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Is it too late to start EQ2/Is it for a guy who plays alot of MMO's?

iMMORPGiMMORPG Member Posts: 54

Is this game a casual game or like WoW? Just wondering, might buy it tomorow and start it up, just need some info.


whats a good class to start with? What are the guilds wanting? Lots of raids or just PvP like EvE?

Played: WoW, EVE, EQ, DDO, LoTRO, RoM, FFXI, Guild Wars, WAR, RuneScape, 2029 Online.
Currently Playing: RoM.
Waiting for: A Hardcore MMO =/


  • OiregOireg Member Posts: 54

    Originally posted by iMMORPG

    Is this game a casual game or like WoW? Just wondering, might buy it tomorow and start it up, just need some info.
    whats a good class to start with? What are the guilds wanting? Lots of raids or just PvP like EvE?
    It is casual friendly, but still has some depth.

    There are alot of classes and picking something that fits your play style is most important,  there are lots of guilds out there.

    Raids vs PvP depends on the server.   Nagafen is the standard format PvP server (Vox is a Station Exchange server thus it's pretty dead) it's never hard to find pvp on Nagafen, but lvl it's pretty tough for new players due to the huge amount of tier 2 (lvl 10-19) twinks.  If you roll on Nagafen find a guild ASAP, it'll make your life much easier.   There are hard core raiding guilds on the pvp and pve servers,  but there is tons of content if you dont want to raid all the time.

  • JackdogJackdog Member UncommonPosts: 6,321

    EQIi is really long in the tooth now. Just various mediocre quests, some decent crafting and as a end game it has some average raid dungeons . It's pretty top heavy also due to it's age, not a lot of new players starting it these days. Newbies need to start on Antonia bayle server for best chances of finding a group.

    I miss DAoC

  • iMMORPGiMMORPG Member Posts: 54

    hmm Ok, might buy it today then heh.

    how many classes are there/what kind?

    Played: WoW, EVE, EQ, DDO, LoTRO, RoM, FFXI, Guild Wars, WAR, RuneScape, 2029 Online.
    Currently Playing: RoM.
    Waiting for: A Hardcore MMO =/

  • HricaHrica Member UncommonPosts: 1,129

    You should goto the link from to EQ2's official webstie. And no, its not to late to try it.  EQ2 and WoW both came out at the same time, are people not trying WoW ? lol not. I played WoW for 2 years, and have just started playing EQ2 on the Najena server. If you want to play or want in helpful guild, come on Najena and we will help you.

    Also there is a expansion in 2 months which should draw alot of players new and old back to EQ2.

  • LeemegLeemeg Member UncommonPosts: 230


    Originally posted by iMMORPG

    hmm Ok, might buy it today then heh.
    how many classes are there/what kind?


    There is 24 classes, but those can be split up in 4 main types and 12 different archtypes. There is Fighters (tanks), Scouts (Melee dps), Mages (Ranged dps) and Healers (guess? )

    Within the fighters you will find more pure defensive tanks, more offensive tanks, hybrids, etc..

    Within the scouts you will find pure dps, debuffers, buffers, and some hybrid "tanks".

    Within the mage classes you will find pure dps, pet classes, and utility/buff classes.

    All the priest classes are pretty much healers, but they do vary quite a bit how they keep the group up. All the priest classes are considered to be equal efficient on keeping a group alive (if played correctly), they do differ a bit when it comes to the secondary skills.


  • openedge1openedge1 Member Posts: 2,582


    Originally posted by matraque

    Originally posted by Jackdog

    EQIi is really long in the tooth now. Just various mediocre quests, some decent crafting and as a end game it has some average raid dungeons . It's pretty top heavy also due to it's age, not a lot of new players starting it these days. Newbies need to start on Antonia bayle server for best chances of finding a group.
    Not a lot of player starting... How many "is it ok to start now" post have you reply these days Jackdog... Looks like you are on a mission to bring the game down.  Why again?


    OP, Jackdog is paid by turbine.  He's the biggest LOTRO Fanboi around.

    All server are at medium capacity... Newbs IMO, is from lvl 1 to 30... You will find plenty of people to group at this point (no matter the server)and you can lvl 1 to 30 in a week easy.  When the new expension comes in, it will be even better.

    SOE are at game update 38.


    This is quite funny, as I just left LOTRO, and started on EQ2. If people only knew what they were missing. This game truly shines now...combat is fast, crafting is probably the best around. You should have a good computer system though, as the graphics are top notch.

    I did start on Antonia Bayle, as I am a minor RP'er...and the people are great, helpful..quite a few on...and we have a small group posting on the forums...chatting and discussing gameplay.

    Just be warned, the learning curve is a little more than most MMO's, which makes it the best I have played...never bored..but a lot of the key binds, and gamestyle matches the other MMO's.

    I am a casual player, around maybe 1-2 hours a night, and sometimes 3 a weekend. This past Friday I played 4 hours during the day and 4 more in the evening, then got up, and played 3 more...and ready to go back. It is THAT good...

    Best bet is play one of the trials...preferably the FAE trial (yes, you play a fairy...urk...but you get to test crafting in depth compared to the Trial of the isle...which limits you)


    I have played Guild Wars (still a very good game for what it has...and being free), WoW (got quite bored very easily), LOTRO ( this game is a crock..looks pretty, plays like junk), and even Tabula Rasa closed beta (can finally tell the is good...not great...but a good diversion and something different)...and too many more to mention (korean games, Perfect World, 2 moons)...and the straight dope is...EQ2 has matured to be one of the best of this whole lot.


  • darrenismdarrenism Member Posts: 20

    Originally posted by openedge1

    Originally posted by matraque

    Originally posted by Jackdog

    EQIi is really long in the tooth now. Just various mediocre quests, some decent crafting and as a end game it has some average raid dungeons . It's pretty top heavy also due to it's age, not a lot of new players starting it these days. Newbies need to start on Antonia bayle server for best chances of finding a group.
    Not a lot of player starting... How many "is it ok to start now" post have you reply these days Jackdog... Looks like you are on a mission to bring the game down.  Why again?


    OP, Jackdog is paid by turbine.  He's the biggest LOTRO Fanboi around.

    All server are at medium capacity... Newbs IMO, is from lvl 1 to 30... You will find plenty of people to group at this point (no matter the server)and you can lvl 1 to 30 in a week easy.  When the new expension comes in, it will be even better.

    SOE are at game update 38.


    This is quite funny, as I just left LOTRO, and started on EQ2. If people only knew what they were missing. This game truly shines now...combat is fast, crafting is probably the best around. You should have a good computer system though, as the graphics are top notch.

    I did start on Antonia Bayle, as I am a minor RP'er...and the people are great, helpful..quite a few on...and we have a small group posting on the forums...chatting and discussing gameplay.

    Just be warned, the learning curve is a little more than most MMO's, which makes it the best I have played...never bored..but a lot of the key binds, and gamestyle matches the other MMO's.

    I am a casual player, around maybe 1-2 hours a night, and sometimes 3 a weekend. This past Friday I played 4 hours during the day and 4 more in the evening, then got up, and played 3 more...and ready to go back. It is THAT good...

    Best bet is play one of the trials...preferably the FAE trial (yes, you play a fairy...urk...but you get to test crafting in depth compared to the Trial of the isle...which limits you)


    I have played Guild Wars (still a very good game for what it has...and being free), WoW (got quite bored very easily), LOTRO ( this game is a crock..looks pretty, plays like junk), and even Tabula Rasa closed beta (can finally tell the is good...not great...but a good diversion and something different)...and too many more to mention (korean games, Perfect World, 2 moons)...and the straight dope is...EQ2 has matured to be one of the best of this whole lot.


    I agree with this 100%.  I have just started playing eq2 and am really looking forward to Kunark.  I hope the population grows a little or maybe a merge or two somewhere, but other than that I'm having a blast.

  • healz4uhealz4u Member Posts: 1,065

    I can echo that sentiment.  I truly cannot believe how well done EQ II; it is, in my view, the most well done, creative, engaging MMORPG that has since heretofore been released.  I also look forward to the Rise of Kunark


    To the OP, it is not too late to start at all.  Several friends of mine from other games have just started.  I am only level 26, and I am talking with a buddy on AIM who is level 29 in a RoV dungeon.  Many of us have just started, and we are having a truly wonderful time. 

  • herculeshercules Member UncommonPosts: 4,925

    Originally posted by Jackdog

    EQIi is really long in the tooth now. Just various mediocre quests, some decent crafting and as a end game it has some average raid dungeons . It's pretty top heavy also due to it's age, not a lot of new players starting it these days. Newbies need to start on Antonia bayle server for best chances of finding a group.

    Known troll nothing to be taken serious.Look elsewhere for true answers

  • HricaHrica Member UncommonPosts: 1,129

    Originally posted by darrenism

    Originally posted by openedge1

    Originally posted by matraque

    Originally posted by Jackdog

    EQIi is really long in the tooth now. Just various mediocre quests, some decent crafting and as a end game it has some average raid dungeons . It's pretty top heavy also due to it's age, not a lot of new players starting it these days. Newbies need to start on Antonia bayle server for best chances of finding a group.
    Not a lot of player starting... How many "is it ok to start now" post have you reply these days Jackdog... Looks like you are on a mission to bring the game down.  Why again?


    OP, Jackdog is paid by turbine.  He's the biggest LOTRO Fanboi around.

    All server are at medium capacity... Newbs IMO, is from lvl 1 to 30... You will find plenty of people to group at this point (no matter the server)and you can lvl 1 to 30 in a week easy.  When the new expension comes in, it will be even better.

    SOE are at game update 38.


    This is quite funny, as I just left LOTRO, and started on EQ2. If people only knew what they were missing. This game truly shines now...combat is fast, crafting is probably the best around. You should have a good computer system though, as the graphics are top notch.

    I did start on Antonia Bayle, as I am a minor RP'er...and the people are great, helpful..quite a few on...and we have a small group posting on the forums...chatting and discussing gameplay.

    Just be warned, the learning curve is a little more than most MMO's, which makes it the best I have played...never bored..but a lot of the key binds, and gamestyle matches the other MMO's.

    I am a casual player, around maybe 1-2 hours a night, and sometimes 3 a weekend. This past Friday I played 4 hours during the day and 4 more in the evening, then got up, and played 3 more...and ready to go back. It is THAT good...

    Best bet is play one of the trials...preferably the FAE trial (yes, you play a fairy...urk...but you get to test crafting in depth compared to the Trial of the isle...which limits you)


    I have played Guild Wars (still a very good game for what it has...and being free), WoW (got quite bored very easily), LOTRO ( this game is a crock..looks pretty, plays like junk), and even Tabula Rasa closed beta (can finally tell the is good...not great...but a good diversion and something different)...and too many more to mention (korean games, Perfect World, 2 moons)...and the straight dope is...EQ2 has matured to be one of the best of this whole lot.



    I agree with this 100%.  I have just started playing eq2 and am really looking forward to Kunark.  I hope the population grows a little or maybe a merge or two somewhere, but other than that I'm having a blast.

     I also agree, EQ2 in my eyes is gonna see a significant come back.

    Can't wait till expansion!!!

  • betheoopbetheoop Member Posts: 37

    EQ2 all they way.  I started recently myself.  Tried LOTRO...  blah!

  • Tutu2Tutu2 Member UncommonPosts: 572

    Yes its a great time to start but play on AB and don't play a coercer. There's reasons why they're the least played class in the game. I have a level 67 one and totally regret rolling one they are more pain then fun overall and lacking. I keep hearing raiding as a coercer is alot of fun, but I dunno if I can hang on there I play less and less now even I just recently resubscribed lol.  If you're into raiding coercer is high in demand, but otherwise the class isn't worth it in its current state its got too many problems and its lacking. It's a challenging and sometimes enjoyable but it is outweighed by its problems. Just my 2 cents. I played on both AB and Najena and AB definetely has the best and busiest community if you're in the right time zone. Najena feels pretty dead these days.

  • openedge1openedge1 Member Posts: 2,582

    Originally posted by Tutu2

    Yes its a great time to start but play on AB and don't play a coercer. There's reasons why they're the least played class in the game. I have a level 67 one and totally regret rolling one they are more pain then fun overall and lacking. I keep hearing raiding as a coercer is alot of fun, but I dunno if I can hang on there I play less and less now even I just recently resubscribed lol.  If you're into raiding coercer is high in demand, but otherwise the class isn't worth it in its current state its got too many problems and its lacking. It's a challenging and sometimes enjoyable but it is outweighed by its problems. Just my 2 cents. I played on both AB and Najena and AB definetely has the best and busiest community if you're in the right time zone. Najena feels pretty dead these days.

    Agreed...AB was slammed last night...with heavy loads...but I still could get lag, and this game just keeps me coming back..

    One thing of most MMO's, I always try an ALT or two to keep some variety...yet I always end up leveling one up, and ignoring the rest as one particular class always seems better than the other...this is the first game where I have multiple alts so I can try the various areas (Qeynos, Faydark...etc.), and I have each doing a different profession in, I can make the food, make armor and weapons...and I never get bored of one..and all the classes powers and abilities are unique enough to make it tank, mage and dps...truly cool!

    Awesome stuff!

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