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I know that Ultima online has pure skil system. I'm looking mmorpgs what doesn't have level systems. What about these?
Saga of Ryzom, Anarchy online, Star Wars Galaxies, EVE online
Any other mmorpgs with some kind of skill systems?
MMORPG.COM has worst forum editor ever exists
Anarchy Online is a level system with skill points.
Star Wars Galaxies, who knows...they may change it again anway.
Eve Online is purely skill based, but is time based.
I haved played Saga of Ryzom, someone else will have to speak for it.
Planetside is level based, but the levels dont have any effect on your character other than the ability to use more weapons/vehicles during a gaming session. (Of course, it is not really a RPG)
I do have to say though, skill systems are far superior. Many a day in UO was spent adventuring with people that had just created their account...something to be said for that. Eve works well this way too...I can take my 2 year old character and run with a friend that wants to check it out on a trial...
Tales of Pirates certainly has a very well structured skill system
EVE, Ryzom & UO as far as i'm aware of are the only skill based mmos left. SWG is NOT skill based anymore.
are you serious? I heard that game was absolute grindfest, run of the mill, rubbish. The only difference was that it had boats.
Hi! My name is paper. Nerf scissors, rock is fine.
MMORPG = Mostly Men Online Roleplaying Girls
could loosely say Guild Wars if you ignore the 1-20 part and see all the skills you can get.
I have to agree that EvE is a definate skill based game.
Retired from: Neocron, Everquest, Everquest 2, Guild Wars, RF Online and Final Fantasy VII
Currently Playing : EvE Online.
Might want to make it more clear that you (I believe) are thinking of MMOGs with a skill advancement system, as opposed to a level advancement system. "Skill based" is often used to indicate that it takes (more) skill from the player to do well in the game.
Not that twitch-gamers and strategists will ever agree what skill is most important, or should be in an MMOG.
Once upon a time....
are you serious? I heard that game was absolute grindfest, run of the mill, rubbish. The only difference was that it had boats.
I suppose some could see it that way if they do not stick with the game to reap the rewards of their hard work.. Personally, I like building skills, manufacturing or crafting unique items, putting quality time into the Sea Commerce, and greatly enjoy the special map areas available with the prerequisite level/skills/reputaion points available only to those who stick to the grinding early on in game.
I erred in stating the game to be skill-based, actually it is level-driven with skills an added aspect. MY limited exposure to varieties of MMORPG is showing - I tend to stick with a game I like for years ...