors and Guardians of the Wood).


    After playing live with others, it was all over.

    "Ad eundum quo nemo ante iit"

  • bonobotheorybonobotheory Member UncommonPosts: 1,007
    Originally posted by bartoni33

    I still have my D&D Blue box, though its pretty worn now! I also have the Red Advanced D&D box. I got mine I think in 84, I remember it was in the middle of all the backlash from those college kids somewhere that sposed to have killed somebody while RPing D&D. My preacher was condemning it as satanism while his son was turning everybody on to it in grade school, including me! Anybody remember that After School Movie with John Travolta (I think) about D&D? I used to go over to my rich friends house to watch it on their $600 VCR (yes children they used to cost that much)and make fun of it!

    Mazes and Monsters, with Tom Hanks. God, that movie was terrible, but funny in a "God, that movie was terrible" sort of way.

  • CzzarreCzzarre Member, Newbie CommonPosts: 3,742
  • nurglesnurgles Member Posts: 840

    my cusin introduced me to AD&D when was on summer holiday with us. then a friend had the red box set, so mucked about with it. (love the dice and the crayons to give the numbers contrast). in high school our maths teacher ran some AD&D for us in the lunchtimes. when i got to uni 2nd ed was coming out, so i played some that, along with GURPS, shadowrun, villians and vigilanties, space opera, and white wolf world of darkness. on PC i just really thought that they were not roleplaying games until the online thing happened. didn't get into muds and mushes either. did a little online with NWN, but not a huge amount. since then EVE has been the only ting for me.

    yeah my mum went on and on about how bad d&d was for me based on that crappy movie. i was supposed to be out playing footy, getting into fights, getting drunk  and knocking some shiela up if i was to be normal and healthy.

  • OlomskyOlomsky Member Posts: 24

    I did start with Shadow of Legend, and it's the first game I downloaded, before that I just played offline and simple game

  • daelnordaelnor Member UncommonPosts: 1,556

    I started with choose your own adventure books, lol. Then I moved on to real books, then a friend introduced me to D& thing I know I'm sneaking out at night with a 40 pound backpack full of D&D books to go play all night.

    Years later I found Gemstone3 on AOL. (MUD by Simutronics for those that don't know)
    I played Gemstone for years, I was hooked. I only started playing graphical mmo's because none of my gamer friends played MUD' when they all jumped from UO to DAOC, I jumped with them, been playing something or the other ever since.



  • AstralglideAstralglide Member UncommonPosts: 686
    Originally posted by daelnor

    I started with choose your own adventure books, lol. Then I moved on to real books, then a friend introduced me to D& thing I know I'm sneaking out at night with a 40 pound backpack full of D&D books to go play all night.
    Years later I found Gemstone3 on AOL. (MUD by Simutronics for those that don't know)

    I played Gemstone for years, I was hooked. I only started playing graphical mmo's because none of my gamer friends played MUD' when they all jumped from UO to DAOC, I jumped with them, been playing something or the other ever since.

     I actually have some of those old Choose your own adventure books stashed away somewhere. These were the "high-fantasy" or sci-fi ones that actually made you role some D6s when you had a monster encounter. And although you would get some gold or loot, there was never the option to spend it!

    A witty saying proves nothing.

  • Cephus404Cephus404 Member CommonPosts: 3,675

    Let's see, PnP gaming with original D&D in 1974, I think my first computer RPG was Tunnels of Doom on the old TI-99/4 and then the Bard's Tale/Ultima/FF route, at least until FF went to hell with FF7 and I've hated the series ever since.  Online, I started on MUDs until they turned into a mess, for a lot of the same reasons that MMOs really suck these days.

    Personally, I wish I could still find decent people to play PnP with but the industry has fallen so hard since the coming of WoW that most of the people who still enjoy sitting around a table are the ones with no social lives otherwise.

    That's really the experience I wish I could replicate online, but it seems like it's just not meant to be.

    Played: UO, EQ, WoW, DDO, SWG, AO, CoH, EvE, TR, AoC, GW, GA, Aion, Allods, lots more
    Relatively Recently (Re)Played: HL2 (all), Halo (PC, all), Batman:AA; AC, ME, BS, DA, FO3, DS, Doom (all), LFD1&2, KOTOR, Portal 1&2, Blink, Elder Scrolls (all), lots more
    Now Playing: None
    Hope: None

  • therain93therain93 Member UncommonPosts: 2,039

    Pen and Paper -- Red Box Basic DnD back in....1987.  Keep of the Borderlands and the Lost City were the first modules.  SSI's gold box version of Pool of Radiance introduced me to computer rpgs back in 90-91.  Overdrive ( was my first mud in fall of 93.  Dark Age of Camelot was my first mmo back in....99-00?

  • FayredeFayrede Member Posts: 28

    My first MMORPG, which was TSO (The Sims Online).


    Good times in Alphaville. Good times.

    [size=8]PLAYED: TSO, SWG, WOW, EQ2, Vanguard, FFXII, AOC, AION, Guild Wars, Second Life

    Waiting: SWTOR, FFXIV

  • ZANGFEIZANGFEI Member Posts: 439

    Great Topic...

    Yepper I was a BIG Fan of KOEI.  all of em including Dragon warrior , Ghengis Chan, Bandit kings of Ancient China. Just to many grate games that were GREAT to play.

    PTO another of my very favourites.

    Might N Magic series, Wizards Series, Pools of Radiance, ect, ect, ect, ect, I still have a LOT of them tucked away for the Grandson which he will like as well.

    Oh yes he likes games as well, and am trying my damndest to keep him off Line as long as possible.

    Bethesda:  What can i say besides GREAT GAMES.

    : Gothic: series AWESOME games.

    As far as Online Goes it was Everquest. and everything else Sony made afterwards.

     It was a Great game to start Online Very fond memories. Never have found anything to replace it.

    To many more to mention. All Games are fun and ment to be so, It's the People that run them.

    Have a Great day. It's back to Oblivion for me.


  • KaltesHerzKaltesHerz Member Posts: 237

    First games,,,,


    D&D back in the 6th grade. Got bored so I wrote several of my own, including one we still play today that I've rewritten into an MMO. (now I just need the resources to actually produce it instead of just several notebooks of rules and shit)


    Rifts, Shadowrun, Robotech, Nearly everything Palladium produced except their fantasy game. Cyberpunk and one of my all time favorites Mekton Z. Star Trek and Star Wars and the Gurps and Warhammer games didn't do it for me.


    Loved near everything Koei did. Romance of the Three Kingdoms got me hooked, Uncharted Waters 1 and 2 kept me intoxicated for weeks. Final Fantasy 4 was my first FF. A few of the best games ever produced was Secret of Evermore, and Chrono Trigger. Then came playstation and Monster Rancher, Suikoden, and Azure Dreams, and of course the almighty Final Fantasy 7 to which all games since have paled.


    Computer got me Sim City 2k which I was dissapointed in because the ps1 version was better. Fallout 2 was my next game, one of my faves for sure, then Fallout 1. Took forever to find the first one. Pharoah, Metal Fatigue. My first online game was Ultima Online, then Anarchy online. Got me into beta testing mad games from then on.


    My all time favorite MMO though was Earth and Beyond. No other MMO has held me quite like that game did. To me it was just the right mix of quest/grind, ease of lvl progression, risk vs reward, and a great crafting system that irritated me to no end, but in the end made me feel rewarded when I could make something that nobody else could make.


    Everything since, online and offline seem to just be,,, blah.


    (I've missed a few games here and there that were really awesome)

    Want a taste of religion? Lick a witch.

  • SeacloudSeacloud Member Posts: 1

    at that time, my friends introduced me a game and then join in them. that is magic's a good and nice game ,i like it very much. however, 4years have passed.....

  • seemsfunseemsfun Member Posts: 9

    D&D. lol

  • HellenXuHellenXu Member Posts: 1

    i start to game from Mabinogi and now i still play it. it is a so good game for me, which has its perfect skill system and its roles are so nice. the role could dress different beautiful dresses!! good!!

  • traquenatraquena Member Posts: 298

    My first game, Super mario and Twin Bee on Nes. those games are memorable for me.

  • XeroRyozoXeroRyozo Member Posts: 17

    Final Fantasy 7 gave me my start, then came FF8, FF9, then Gunbound, MU,  Maplestory, Conquer and etc.


  • IceTCIceTC Member Posts: 17

    Only a true NES player would remember this RPG.. the magic of scherezade, one of those 'sleeper' games that was a fantastic RPG.  After that Ultima 2 got me more hooked, then came text MUD gemstone 3 which I played for 7 years.  After that, the graphical adventure started.. UO, then EQ1, then EQ2, then WoW (which I just quit)


    Now looking for something new but I'm completely stuck!!

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