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Im a guild wars newbie, bought factions a few months ago, kind of boring/ ok pve. Just asking which is the best GW/cheapest version so I can play it while waiting for my other MMO to come back.
Played: WoW, EVE, EQ, DDO, LoTRO, RoM, FFXI, Guild Wars, WAR, RuneScape, 2029 Online.
Currently Playing: RoM.
Waiting for: A Hardcore MMO =/
I have nightfall, pve is pretty fun... get eye of the north?
Played almost everything...
Currently playing nothing...
Waiting for: Darkfall, WAR, Guild Wars 2.
is the cap still 20? or another question: Do you have to have Eye of the north to play any guild wars game now?
Played: WoW, EVE, EQ, DDO, LoTRO, RoM, FFXI, Guild Wars, WAR, RuneScape, 2029 Online.
Currently Playing: RoM.
Waiting for: A Hardcore MMO =/
the cap is still 20. you need one previous version of guildwars to play it. and i THINK you need to have a level 20 RPG character to play the eye of the north content.
my best bet is just go buy it
i made the mistake of buying 2-worlds 
Played almost everything...
Currently playing nothing...
Waiting for: Darkfall, WAR, Guild Wars 2.
no? you can still play ANY other guildwars .... but to play Eye of the North you MUST have factions or nightfall or prophecies.
Played almost everything...
Currently playing nothing...
Waiting for: Darkfall, WAR, Guild Wars 2.
A lot of people ask simply, why bother with roleplaying mode? I'll tell you why. It's an actual story. Yes, cutscene's, playable missions, extreme amount of quests, quests revolving around the story, story evolving quests so on and so forth. Guild wars has brought something entirely new, its just no one has really talked about it.
YES, guild wars a GIANT PVP game, however, you can acctually spend months playing this game, and never once pvp. This game is also a fast paced RPG with an involved story. A lot of people, who are retarded, skip the story entirely, and even the cutscenes, and never figure out whats going on.
EOTN is highly envolved with the original Guild Wars. Nightfall, and Factions acctually have little to do with those two games. Factions had a medium length roleplay story with massive PVP GVG enhancements, where as nightfall had a HUMUNGALOID story and GIGANTALOID pvp gvg add on. EOTS..... Is like even bigger. Lol. But it has to be, because its leading into GW2, which is going to have some graphics changes, major gameplay enhancements, remember, enchancements, not changes, and like, a hugh story add on. But, leave it to NC-soft to take 6 years to release it. LOL
Sorry about your unfortunate buy Freakomar
I think Prophecies (or sometimes just labeled Guild Wars) is the best place to start. It's got a decent learning area and good PvE and PvP play.
My current Guild Wars character:
Dauthix The Avenger (Paragon/Ranger)
For sure, Prophecies, Factions, or Nightfall. (Factions has the most PVP oriented stuff though.) You need one of those to get EOTN though, so beware.