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Tales of Pirates: Union War Overview

SzarkSzark News ManagerMember Posts: 4,420

The folks over at IGG have sent out an overview of Union War, the latest expansion for Tales of Pirates. The expansion brings a number of new features to the game as well as new activities, story quests, and apparel.

Since August 15th 2007, the new expansion - Union War has been launched in Tales of Pirates ( Right after the pirates updated their game client at no extra charge, the first impression they got when returning to the new ToP world was-- honor, friendship and an adventurous spirit were even more important than before! To understand how it works, we would like to provide you with a full introduction to all the exciting elements of Union War!

Mirage Cities

In the new expansion, 3 mysterious cities have opened their entrances for top level (level 70+) pirates! Here even the lowest level monster could trigger a tremendous panic if it was discovered in the outside world! The three new cities are actually three new perfect leveling sites for top level pirates of different professions, with Mirage of Thundoria being for Champions and Crusaders, Mirage of Shaitan for the magic classes and Icicle for the sharpshooter classes.

Abaddon Expansion

This is actually a huge extension of the Abaddon System of the Caribbean Chapters. Except for the 4 original mazes, another 14 are available with even more terrific bosses and larger rewards as well! Once inside, pirates will have to confront extremely tough rivals such as the (level 80) Despair Knight, (level 100) Black Devious Angel, (level 120) Abyss Lord... and legend has it, the dreaded (level 200) Abyss Supreme!

Read more about Union War here.

Read more about Tales of Pirates here.

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