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I NEED a good rpg mmo game, is eve good or should I try EQ2? WoW got boring and so did LotrO, since you didnt need alot of time for it.... also DAoC is alright, just asking is EvE for me? a good rpg game?
Played: WoW, EVE, EQ, DDO, LoTRO, RoM, FFXI, Guild Wars, WAR, RuneScape, 2029 Online.
Currently Playing: RoM.
Waiting for: A Hardcore MMO =/
EVE is good for both players who play a LOT and players who don't have the time to play much. It's skill system will allow players who don't have the time to play to still be able to compete, where as players who have a lot of time to play will be rewarded by the fact that they will be earning more income, participating in certain corp aspects that may take a lot of time, etc.. It is definitely a game where the more you play, the more you'll enjoy it.
Not to say anyone who barely plays doesn't enjoy it, but I feel that some of the best aspects of the game require more time to get better at.
That depends on what you looking for. EvE is a giant sandbox where players actually fight to control the galaxy through politics, economy, and all out war. There are also a lot of missions/quests or crafting and trading if that is more your cup of tea. It's not really like anything else on the market right now as far as mmorpgs are concerned.
My theme song.
mmm Kk, so is it mostly PvP? I like Pvp a little, just dont wanna have a whole game be PvP play like.
Played: WoW, EVE, EQ, DDO, LoTRO, RoM, FFXI, Guild Wars, WAR, RuneScape, 2029 Online.
Currently Playing: RoM.
Waiting for: A Hardcore MMO =/
Lineage 2 is the game you are looking for.
Thank me later.
lol ok, I might buy EQ2 tomorow, is lineage 2 free?
Played: WoW, EVE, EQ, DDO, LoTRO, RoM, FFXI, Guild Wars, WAR, RuneScape, 2029 Online.
Currently Playing: RoM.
Waiting for: A Hardcore MMO =/
Ask yourself one question.
Do you have alot of imagination or you're more the type that prefers to live a story?
Take a piece of paper and a nice crayon and place it in front of yourself. Are you able to entertain yourself with it for hours or will you get bored fast?
Sounds odd right? But that's EvE...
It provides all the tools for you to have fun and evolve in a giant world. Whatever you wish to be, you can be and if you find the right corp, then get ready to live one hell of a great adventure!
EvE is not all about dark space and nothing else.. you will discover more if you use your curiosity as a tool. Here's a nice hint
Ok OP EvE would take pages of walls of text to explain well. To make it as short as i can though ill sum it up.
EvE online iss an MMO like non other. It is a sandbox game ware you do whatever you want. weather it be:
Trade: working and learning the Great player run Economy EvE has and learning how to exploit it( more for the tycoon people)
Mining: Find the best ores and getting the best gear and skills to maximize your profits
Missioner: Runs task(quests) for the empire npc's
Ratter: Goes from belt to belt killing random rats to gain there bounty
Pirate: Mostly travels around low secters of space making people beg to live
And my favorite--- Military man: Works for a corperation witch is part of an allience that fights to hold there section of space out in 0.0(good for the more action type of people who enjoy playing 12 hours a day)
Basicly EvE online has something for all your play styles. Be warned though that the game shows no mercie for the weak and rewards the strong. Thats no joke. also you may want to be carful because it takes along time to advance in eve.
In conclusion EvE is a insanly fun game ware you basicly never feel like your grinding at all. If your really want to get hooked send me a convo ingame and i could get you into the Fun part of the game.
Account name: Quacka
Current ship:Hurricane
Allience: PURE
Currently living: MGAM-
Current SP: 2.4mill
Well, EVE has a free trial, and I think you can get a free trial of L2 as well. I started playing EVE about 3 months and I like it, but the real time skill training might be a turn off to you if you expect to be rewarded for your time spent playing with something other than cash (like skills and levels).
If you are the latter sort of person, L2 would be the game for you need a good work ethic, (almost superhuman) to reach the end game... and the PVP castle raids at the top sound like they are great. (i never got past level 52 so I was just fodder for the 70+'s)
"True friends stab you in the front." | Oscar Wilde
"I need to finish" - Christian Wolff: The Accountant
Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm
Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Pvbs 18:2, NIV
Don't just play games, inhabit virtual worlds™
"This is the most intelligent, well qualified and articulate response to a post I have ever seen on these forums. It's a shame most people here won't have the attention span to read past the second line." - Anon
Sorry just had to say this real quick. Ponico is right EvE is alot more fun once you get into a corp. I recommend that you get teamspeak and a mike because most 0.0 corps require it
Wanted to throw in my 2 cents, as I just started playing Eve. It really isn't like other MMOs. That is, of course, good and bad. For example, it has an INCREDIBLY in depth system (play the tutorials or suffer the consequences). Its very open ended and player driven. On the down-side, the fact that it takes place entirely in space means you'll lack some of the real interaction you get from other MMOs. I never actually see what I'm killing unless I specifically tell the camera to "Look At" it. Battles take place from miles away, so you're usually just shooting at cursors and targetting reticles. Most of your interaction exists only in a chat window.
If you like running around with a party of friends, hacking enemies and looting their corpses, pass this one by.
If you enjoy deep, complex games, GET EVE ONLINE. Its a bit slow to start, but you will love it.
OP, if you want Eve to be entertaining, you have to make it so. I played for four years...40 million skill points. I love the game, the people and the fact there is only one server. Get invovled, get out of the newbie corps soonest you can, get invovled with a player corp, NOT a new one. And for gods sake dont start your own.... Dont read the forums, filled with whinners and forum whores. Get into the game!
Create a account do all the stupid little things to the toons face....log into the game, and do the tutorial. When done dock in a station (not in Jita) with about 20-25 people in system, and start talking in local.
Check out the channels like recruitment, and help, your be surprise at the help you get.
Eve is a tight community that for the most part wants new players to join. There are some bad folks, kiddies that want a killboard posting, but by far Eve has the most mature community around.
Good luck and good flying.
It is my firm belief that if World of Warcraft had never come out, EVE online would be the king of all MMO's. Here is a game that has the depth to hold genius level players fascinated for years and action enough to keep a hostile dim-wit on the edge of his seat for just as long. The most unbelievable fact of EVE onlines existence is that more people are not playing it. EVEn so... the community nor the game itself suffers for lack of player base at all. Star Trek Online has EVE Online as mount everest to scale before it's sunrise light can even begin to shine on the MMO world. Good luck with that I say to them. If someone can play EVE for the free trial 14 day period and not become humbled by its depth and complexity, then that person lacks something important within their mental and spiritual nature.
"True friends stab you in the front." | Oscar Wilde
"I need to finish" - Christian Wolff: The Accountant
Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm
Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Pvbs 18:2, NIV
Don't just play games, inhabit virtual worlds™
"This is the most intelligent, well qualified and articulate response to a post I have ever seen on these forums. It's a shame most people here won't have the attention span to read past the second line." - Anon
People who play WoW couldn't handle EVE. Their is no death penalty in WoW. My favorite part of EVE is when I pop someone I know I just ruined that persons entire night or week depending what ship and how he was fitted.
Eve is a strange game. Those used to power-leveling will be sadly disappointed because Eve's skill-based system is ruled strictly by TIME. It takes time to train skills - let's call it "studying." All the flying and killing and mining and manufacturing will not increase your skills in those things - only the TIME it takes to study the relevant skills will. There are things you're used to doing at level 1 in some games that you may not be able to do for months in Eve because you have to study the skills necessary to do them and then study some more to do them better and then study some more to do advanced stuff and study some more to specialize.
If you want to do some of the really cool stuff like pilot a Titan (the biggest ship in the game), be prepared to invest 2-3 years (that's real time years) into studying the skills you need to do so. Even using offline training it will take that long. Even specializing in a smaller ship and its equipment can take a year or so.
In short, "leveling" is a background process based on time. Whatever time you actually spend in the game is basically for your amusement and to amass money and resources to support your character's activities. After all, knowing how to fly that fancy cruiser doesn't buy one for you.
The good part about all this is that as long as you take time to direct your character's training on a daily/weekly/monthly basis (some skills do take weeks to study), you won't fall behind except in terms of money and resources which are fairly easy to gather.
Among other things EvE has given me the pleasure (?) of having to play for 72 hours straight to keep a key system at one point....
Yeah. if you choose to be engaged in the full spectrum of EvE, it's better the more time you have.
You gotta have some sort of social skill though.
Played so far: 9Dragons, AO, AC, AC2, CoX, DAoC, DF, DnL, DR, DDO, Ent, EvE, EQ, EQ2, FoMK, FFO, Fury, GW, HG:L, HZ, L1, L2, M59, MU, NC1, NC2, PS, PT, R:O, RF:O, RYL, Ryzom, SL, SB, SW:G, TR, TCoS, MX:O, UO, VG, WAR, WoW...
It all sucked.
People who play WoW couldn't handle EVE. Their is no death penalty in WoW. My favorite part of EVE is when I pop someone I know I just ruined that persons entire night or week depending what ship and how he was fitted.
You bring up a good point, however it's not one I agree with. I played WoW for over 2 years and handle EVE quite well. EVE has something that makes your character seem more important than the cheap life of a WoW toon. It means something to die in EVE where it does not in WoW.
Another poster in this thread talked about the time it took to train skills in EVE. Let me talk about the time to 'train' in WoW. Like I said I spent a good amount of time playing WoW, too much for my taste. I consider that time wasted because once WoW released its expansion... all the time I spent training and equipping my character was gone. Wasted. Rendered irrelevant. My epics compared less than expansion greens and I was left to begin the climb to the top on an even playing field with everyone else. Rat race. WoW will do this again ladies and gentlemen with it's next expansion as well, the level cap will rise once again and all your hard work and equipment will go to the vendor or be sharded. Waste.
EVE is not like this. A new player to EVE or even a moderately new person perhaps couldn't even tell the difference from one expansion to the next. A vetern player would but nothing the old player has gained or earned over his/her time would be lost or rendered useless. I guess the point I am trying to make is that spending a great amount of time in WoW will, in my view mind you... result in a waste of your time and effort. The time you spend playing EVE is time invested in your character. The time won't be taken away from you by any expansion. Your equipment won't be rendered obsolete and junked by an EVE expansion.
Some people would like to go back in time during the course of their lives and change things they did in the past. For me it would be to have played EVE all along and never wasted my effort on WoW.
EvE takes a long time to learn to play. Even people who have been playing for over 1year still learn stuff. The death penalty is a bit harsh if u dont insure your ship/update ure clone. Train up your learning skills 1st this speeds up the rest of the tranning. Also joining a corp(guild) increase the fun in the game alot. 0.0 space is where corps/alliance fight to control space wich is fun
The expansions are free and the best way to pay for EvE is using game time cards wich cost around $15 for 30days or around $30 for 90 days. Buy from shattered or battle clinic.