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I'm currently updating through the AoA client. The thing is, it's in korean. I have no clue if there's an english client and a korean client. The page that I got the client from was in english, and it didn't say that it was korean anywhere.
So would someone be kind enough to clarify this for me? Do I need to go and get a new client or is it just the update that'll be in korean? :P
Its just the update..also i dont think the servers are up yet its 5:30 am here dunno
Has the servers come up yet?
I'm stuck also... i open the client and some windows pop up, i feel very niave spamming yes to them all when i can't understand a word. When i open the client again the same happens even when i clicked yes to all, update i guess but i don't know if i have to click yes every time or not.
On the MMORPG beta "giveaway" it says that we just open the client and input the login data, but there are no boxes to type into... maybe these will appear when the beta is actually open?
Argh, i can't even scroll down the client window but i'm sure there is something else to see...
Has anyone that can't understand a word managed to log on and play yet?
Well i can log in to the screen where u are suppose to choose the planet you want to be on. And after that i just stands still
Right now .. my biggest problem is to have the update .. to actually .. update. This is painfully slow but the 68mb file has been just still for about 20mins now.
Wonder why they couldn't provide the patch from a US/EU server. Would be faster compared to a korean server at least.
they said the client should be up at 6pm at GMT - 5, which would not be for another 48 min. I think at least......But anyway I cannot log in either. It gives me this screen with 4 servers that say... 2nd Closed beta, 2nd Closed Beta, Nothing, Nothing. And if you click one of them, it brings up this little box that says, Loading:The:Game! but nothing happens. My guess is it is not up and running yet.
Hi! My name is paper. Nerf scissors, rock is fine.
MMORPG = Mostly Men Online Roleplaying Girls
6 PM GMT - 5 would actually be USA Eastern Standard Time. Meaning that the game will not be up until 6 PM tonight in the USA. Eastern Standard Time (EST) = GMT-5. Just thought I would clarify that, I cant wait for it to come up myself hehe. Another 9 hour and 20 minute wait, ah well, at least the day is upon us. Oh and for the poster of this thread, go to any of these to download the English client. Some of them may require an account but, I know filefront does not.;8436461;;/fileinfo.html
I got mine from Filefront... it says English version on it... and it is still not in english. The buttons are, like "setup" etc but all the info isn't in english....
Thanks a bunch on that clarification! I had no idea what time in Eastern 6 pm GMT-5 meant. I was guessing it was 5pm! For the OP, make sure you're downloading the english version. It sounds like your downloading the chinese version. If the download has hang ups and pauses, cancel the download, wipe clean everything and start fresh. The English version should be a very easy download.
Hi everyone, Its 7:15 pm here in texas. Ive already installed and updated but i cant seem to login, all firewalls are offline...
Any one who can help?
PLease? i really want to play this game, oddly thru the login process i was never p[romted for my beta key info...
if anyone can help me, i can also be found on Yahoo messenger name: Kstarcryer
All works for me, installed updated. played didn't like it uninstalled it.
Installed fine, character creation was rather limited, logged into the game and logged back out after about 3 minutes and uninstalled. Even for a 2nd round closed beta, I can see why they were giving away accounts.
Wow, only 3 minutes? Your attention span must be almost zero. I spent more than 3 minutes setting up the keymapping. I guess graphics are the only things that count to some people. LOL.
Wow, only 3 minutes? Your attention span must be almost zero. I spent more than 3 minutes setting up the keymapping. I guess graphics are the only things that count to some people. LOL.
And we can see that you can not stick to one game. So whats your point?
Wow, only 3 minutes? Your attention span must be almost zero. I spent more than 3 minutes setting up the keymapping. I guess graphics are the only things that count to some people. LOL.
Yeah, pretty much. Gameplay is... well, kind of essential to any game, but if you don't have the graphics to back your games now days, it won't hold much attention for any period of time. Do you honestly think they just build more advanced/powerful computers and video cards for fun? There's a reason to it you know. To each their own though I suppose. If your content playing a video game with less spectacular graphics than other games that have been out for years now, more power to ya. Just means you have more options. I'll continue to be picky. G'luck and hope you enjoy AoA.
Wow, only 3 minutes? Your attention span must be almost zero. I spent more than 3 minutes setting up the keymapping. I guess graphics are the only things that count to some people. LOL.
And we can see that you can not stick to one game. So whats your point?
Sorry guy, but I've been gaming for many years. Am I supose to stick to one game, and one game only? So what's YOUR point? I can assure that I've played more than 3 minutes on each of those games. To be honest, I think the guy wasted a perfectly good beta key on the basis of a few minutes play time. I'm curious why did you guys try the game anyways?
Wow, only 3 minutes? Your attention span must be almost zero. I spent more than 3 minutes setting up the keymapping. I guess graphics are the only things that count to some people. LOL.
Yeah, pretty much. Gameplay is... well, kind of essential to any game, but if you don't have the graphics to back your games now days, it won't hold much attention for any period of time. Do you honestly think they just build more advanced/powerful computers and video cards for fun? There's a reason to it you know. To each their own though I suppose. If your content playing a video game with less spectacular graphics than other games that have been out for years now, more power to ya. Just means you have more options. I'll continue to be picky. G'luck and hope you enjoy AoA.
Well I guess I would have to disagree with you on the attention part. I haven't spent much time in the game (so I can't pimp the game play yet) but if a game is fun, and indepth, graphics are just icing on the cake. Look at Ultima Online for an example. The game is outdated graphics wise, and look how long it's been running.
Also, I guess I don't understand why people expect a smaller game publisher (especially an Asian MMO) to have cutting edge Xbox 360 graphics. Didn't you look at the screen shots on the site before trying the game? I will admit the graphics aren't the best, but the game play seems interesting. Also it's a mech/robot game, not alot of those around.
Just my two cents. I agree, to each their own...but at least give it a fair chance.
Wow, only 3 minutes? Your attention span must be almost zero. I spent more than 3 minutes setting up the keymapping. I guess graphics are the only things that count to some people. LOL.
Yeah, pretty much. Gameplay is... well, kind of essential to any game, but if you don't have the graphics to back your games now days, it won't hold much attention for any period of time. Do you honestly think they just build more advanced/powerful computers and video cards for fun? There's a reason to it you know. To each their own though I suppose. If your content playing a video game with less spectacular graphics than other games that have been out for years now, more power to ya. Just means you have more options. I'll continue to be picky. G'luck and hope you enjoy AoA.
Well I guess I would have to disagree with you on the attention part. I haven't spent much time in the game (so I can't pimp the game play yet) but if a game is fun, and indepth, graphics are just icing on the cake. Look at Ultima Online for an example. The game is outdated graphics wise, and look how long it's been running.Also, I guess I don't understand why people expect a smaller game publisher (especially an Asian MMO) to have cutting edge Xbox 360 graphics. Didn't you look at the screen shots on the site before trying the game? I will admit the graphics are the best, but the game play seems interesting. Also it's a mech/robot game, not alot of those around.
Just my two cents. I agree, to each their own...but at least give it a fair chance.
Hell man, I went back to UO after playing EQ1 for several months.
Ran a real estate market on UO for a while, then quit and went back to EQ1. There was just something about UO, I guess it was the feeling of isolation, no broadcast channels, not knowing if you could trust someone you ran across in the woods while chopping trees. Really was an enjoyable game. Guess I've just become graphically spoiled on all the other games I've played more recently. Mine mirrors your list pretty closely actually, as far as past MMO's. EQ1, UO, SWG, WoW, AO, AA, GW, Flyff, and CoH/CoV. There were a few other odd ones in addition to those.
As to why? Burnt the F out on WoW and end game raiding. Just got old. Looking for something new to play. Particularly since I've dislocated my knee cap recently, so at best I'm limping around the house. Gotta give it some time to heal.
"mech/robot game" - Please gaming gods, give us some mechwarrior or robotech mmo... pls?
As for the screenshots, yeah they looked like they might have held some potential. I've seen some more graphically pleasing Asian MMO's, so I decided to give it a shot. That's pretty much it.
Wow, only 3 minutes? Your attention span must be almost zero. I spent more than 3 minutes setting up the keymapping. I guess graphics are the only things that count to some people. LOL.
And we can see that you can not stick to one game. So whats your point?
Sorry guy,(lol he called me guy )but I've been gaming for many years.(I bet I have you beat, but that really dont matter) Am I supose to stick to one game, and one game only?(Nope, but you cant say anything about anyones attention span. Your the one with it in your bio.) So what's YOUR point? (My POINT, sorry had to caps lock like you, because im trying to not make a point. You are a flamer in more ways then one. He stated a point and you flamed him.)I can assure that I've played more than 3 minutes on each of those games.(I bet no more then the free 30days, or a trial) To be honest, I think the guy wasted a perfectly good beta key on the basis of a few minutes play time. (well looks like him and I wasted 2 of them)I'm curious why did you guys try the game anyways?(because we can)
And to see what type of attention span that you have my good long did you play EVE?Sorry to go off topic, but trolls are the coolest.....
I can't even figure out how to log into this game because the english is just...No,this language can't be considered english.
So I start the client and notice that the pathcer is NOT translated.
I start the client and I enter a screen with 4 robot slots, of which 2 say "2nd CB", and the other 2 says "Unopened". Now I'm going to assume those are my character slots. I click on the first slot and I enter a blank page. There is nothing there except the word "last". I click on "last" and I move back to the previous page. So that didn't work.
I click on "Enter". Now I come into a new screen that says "Start to connect server" and "Cancel".
Now this could either mean "Click start to connect to the server" or "Starting to connect to the server"
Since there is no Start button anywhere, I'm going to assume its trying to connect to the server.
After 10 minutes, I figured that its not really trying to connect to the server, so I click Cancel.
I now enter a screen with a tag called "AoA" and Cancel. When I click AoA, I go back to the "Start to connect server" screen. If I click Cancel, I go all the way back the starter page.
Thats where I gave up.
edit: Okay I finally managed to log in. apparently, it meant "Hit ENTER to connect to the server".....
so I filled in my login details and now there is another blank screen.
This isn't a beta, its not even worthy of Alpha
Wow, only 3 minutes? Your attention span must be almost zero. I spent more than 3 minutes setting up the keymapping. I guess graphics are the only things that count to some people. LOL.
Yeah, pretty much. Gameplay is... well, kind of essential to any game, but if you don't have the graphics to back your games now days, it won't hold much attention for any period of time. Do you honestly think they just build more advanced/powerful computers and video cards for fun? There's a reason to it you know. To each their own though I suppose. If your content playing a video game with less spectacular graphics than other games that have been out for years now, more power to ya. Just means you have more options. I'll continue to be picky. G'luck and hope you enjoy AoA.
Well I guess I would have to disagree with you on the attention part. I haven't spent much time in the game (so I can't pimp the game play yet) but if a game is fun, and indepth, graphics are just icing on the cake. Look at Ultima Online for an example. The game is outdated graphics wise, and look how long it's been running.Also, I guess I don't understand why people expect a smaller game publisher (especially an Asian MMO) to have cutting edge Xbox 360 graphics. Didn't you look at the screen shots on the site before trying the game? I will admit the graphics are the best, but the game play seems interesting. Also it's a mech/robot game, not alot of those around.
Just my two cents. I agree, to each their own...but at least give it a fair chance.
Hell man, I went back to UO after playing EQ1 for several months.
Ran a real estate market on UO for a while, then quit and went back to EQ1. There was just something about UO, I guess it was the feeling of isolation, no broadcast channels, not knowing if you could trust someone you ran across in the woods while chopping trees. Really was an enjoyable game. Guess I've just become graphically spoiled on all the other games I've played more recently. Mine mirrors your list pretty closely actually, as far as past MMO's. EQ1, UO, SWG, WoW, AO, AA, GW, Flyff, and CoH/CoV. There were a few other odd ones in addition to those.
As to why? Burnt the F out on WoW and end game raiding. Just got old. Looking for something new to play. Particularly since I've dislocated my knee cap recently, so at best I'm limping around the house. Gotta give it some time to heal.
"mech/robot game" - Please gaming gods, give us some mechwarrior or robotech mmo... pls?
As for the screenshots, yeah they looked like they might have held some potential. I've seen some more graphically pleasing Asian MMO's, so I decided to give it a shot. That's pretty much it.
It was the same for me with WoW, end game got old. I'm all for a Mechwarrior MMO (the original Battletech storyline would make a great game in my opinion). I'm a fan of Robotech, but I think they would make a Gundam MMO before Robotech since it's newer francise. Anyway I hope you find the game you're looking for.
did someone say old battletech storyline?
as in succession wars?
that would be life-threatening for me - they would have to feed me intraveneously as I'd surely never leave the computer.
i wonder who even has the rights to all that now?
Iplayed AoA last night... the graphics didnt bother me; but the gameplay didnt offer me anything new.
other than that the enemies LOOKED like mecha; it felt no different to me than too many games i've played...
wonder outside and attack random barely-reacting faceless enemies
"number appears" "numbera appears" "enemy defeated" "loot appears"
yay! oh SO yay.
Wow, only 3 minutes? Your attention span must be almost zero. I spent more than 3 minutes setting up the keymapping. I guess graphics are the only things that count to some people. LOL.
And we can see that you can not stick to one game. So whats your point?
Sorry guy,(lol he called me guy )but I've been gaming for many years.(I bet I have you beat, but that really dont matter) Am I supose to stick to one game, and one game only?(Nope, but you cant say anything about anyones attention span. Your the one with it in your bio.) So what's YOUR point? (My POINT, sorry had to caps lock like you, because im trying to not make a point. You are a flamer in more ways then one. He stated a point and you flamed him.)I can assure that I've played more than 3 minutes on each of those games.(I bet no more then the free 30days, or a trial) To be honest, I think the guy wasted a perfectly good beta key on the basis of a few minutes play time. (well looks like him and I wasted 2 of them)I'm curious why did you guys try the game anyways?(because we can)
And to see what type of attention span that you have my good long did you play EVE?Sorry to go off topic, but trolls are the coolest.....
Originally I played for 4 months, went back and played 1 addtional month when the expansion came out (to try some of the updates). I liked most of the game, but didn't keep with it because of some gameplay aspects (example: the skill timer system - mostly because you couldn't train multiple characters at once).Anyways, I'm glad you think you're the "coolest". Don't worry, you went off topic when you made your "played didn't like it uninstalled it" statement.
I'm pretty sure Wizards of the Coast or who ever owns Wizards of the Coast has the rights to the game. FASA was bought up by Wizards of the Coast several years ago.