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New guy to LoTRo.

Hey, bout to install LoTRo again on my laptop, was wondering what server I should start on and if anyone wants to grind/level up with me? :D send me a pm if so.

Played: WoW, EVE, EQ, DDO, LoTRO, RoM, FFXI, Guild Wars, WAR, RuneScape, 2029 Online.
Currently Playing: RoM.
Waiting for: A Hardcore MMO =/


  • freakomarfreakomar Member Posts: 415

    Landroval. IMO has the best community.

    Played almost everything...
    Currently playing nothing...
    Waiting for: Darkfall, WAR, Guild Wars 2.

  • GrindalyxGrindalyx Member UncommonPosts: 657

    I play on elendilmir and am baised towards this server. Though i don't think you can go wrong with the community on any of the servers. I would suggest starting a character on differant servers and seeing what the community is like on them then decideing. If you find yourself on elendilmir give me a holler. My mains name is grindalyx. I have several alts i can play. Goodluck



  • openedge1openedge1 Member Posts: 2,582

    I just wanted to stop in and give my condolences

    I hope you enjoy it...but, it will probably be short lived

    Good luck

  • openedge1openedge1 Member Posts: 2,582

    Originally posted by iMMORPG

    hehe kk, yeah Ive gotten a guy to 21 before then quit for no where to quest made some mistakes, gonna come back, Ill try out those servers, I just hate lvling by myself with no rl friends on LoTRo :

    I had friends on there, and a nice sized guild...but the game played awful on my high end system, and got boring quite fast

    I hope you have better luck!

  • iMMORPGiMMORPG Member Posts: 54

    Ok question to all LoTRo peeps, anyone want to make a alt with me once its done downloading all these patches....?


    I dont care what class, just wanna have some friends!! /cry :p

    Played: WoW, EVE, EQ, DDO, LoTRO, RoM, FFXI, Guild Wars, WAR, RuneScape, 2029 Online.
    Currently Playing: RoM.
    Waiting for: A Hardcore MMO =/

  • NeverasNeveras Member UncommonPosts: 303

    I recently bought this as well, currently have a level 13 Defender on Landroval and wouldn't mind starting another character to level with someone and try out another class. Just hit me up with a name/server and I'll make another toon.

  • iMMORPGiMMORPG Member Posts: 54

    hehe kk, im still downloading it, 2.3k files to go :p

    Played: WoW, EVE, EQ, DDO, LoTRO, RoM, FFXI, Guild Wars, WAR, RuneScape, 2029 Online.
    Currently Playing: RoM.
    Waiting for: A Hardcore MMO =/

  • GrindalyxGrindalyx Member UncommonPosts: 657

    I can tell you that alot of the kinships on elendilmir were formed in closed beta. We all decided that this would be our home. My kinship is a very friendly family orientated kinship. Almost everyone in the kinship has alts of varying lvls. I am sure there are plenty of kinships on all of the servers that are like this. It may take sometime to find one that you are comfortable with.Goodluck.


  • iMMORPGiMMORPG Member Posts: 54

    hehe kk, and Thanks :D

    Played: WoW, EVE, EQ, DDO, LoTRO, RoM, FFXI, Guild Wars, WAR, RuneScape, 2029 Online.
    Currently Playing: RoM.
    Waiting for: A Hardcore MMO =/

  • FikusOfAhaziFikusOfAhazi Member Posts: 1,835

    what server did ya pick immorpg? Ill role one with ya.

    See you in the dream..
    The Fires from heaven, now as cold as ice. A rapid ascension tolls a heavy price.

  • iMMORPGiMMORPG Member Posts: 54

    oh hehe, just got done downloading, I might pick elendmir.

    Played: WoW, EVE, EQ, DDO, LoTRO, RoM, FFXI, Guild Wars, WAR, RuneScape, 2029 Online.
    Currently Playing: RoM.
    Waiting for: A Hardcore MMO =/

  • FikusOfAhaziFikusOfAhazi Member Posts: 1,835

    Send me an a message on x-fire when your on.

    See you in the dream..
    The Fires from heaven, now as cold as ice. A rapid ascension tolls a heavy price.

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