How many MMOs are more than click on a mob? Very few. That's not an argument. Runescape is not about PVP. If that's your thing, I understand why you hate the game. 1 million paying players = 5 million $ a month. Not bad for a java game. Like I said, many MMOs would love to have thay much cashflow. The rest is of no concern to me.
Other MMORPG's have more to do. They have actual skills, spells to use. Runescape is like you took an MMORPG and stripped it down to just auto attack and the odd' special' from a weapon.
Its not like runescape is a good PvE game anyways. A large grind fest does not make for fun PvE.
Oh and the '5 million a month', you're not taking into account server costs.
Jagex managed to keep Runescape online for years. The game will be still around for the years to come. They do get a substantial profit out of it, even if the servers would cost them 3 - 4 millions a month (which I doubt). It's probably one of the most succesful games and that's what ticks ppl so much - most of their competitors can't uderstand how Jagex makes so much money with such poor graphics - well, they do!
Gold sites, Very big impact on the game just like macroing. Macroing is a afk (away from keyboard) bot which are so frekin annoying >.<. You see them ALL the time around places like, Edgeville, Flax, Draynor, Seers +. Jagex also runs gold sites, Yeah, Cheap idiots. They run sits like gold4rs and rsgoldnow. Why? To get extra cash.
This is actually possible. But they don't run them to get money. I believe they run several gold sites to catch people buying gold for real money. They said a whilke back they had "a 100% sure way" of catching these people.
Also you know what else they do which drives non-members away? They give all the non-mems who send messages into jagex standard messages tell us to buy membership and good luck with w/e. You could call them alot of stuff and theyd just say good luck or some stupid shit. The game sucks for non-members. Ive been playing for less then one year, Im the best at my school.. And I just quit a while back but I have my own rs site.
What do you expect for a free game? They get unlimited amounts of 12-year-olds swearing at them. So they will obviously only answer the intellegent questions.
-.- Would you seriously pay for a game that isnt as popular as jagex say it is?
Yes... you should be surprised to hear that its the third most popular MMORPG in the world.
My friend thinks that jagex just rigs all the servers to say "1900" users on at a time. There isnt gonna be any rs3 comin out soon but Ive seen like over 50 phishers that steal your rs account. >.< Stupid pixel huggers scam you in game and then wreck your cash so then you end up like me.. Quit cold turkey because of all these frekin macroers and scammers all over the place.
It seems that you are just easily fooled in the trade screen. Jagex had been coming out with many ways to prevent scams and I think they are doin pretty good.
In non member worlds you cant sell anything costly (worth over 50k lolololol) without noobs coming up to you and asking if you can make em full steal. Last time I played rs I had 3 lvl 80s and one lvl 112. 8m total along with 3 whips and 4 full dharoks. Why did I quit if I had enough money? Because the game litterally sucks and there are more way better then it. Scammers and macroers galore which probably sell stuff in black markets for cash. I mean, Seriously.. How outta hand has this game gotten.
Lying about experiences isn't going to win you favor.
All in all I think RuneScape is going up, if anywhere. They are coming out with many aspects that support teaming and preventing scams. I'm really looking forward to the auction houses this month.
I'm not a fan of the company, since they are a bit distanced from the players, but the main age group of the player-base is a good enough reason to not take them totally serious.
Jagex managed to keep Runescape online for years. The game will be still around for the years to come. They do get a substantial profit out of it, even if the servers would cost them 3 - 4 millions a month (which I doubt). It's probably one of the most succesful games and that's what ticks ppl so much - most of their competitors can't uderstand how Jagex makes so much money with such poor graphics - well, they do!
I never argued they didn't make money, I argued that the game is crap. Most of the population is filled with your general teens and kids around 10-13 years old anyways.
yes, there are a few adults here and there playing the game but most of their 'income' and playerbase comes from kids who probably have never heard of any other MMORPG other than WoW.
Other MMORPG's have more to do. They have actual skills, spells to use. Runescape is like you took an MMORPG and stripped it down to just auto attack and the odd' special' from a weapon
man you are so far off on this one .. there is too much to do on runescape so much that I can't even keep up and I have been playing for years.
skills.. so woodcutting, fletching, firemaking, crafting, mining , smithing, farming, construction, hunting, slayer, herblore, and more ... are not skills?
And if you use auto attack in pvp then no reason you hate the game that will get you p00ned fast lmao. Who uses auto anyways?!! rofl. Everyone I know that mage pks doesn't even carry a staff to auto cast they barrage with a whip lol. Maybe you need to learn how to do it before you knock it lol.
I never argued they didn't make money, I argued that the game is crap. Most of the population is filled with your general teens and kids around 10-13 years old anyways.
First off I have never met a 10 yr old that played .. if I did i would get them booted from the game because you have to be 13+ to play at all. Jagex requires that on their account creation screen.. just so you know you might want to take a look at that. I have actually not met any 13 yr olds that play simply because they would rather be playing halo. i have over 800 friends on there 18- 30 and sure I wish they would make 17+ server worlds but doubt i will see that happen on any game soon. I really have no idea what you are talkin about thinkin kids only play that .. when most kids would go after the better graphics games like guild wars where I did have that problem. Maybe you were just in the wrong place .. because I have had a totally different expieriance with that .. but i have a 18+ age limit on my friends list, I don;t care to talk to lil kids all that much. Lol you know I had just the opposite problem on there thinking these people were to old to talk to lol. Like the womens clan " ladies of the red dragons" .. they have a 35+ age requirement .. lol that one threw me off i was too young to hang out with them lmao. But yea from what i see there are more older adults than kids these days. If you are telling the truth about your age it has been 4 years since you played ... that is a loong time in game worlds lol .. just think all those 14 year olds that played back then are your age now lol.
Other MMORPG's have more to do. They have actual skills, spells to use. Runescape is like you took an MMORPG and stripped it down to just auto attack and the odd' special' from a weapon man you are so far off on this one .. there is too much to do on runescape so much that I can't even keep up and I have been playing for years. skills.. so woodcutting, fletching, firemaking, crafting, mining , smithing, farming, construction, hunting, slayer, herblore, and more ... are not skills? And if you use auto attack in pvp then no reason you hate the game that will get you p00ned fast lmao. Who uses auto anyways?!! rofl. Everyone I know that mage pks doesn't even carry a staff to auto cast they barrage with a whip lol. Maybe you need to learn how to do it before you knock it lol.
And, what do these great skills consist of? Lets break it down.
Mining: Click on rock, get ore.
Combat: click on mob, get lewt.
slayer: its just combat that tells you what to kill.
woodcutting: Click tree, get wood.
Continue onward and onward. Your next sentence about combat is also why I don't play the game, you sound like a retarded kid who just learned leetspeak for his first time the other day. If you had an ounce of reading comprehnsion you would notice I said "mostly auto attack". Of course I didn't take into account spell casting.
I never argued they didn't make money, I argued that the game is crap. Most of the population is filled with your general teens and kids around 10-13 years old anyways. First off I have never met a 10 yr old that played .. if I did i would get them booted from the game because you have to be 13+ to play at all. Jagex requires that on their account creation screen.. just so you know you might want to take a look at that. I have actually not met any 13 yr olds that play simply because they would rather be playing halo. i have over 800 friends on there 18- 30 and sure I wish they would make 17+ server worlds but doubt i will see that happen on any game soon. I really have no idea what you are talkin about thinkin kids only play that .. when most kids would go after the better graphics games like guild wars where I did have that problem. Maybe you were just in the wrong place .. because I have had a totally different expieriance with that .. but i have a 18+ age limit on my friends list, I don;t care to talk to lil kids all that much. Lol you know I had just the opposite problem on there thinking these people were to old to talk to lol. Like the womens clan " ladies of the red dragons" .. they have a 35+ age requirement .. lol that one threw me off i was too young to hang out with them lmao. But yea from what i see there are more older adults than kids these days. If you are telling the truth about your age it has been 4 years since you played ... that is a loong time in game worlds lol .. just think all those 14 year olds that played back then are your age now lol.
If you have never met a 10 year old that has played.. well, you're lying. Their 13 year old 'restriction' is without parent consent, and it is not enforced.
Still even if older people play the game they certainly do not show it, during the time I played everyone acted roughly the same give for those rare exceptions.
Also all of those 14 year olds that played back when I played are probably playing other games by now, or at least every one I knew that I kept in touch in is.
I'll keep this simple: Runescape is an MMORPG on training wheels. I would love to see someone who actually plays runescape after coming from another MMORPG (Guild wars does not count, it isn't an MMORPG) and playing it along side the other MMORPG doesn't count.
I don't think you will find many, and for a good reason. Other MMORPG's are simply better and more advanced than what runescape is. Its great to introduce people into MMORPG's in a friendly manner, but that is it.
And, what do these great skills consist of? Lets break it down.
Mining: Click on rock, get ore.
Combat: click on mob, get lewt.
slayer: its just combat that tells you what to kill.
woodcutting: Click tree, get wood.
have you tried hunter? you have to chase animals, trap them, noose them chase implings and butterflies all over the place and catch them to do the skill.. now you mentioned mining yes you click ore get ore .. but then you have to smelt ore then make it into anything you want.. for smithing. .. why else would you get the ore? i didn't know you could click a mob at all lol.. and to get lewt you have to pick it up after you kil someone and make it out alive with it or you don't get to keep it... If your looting a war chances are your not going to make it out alive lol. and with woodcutting .. what do you do with those logs? you can either burn them for firemaking, make them into planks for construction, or fletch them into arrows or bows. there is alot more to it than you stated. resource gathering is all click and bank, but what you do with those resources are the whole point of the skill. Skills are meant to be used together, not just by themselves. With those skills you can make a house with a dungeon and put a dragon in it and a torture chamber and execute people... with those skills you can create weapons, armor, teleport jewelry, potions, and food. You have so many choices as to what you want to do with them it would take you forever just to do them all.
If you have never met a 10 year old that has played.. well, you're lying. Their 13 year old 'restriction' is without parent consent, and it is not enforced.
now because i don;t run around talking to 10 yr olds .. I am lying? lol No I have luckily not met any 10 yr olds .. and am wondering why this is just so hard for you to believe. And yes the age limit is enforced.. why not ask someone who works for them. If I talked to a 10yr old i had no idea i was. but i sure didn't add any .. if I don't see a friend on cam or meet them in person they don;t go on friends list.. no creepy people pl0x. but I was only a nonmember for 2 days.. i didn't hang out there long. I actually tried to figure out what the game was really about.
Still even if older people play the game they certainly do not show it, during the time I played everyone acted roughly the same give for those rare exceptions.
Omg please don;t tell me your one of those 19 yr old grouchy old men already? People like to have fun , that has nothing to do with " maturity level" It has everything to do with a sense of humor.
Also all of those 14 year olds that played back when I played are probably playing other games by now, or at least every one I knew that I kept in touch in is.
I know many 18- 25 yr olds that have played since beta.. No they are not playing other games they are clan lords now .. and not these small 12 people noob clans ... most rs clans that I know of are 180+ people each. My clan was 600+ members before i resigned because I was tired of too many people talking at once lol.
I don't think you will find many, and for a good reason. Other MMORPG's are simply better and more advanced than what runescape is. Its great to introduce people into MMORPG's in a friendly manner,
has no idea what you are talking about since I personally have over 800 friends 18+
Continue onward and onward. Your next sentence about combat is also why I don't play the game, you sound like a retarded kid who just learned leetspeak for his first time the other day. If you had an ounce of reading comprehnsion you would notice I said "mostly auto attack". Of course I didn't take into account spell casting.
Aiight lil boy.. don't you start flaming me. Just because you did not take into account the numerous spell lists and how combat is really done is not a reason to get your undies in a wad and start name calling. Pull your head out =x. I graduated college .. I don't have to read anymore . rofl
The point is, no one can argue that runescape is a less advanced version of any other MMORPG (save for a few) out there.
Let me ask you a question, what other MMORPG's have you played and have experience in, devil?
And no -- I'm not a 'grouchy 19 year old' but the majority of runescape players I see take it too far. They go past the humor of everything and just become an annoyance.
Let me ask you a question, what other MMORPG's have you played and have experience in, devil?
First off i have played alot of games not just mmorpgs.. and in fact i have tried alot of the games listed on this site.. Silkroad, hero, guild wars, wow, but none of those for very long because they turned me off for various reasons.. first I do not like being forced to choose player class or guilds before I play a game.. I like to keep my options open... I want to be able to do anything and everything equally, not having to pick. Before i played runescape I played diablo2, red alert series, lords of the realm2, ceasar2, were amongst some of my favorites on pc but I also happen to have owned every nintendo playstation and xbox ever made along with the ancient sega and unheard of turbo graphix 16.. I kind of collect these things lol. I am not a big fan of the controllers vs mouse and usually i just keep that junk around for my friends to play when they want to bust out some halo. I have also played some text based games and odd games like tribal wars but none of them have kept my interest like runescape has... I mean i loved populous and build your own empire games as well, but this new trend of so called better graphics.. i am not so impressed ... it is like everything is in a fog or haze or something. sure they have more artwork, but not clear a glamour shots photo overdone lol .. tbh I get a headache looking at these hazy images on a lot of games these days. I have played more games on the lists here but since i would have to look them up to remember what they are they obviously aren't worth mentioning. Usually I can tell whether or not i am going to be hooked on a game within the first week... if it can't keep my attention that long it isn't worth me trying to make myself. .. still my all time fav game isn't even an mmorpg .. it is of course mortal kombat .. it rules forever .
Totally agree with you on the 'Choosing Class' in other games. When I first try a game, I like to experiment with the classes to see which one I like best.
Exampe: Runescape
Mage, Ranger, Warrior
You can basically change what you want to be and don't have to choose class, especially if you don't know that much about the game...
" And, what do these great skills consist of? Lets break it down.
Mining: Click on rock, get ore.
Combat: click on mob, get lewt.
slayer: its just combat that tells you what to kill.
woodcutting: Click tree, get wood. "
Isn't that what most games are like, point and click? And you have highly undermined combat. Killing bosses and such is actually pretty exciting. You have to make sure you don't die by eating food for one. Usually for bigger monsters you use potions. Certain attack styles affect certain monsters in different ways as well as certain weapons. And at least the monsters in RS (most of them) don't run all over the place so you can actually kill the damn things.
On a side note, I think the quests in RS are much more fun than most MMOs. Most MMOs its the same damn thing over and over again. "Collect 6 bear asses" return to contact, "Collect 20 nargle nipples", return to contact... Where as RS has puzzles and riddles (which I'll take over repetative combat anyday).
Totally agree with you on the 'Choosing Class' in other games. When I first try a game, I like to experiment with the classes to see which one I like best. Exampe: Runescape Mage, Ranger, Warrior You can basically change what you want to be and don't have to choose class, especially if you don't know that much about the game...
Yea i think that is what i like best about it, You can change what you want or be all 3 equally or switch between all styles during combat, I love the switching and unpredictability... In other games as soon as you see a character you know what they are capable of even if they do have secondaries, those secondaries are still limited. You can be in range gear and melee or mage gear and range .. or combinations of whatever you want at any time even change during combat. I like to mix styles so they can't pray against any one thing, and no one thing counters your move, they have to be able to think fast react fast and be equipped for whatever you are going to throw at them. The only thing in combat system i would like see changed is less luck more real skill. Stats should count for more at higher levels.
I don't know how the system works now, but back in the day I created my character choosing the "class" made a tiny difference in the way the starting point were allocated. Of course, the best part of the game is that indeed it grants complete freedom, you can be whatever you want, when you want, at that won't gimp your toon. Going hybrid can also be in your advantage - you can make the same ammount of dmg with various weapons - and that's something you won't see too often in other MMOs.
Now regarding to "why do Runescape players & fans go over the top when defending the game", I'd say it's quite obvious: because it offers more content and more freedom than the vast majority of the competitors. If the games seems boring to you (after actually playing the game for a period of time), then I pity you: you'll have a hell of a difficult time in finding one that would offer more - I played most of the available free MMOs and so far not one came close to Runescape. Yes, they might have better PvP systems, but apart from that, there's nothig more - not even a decent quest besides "go and kill X mobs".
Totally agree with you on the 'Choosing Class' in other games. When I first try a game, I like to experiment with the classes to see which one I like best. Exampe: Runescape Mage, Ranger, Warrior You can basically change what you want to be and don't have to choose class, especially if you don't know that much about the game...
Yea i think that is what i like best about it, You can change what you want or be all 3 equally or switch between all styles during combat, I love the switching and unpredictability... In other games as soon as you see a character you know what they are capable of even if they do have secondaries, those secondaries are still limited. You can be in range gear and melee or mage gear and range .. or combinations of whatever you want at any time even change during combat. I like to mix styles so they can't pray against any one thing, and no one thing counters your move, they have to be able to think fast react fast and be equipped for whatever you are going to throw at them. The only thing in combat system i would like see changed is less luck more real skill. Stats should count for more at higher levels.
The riots today as a result of the new duel system over the 3k limit on staking is a prime example of player casualties in jagex 's latest witch hunt against real world item traders, which to tell the truth, I don't care if some kid bought a whip on ebay .. but that seems to be more of a concern to jagex than the wants and concerns of players that have stuck by them through the years. I don;t like rw item trading , but it isn;t at the top of my list of concern, they don;t have all that much affect on the average player, the things that do affect the average player are bots, and putting a cap on duel has no affect on them, hackers which again the duel cap has no affect on. Players are not quitting the game because of real traders .. they quit because they were hacked, or received poor customer service, or Jagex took the fun out of the game for them with bad updates, I personally don;t even stake .. i prefer wildy , but I know plenty who do, that is all they do .. and yea they are leaving now over it. I guess if all my friends leave i would have no reason to keep playing either, because all i do these days is help them out , and now with them going crazy with unbalanced trades... when i go to make a friend 20k iron throwing knives I can get banned for giving them to them... and they can get banned for me helping so.. what kind of help would that be at all ? Forums today on there were quite mad... I mean even threads started by mods were being locked like crazy.. again Just another typical example of jagex's response to their customers opinions... Though they have thousands of people posting they are trying to silence them all, this may be a record for them banning people from forums today, I didn;t even bother posting there ... there is no point, i just read them. I hope this isn't what we should expect from jagex in the future.
I love Runescape, no lie, i have played WOW and i hated.. i was like wtf is this shit fighting was stupid.. im not gonna fight with this 10 year old running and jumping like a idiot while i stand there like.. yea..
Hard to belive, Runescape takes challange to fight another person, Warrior, Ranger, Or mager. they have there weakness and advange. You just need to know what you are doing,
Skill - yes skills are a pain, they can be boring, (your not foched to do em) i love skilling tho, im 124 and i have been doing slayer for 8 months i will be 99 next month [for those who play they know thats the hardest skill]
idk what makes me play this game, maybe the fact to be the best, the fact that you dont know whats gonna happen next, who ur gonna meet. or maybe cause its just such a simple game and hell theres nuttin wrong with simple games. hell look at mario for NES everybody loves him lol
Why is runescape going down the tubes? Because Jagex is running it there. Today, I go to log in and I have 2 messeges from Jagex.. so I go to check them out. Well, they said I have an offense and was muted for 12 days... so I click on it and it says " legacy action ...unappealable.. no evidence" ok so they don't want to tell me what I did to offend them, nor do they want me to ask them. All it states was the evidence was too old to be able to tell me, and it also stated that I have 7 offenses... which to my knowledge is incorrect. The only messeges I have received from jagex in the past were 1) I was banned for 3 days for saying a website outloud.. which was an official runescape community site. 2) I was banned for a week for telling a guy that followed me around for 30 min asking me to be his girlfriend.. to " go shave his back." and once I was muted for 2 min when my friend was trying to get himself demodded and muted all of edgeville, and for that one I received an apology from jagex for the mistake. They have never sent me any messeges prior to either ban or since then , but claim to have 7 offenses and no evidence... Hmmm. First off I do not use offensive language, I have a dictionary. The only offenses that I could possible be aware of is suggesting that they change things. I have never cheated scammed or done anything else against the rules, I have been known for posting in suggestions in their forums, but never have even received a warning or anything like that since I try to always be respectful of their rules. So all of this is very confusing, unless they see me as a trouble maker for making suggestions and want to ban or mute me and refuse to show me the evidence because it is so ridiculous that showing someone that they muted them for something like that would just make them look worse. I guess they think that me voicing my opinions is harmful to them only because they choose not to listen to requests of paying customers. Great customer service jagex ! way to go! * shakes pom poms * Like I have said earlier in posts they wish to silence anyone who disagrees with them. .. now they silence me .. not. .... good thing I have other accounts lol.
I dropped after they started adding all kinds of trash skills and lame quests... The general game play was pretty lame by comparison to other games I have played... I switched to Rappelz, Archlord... am currently testing Mythos... DOWN WITH RUNESCAPE!!!!
Notice how you still havent found a game good enuff to replace runescape, testing is a sign of boredom with the games your currently playing.
Why is runescape going down the tubes? Because Jagex is running it there. Today, I go to log in and I have 2 messeges from Jagex.. so I go to check them out. Well, they said I have an offense and was muted for 12 days... so I click on it and it says " legacy action ...unappealable.. no evidence" ok so they don't want to tell me what I did to offend them, nor do they want me to ask them. All it states was the evidence was too old to be able to tell me, and it also stated that I have 7 offenses... which to my knowledge is incorrect. The only messeges I have received from jagex in the past were 1) I was banned for 3 days for saying a website outloud.. which was an official runescape community site. 2) I was banned for a week for telling a guy that followed me around for 30 min asking me to be his girlfriend.. to " go shave his back." and once I was muted for 2 min when my friend was trying to get himself demodded and muted all of edgeville, and for that one I received an apology from jagex for the mistake. They have never sent me any messeges prior to either ban or since then , but claim to have 7 offenses and no evidence... Hmmm. First off I do not use offensive language, I have a dictionary. The only offenses that I could possible be aware of is suggesting that they change things. I have never cheated scammed or done anything else against the rules, I have been known for posting in suggestions in their forums, but never have even received a warning or anything like that since I try to always be respectful of their rules. So all of this is very confusing, unless they see me as a trouble maker for making suggestions and want to ban or mute me and refuse to show me the evidence because it is so ridiculous that showing someone that they muted them for something like that would just make them look worse. I guess they think that me voicing my opinions is harmful to them only because they choose not to listen to requests of paying customers. Great customer service jagex ! way to go! * shakes pom poms * Like I have said earlier in posts they wish to silence anyone who disagrees with them. .. now they silence me .. not. .... good thing I have other accounts lol.
Other MMORPG's have more to do. They have actual skills, spells to use. Runescape is like you took an MMORPG and stripped it down to just auto attack and the odd' special' from a weapon.
Its not like runescape is a good PvE game anyways. A large grind fest does not make for fun PvE.
Oh and the '5 million a month', you're not taking into account server costs.
Jagex managed to keep Runescape online for years. The game will be still around for the years to come. They do get a substantial profit out of it, even if the servers would cost them 3 - 4 millions a month (which I doubt). It's probably one of the most succesful games and that's what ticks ppl so much - most of their competitors can't uderstand how Jagex makes so much money with such poor graphics - well, they do!
Gold sites, Very big impact on the game just like macroing. Macroing is a afk (away from keyboard) bot which are so frekin annoying >.<. You see them ALL the time around places like, Edgeville, Flax, Draynor, Seers +. Jagex also runs gold sites, Yeah, Cheap idiots. They run sits like gold4rs and rsgoldnow. Why? To get extra cash.
This is actually possible. But they don't run them to get money. I believe they run several gold sites to catch people buying gold for real money. They said a whilke back they had "a 100% sure way" of catching these people.
Also you know what else they do which drives non-members away? They give all the non-mems who send messages into jagex standard messages tell us to buy membership and good luck with w/e. You could call them alot of stuff and theyd just say good luck or some stupid shit. The game sucks for non-members. Ive been playing for less then one year, Im the best at my school.. And I just quit a while back but I have my own rs site.
What do you expect for a free game? They get unlimited amounts of 12-year-olds swearing at them. So they will obviously only answer the intellegent questions.
-.- Would you seriously pay for a game that isnt as popular as jagex say it is?
Yes... you should be surprised to hear that its the third most popular MMORPG in the world.
My friend thinks that jagex just rigs all the servers to say "1900" users on at a time. There isnt gonna be any rs3 comin out soon but Ive seen like over 50 phishers that steal your rs account. >.< Stupid pixel huggers scam you in game and then wreck your cash so then you end up like me.. Quit cold turkey because of all these frekin macroers and scammers all over the place.
It seems that you are just easily fooled in the trade screen. Jagex had been coming out with many ways to prevent scams and I think they are doin pretty good.
In non member worlds you cant sell anything costly (worth over 50k lolololol) without noobs coming up to you and asking if you can make em full steal. Last time I played rs I had 3 lvl 80s and one lvl 112. 8m total along with 3 whips and 4 full dharoks. Why did I quit if I had enough money? Because the game litterally sucks and there are more way better then it. Scammers and macroers galore which probably sell stuff in black markets for cash. I mean, Seriously.. How outta hand has this game gotten.
Lying about experiences isn't going to win you favor.
All in all I think RuneScape is going up, if anywhere. They are coming out with many aspects that support teaming and preventing scams. I'm really looking forward to the auction houses this month.
I'm not a fan of the company, since they are a bit distanced from the players, but the main age group of the player-base is a good enough reason to not take them totally serious.
I never argued they didn't make money, I argued that the game is crap. Most of the population is filled with your general teens and kids around 10-13 years old anyways.
yes, there are a few adults here and there playing the game but most of their 'income' and playerbase comes from kids who probably have never heard of any other MMORPG other than WoW.
Other MMORPG's have more to do. They have actual skills, spells to use. Runescape is like you took an MMORPG and stripped it down to just auto attack and the odd' special' from a weapon
man you are so far off on this one .. there is too much to do on runescape so much that I can't even keep up and I have been playing for years.
skills.. so woodcutting, fletching, firemaking, crafting, mining , smithing, farming, construction, hunting, slayer, herblore, and more ... are not skills?
And if you use auto attack in pvp then no reason you hate the game that will get you p00ned fast lmao. Who uses auto anyways?!! rofl. Everyone I know that mage pks doesn't even carry a staff to auto cast they barrage with a whip lol. Maybe you need to learn how to do it before you knock it lol.
I never argued they didn't make money, I argued that the game is crap. Most of the population is filled with your general teens and kids around 10-13 years old anyways.
First off I have never met a 10 yr old that played .. if I did i would get them booted from the game because you have to be 13+ to play at all. Jagex requires that on their account creation screen.. just so you know you might want to take a look at that. I have actually not met any 13 yr olds that play simply because they would rather be playing halo. i have over 800 friends on there 18- 30 and sure I wish they would make 17+ server worlds but doubt i will see that happen on any game soon. I really have no idea what you are talkin about thinkin kids only play that .. when most kids would go after the better graphics games like guild wars where I did have that problem. Maybe you were just in the wrong place .. because I have had a totally different expieriance with that .. but i have a 18+ age limit on my friends list, I don;t care to talk to lil kids all that much. Lol you know I had just the opposite problem on there thinking these people were to old to talk to lol. Like the womens clan " ladies of the red dragons" .. they have a 35+ age requirement .. lol that one threw me off i was too young to hang out with them lmao. But yea from what i see there are more older adults than kids these days. If you are telling the truth about your age it has been 4 years since you played ... that is a loong time in game worlds lol .. just think all those 14 year olds that played back then are your age now lol.
And, what do these great skills consist of? Lets break it down.
Mining: Click on rock, get ore.
Combat: click on mob, get lewt.
slayer: its just combat that tells you what to kill.
woodcutting: Click tree, get wood.
Continue onward and onward. Your next sentence about combat is also why I don't play the game, you sound like a retarded kid who just learned leetspeak for his first time the other day. If you had an ounce of reading comprehnsion you would notice I said "mostly auto attack". Of course I didn't take into account spell casting.
If you have never met a 10 year old that has played.. well, you're lying. Their 13 year old 'restriction' is without parent consent, and it is not enforced.
Still even if older people play the game they certainly do not show it, during the time I played everyone acted roughly the same give for those rare exceptions.
Also all of those 14 year olds that played back when I played are probably playing other games by now, or at least every one I knew that I kept in touch in is.
I'll keep this simple: Runescape is an MMORPG on training wheels. I would love to see someone who actually plays runescape after coming from another MMORPG (Guild wars does not count, it isn't an MMORPG) and playing it along side the other MMORPG doesn't count.
I don't think you will find many, and for a good reason. Other MMORPG's are simply better and more advanced than what runescape is. Its great to introduce people into MMORPG's in a friendly manner, but that is it.
And, what do these great skills consist of? Lets break it down.
Mining: Click on rock, get ore.
Combat: click on mob, get lewt.
slayer: its just combat that tells you what to kill.
woodcutting: Click tree, get wood.
have you tried hunter? you have to chase animals, trap them, noose them chase implings and butterflies all over the place and catch them to do the skill.. now you mentioned mining yes you click ore get ore .. but then you have to smelt ore then make it into anything you want.. for smithing. .. why else would you get the ore? i didn't know you could click a mob at all lol.. and to get lewt you have to pick it up after you kil someone and make it out alive with it or you don't get to keep it... If your looting a war chances are your not going to make it out alive lol. and with woodcutting .. what do you do with those logs? you can either burn them for firemaking, make them into planks for construction, or fletch them into arrows or bows. there is alot more to it than you stated. resource gathering is all click and bank, but what you do with those resources are the whole point of the skill. Skills are meant to be used together, not just by themselves. With those skills you can make a house with a dungeon and put a dragon in it and a torture chamber and execute people... with those skills you can create weapons, armor, teleport jewelry, potions, and food. You have so many choices as to what you want to do with them it would take you forever just to do them all.
If you have never met a 10 year old that has played.. well, you're lying. Their 13 year old 'restriction' is without parent consent, and it is not enforced.
now because i don;t run around talking to 10 yr olds .. I am lying? lol No I have luckily not met any 10 yr olds .. and am wondering why this is just so hard for you to believe. And yes the age limit is enforced.. why not ask someone who works for them. If I talked to a 10yr old i had no idea i was. but i sure didn't add any .. if I don't see a friend on cam or meet them in person they don;t go on friends list.. no creepy people pl0x. but I was only a nonmember for 2 days.. i didn't hang out there long. I actually tried to figure out what the game was really about.
Still even if older people play the game they certainly do not show it, during the time I played everyone acted roughly the same give for those rare exceptions.
Omg please don;t tell me your one of those 19 yr old grouchy old men already? People like to have fun , that has nothing to do with " maturity level" It has everything to do with a sense of humor.
Also all of those 14 year olds that played back when I played are probably playing other games by now, or at least every one I knew that I kept in touch in is.
I know many 18- 25 yr olds that have played since beta.. No they are not playing other games they are clan lords now .. and not these small 12 people noob clans ... most rs clans that I know of are 180+ people each. My clan was 600+ members before i resigned because I was tired of too many people talking at once lol.
I don't think you will find many, and for a good reason. Other MMORPG's are simply better and more advanced than what runescape is. Its great to introduce people into MMORPG's in a friendly manner,
has no idea what you are talking about since I personally have over 800 friends 18+
Continue onward and onward. Your next sentence about combat is also why I don't play the game, you sound like a retarded kid who just learned leetspeak for his first time the other day. If you had an ounce of reading comprehnsion you would notice I said "mostly auto attack". Of course I didn't take into account spell casting.
Aiight lil boy.. don't you start flaming me. Just because you did not take into account the numerous spell lists and how combat is really done is not a reason to get your undies in a wad and start name calling. Pull your head out =x. I graduated college .. I don't have to read anymore . rofl
We aren't getting anywhere here.
The point is, no one can argue that runescape is a less advanced version of any other MMORPG (save for a few) out there.
Let me ask you a question, what other MMORPG's have you played and have experience in, devil?
And no -- I'm not a 'grouchy 19 year old' but the majority of runescape players I see take it too far. They go past the humor of everything and just become an annoyance.
Let me ask you a question, what other MMORPG's have you played and have experience in, devil?
First off i have played alot of games not just mmorpgs.. and in fact i have tried alot of the games listed on this site.. Silkroad, hero, guild wars, wow, but none of those for very long because they turned me off for various reasons.. first I do not like being forced to choose player class or guilds before I play a game.. I like to keep my options open... I want to be able to do anything and everything equally, not having to pick. Before i played runescape I played diablo2, red alert series, lords of the realm2, ceasar2, were amongst some of my favorites on pc but I also happen to have owned every nintendo playstation and xbox ever made along with the ancient sega and unheard of turbo graphix 16.. I kind of collect these things lol. I am not a big fan of the controllers vs mouse and usually i just keep that junk around for my friends to play when they want to bust out some halo. I have also played some text based games and odd games like tribal wars but none of them have kept my interest like runescape has... I mean i loved populous and build your own empire games as well, but this new trend of so called better graphics.. i am not so impressed ... it is like everything is in a fog or haze or something. sure they have more artwork, but not clear a glamour shots photo overdone lol .. tbh I get a headache looking at these hazy images on a lot of games these days. I have played more games on the lists here but since i would have to look them up to remember what they are they obviously aren't worth mentioning. Usually I can tell whether or not i am going to be hooked on a game within the first week... if it can't keep my attention that long it isn't worth me trying to make myself. .. still my all time fav game isn't even an mmorpg .. it is of course mortal kombat .. it rules forever
Totally agree with you on the 'Choosing Class' in other games. When I first try a game, I like to experiment with the classes to see which one I like best.
Exampe: Runescape
Mage, Ranger, Warrior
You can basically change what you want to be and don't have to choose class, especially if you don't know that much about the game...
" And, what do these great skills consist of? Lets break it down.
Mining: Click on rock, get ore.
Combat: click on mob, get lewt.
slayer: its just combat that tells you what to kill.
woodcutting: Click tree, get wood. "
Isn't that what most games are like, point and click? And you have highly undermined combat. Killing bosses and such is actually pretty exciting. You have to make sure you don't die by eating food for one. Usually for bigger monsters you use potions. Certain attack styles affect certain monsters in different ways as well as certain weapons. And at least the monsters in RS (most of them) don't run all over the place so you can actually kill the damn things.
On a side note, I think the quests in RS are much more fun than most MMOs. Most MMOs its the same damn thing over and over again. "Collect 6 bear asses" return to contact, "Collect 20 nargle nipples", return to contact... Where as RS has puzzles and riddles (which I'll take over repetative combat anyday).
I don't know how the system works now, but back in the day I created my character choosing the "class" made a tiny difference in the way the starting point were allocated. Of course, the best part of the game is that indeed it grants complete freedom, you can be whatever you want, when you want, at that won't gimp your toon. Going hybrid can also be in your advantage - you can make the same ammount of dmg with various weapons - and that's something you won't see too often in other MMOs.
Now regarding to "why do Runescape players & fans go over the top when defending the game", I'd say it's quite obvious: because it offers more content and more freedom than the vast majority of the competitors. If the games seems boring to you (after actually playing the game for a period of time), then I pity you: you'll have a hell of a difficult time in finding one that would offer more - I played most of the available free MMOs and so far not one came close to Runescape. Yes, they might have better PvP systems, but apart from that, there's nothig more - not even a decent quest besides "go and kill X mobs".
Well said Drag,
Plus if you want like 500% more content, you only have to pay 5$ a month. I can find more than that in my couch.
Yeh i also agree nice post.
The riots today as a result of the new duel system over the 3k limit on staking is a prime example of player casualties in jagex 's latest witch hunt against real world item traders, which to tell the truth, I don't care if some kid bought a whip on ebay .. but that seems to be more of a concern to jagex than the wants and concerns of players that have stuck by them through the years. I don;t like rw item trading , but it isn;t at the top of my list of concern, they don;t have all that much affect on the average player, the things that do affect the average player are bots, and putting a cap on duel has no affect on them, hackers which again the duel cap has no affect on. Players are not quitting the game because of real traders .. they quit because they were hacked, or received poor customer service, or Jagex took the fun out of the game for them with bad updates, I personally don;t even stake .. i prefer wildy , but I know plenty who do, that is all they do .. and yea they are leaving now over it. I guess if all my friends leave i would have no reason to keep playing either, because all i do these days is help them out , and now with them going crazy with unbalanced trades... when i go to make a friend 20k iron throwing knives I can get banned for giving them to them... and they can get banned for me helping so.. what kind of help would that be at all ? Forums today on there were quite mad... I mean even threads started by mods were being locked like crazy.. again Just another typical example of jagex's response to their customers opinions... Though they have thousands of people posting they are trying to silence them all, this may be a record for them banning people from forums today, I didn;t even bother posting there ... there is no point, i just read them. I hope this isn't what we should expect from jagex in the future.
i switched to guild wars.
Hard to belive, Runescape takes challange to fight another person, Warrior, Ranger, Or mager. they have there weakness and advange. You just need to know what you are doing,
Skill - yes skills are a pain, they can be boring, (your not foched to do em) i love skilling tho, im 124 and i have been doing slayer for 8 months i will be 99 next month [for those who play they know thats the hardest skill]
idk what makes me play this game, maybe the fact to be the best, the fact that you dont know whats gonna happen next, who ur gonna meet. or maybe cause its just such a simple game and hell theres nuttin wrong with simple games. hell look at mario for NES everybody loves him lol
Why is runescape going down the tubes? Because Jagex is running it there. Today, I go to log in and I have 2 messeges from Jagex.. so I go to check them out. Well, they said I have an offense and was muted for 12 days... so I click on it and it says " legacy action ...unappealable.. no evidence" ok so they don't want to tell me what I did to offend them, nor do they want me to ask them. All it states was the evidence was too old to be able to tell me, and it also stated that I have 7 offenses... which to my knowledge is incorrect. The only messeges I have received from jagex in the past were 1) I was banned for 3 days for saying a website outloud.. which was an official runescape community site. 2) I was banned for a week for telling a guy that followed me around for 30 min asking me to be his girlfriend.. to " go shave his back." and once I was muted for 2 min when my friend was trying to get himself demodded and muted all of edgeville, and for that one I received an apology from jagex for the mistake. They have never sent me any messeges prior to either ban or since then , but claim to have 7 offenses and no evidence... Hmmm. First off I do not use offensive language, I have a dictionary. The only offenses that I could possible be aware of is suggesting that they change things. I have never cheated scammed or done anything else against the rules, I have been known for posting in suggestions in their forums, but never have even received a warning or anything like that since I try to always be respectful of their rules. So all of this is very confusing, unless they see me as a trouble maker for making suggestions and want to ban or mute me and refuse to show me the evidence because it is so ridiculous that showing someone that they muted them for something like that would just make them look worse. I guess they think that me voicing my opinions is harmful to them only because they choose not to listen to requests of paying customers. Great customer service jagex ! way to go! * shakes pom poms * Like I have said earlier in posts they wish to silence anyone who disagrees with them. .. now they silence me .. not. .... good thing I have other accounts lol.
Notice how you still havent found a game good enuff to replace runescape, testing is a sign of boredom with the games your currently playing.
J. B.
Your text makes my eyes hurt -.-
J. B.