A) DAoC/Shadowbane Large open combat areas, massive keep warfare with dynamic pvp. Alot of large scale pvp to happen, meaning lag, lag, crashing, but fun. B)WoW/Guildwars Relies on instances for PvP with little to no large scale PvP happening. Meaning a little lag but pvp always in same areas with fixed amount of enemies/allies. ...the best?
if you picked A, AoC is for you, if you picked B, WAR is for you.
Its all going to dependant on what we, the gamers, prefer.I for one like the way AoC sounds better than WAR. Notice im not talking like I have experience with either. I have watched all the videos available as well as read all the interviews and it just seems AoC is more my style...but of coarse, i'll have to wait and see for myslef... I will definetly try both.
It never fails that the AoC vs WAR debates start coming. WAR doesn't look that impressive at all, but I loved DAoC and what Mythic did with their RvR. Some of the finest PVP battles was from DAOC (other than UO), but then I love Conan and the lore aspect of that. I'm leaning towards Conan more just from a gameplay and graphics standpoint from the videos.
This is such a tired, silly argument. There's gonna be a lot of people from both sides who are gonna have to put their feet in their mouths once these games are released. No one can make any informed judgment until these games are released. Remember Vanguard, people? Devs can show all the cool looking vids they want and make all the promises they want, but we won't know until we boot these games up and give them a go.
From the bits of footage I've seen of AoC, I don't see how skill is going to be any more significant than in WoW. It has nothing to do with Unreal Tournament; the character isn't fast or nimble enough to evade anything so fights will surely come down to finding the combo of swings that deals the highest DPS.
Also, I dislike the animations and art style of AoC. The terrain is lovely but the characters fall into the Uncanny Valley (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uncanny_valley). Pro tip: Don't try to make a photo-realistic looking game, it doesn't work.
And finally, Vista can suck my life out (and I'm not going to play some half-assed version of the game), as said by a mate before me. I'm not too thrilled about paying 500+ euros for an OS that only allows me to pay some more for a game that only runs on said OS. If MS allowed us to update our XPs so they are compatible with all the new techno-babble in Vista for a very low price, nobody would even bother with that highway robbery they call Vista.
WAR I've been following more closely and while some things about it concern me somewhat, it's probably currently the strongest contender for my attention.
"War is for people who just like to play casually with friends and have no problem with the lack of interaction or skill it takes to play. Kids, old people, and people with slow reflex or some form of ineptness should like War the best I would think."
This attitude is the exact reason why i won't touch AOC with a 10 foot pole. Will be full of elitists thinking there shit don't stink
u DONT need vista to play AoC at all , since it works ok with dx9
u NEED vista if u want to take full advantage of aoc's DX10 layer support
in both cases is works perfectly, but if u dont have vista, u cannot use aoc's DX10 features
i would like to remind u that DX10 is gonna be obsolete as soon as microsoft releases DX10.1 which is not backwards compatible and does not work with actual DX10 compliance hardware
With AoC going for so many revolutionary concepts, it will fall, or make it big. Either way I don't think you can really compare them. AoC's combat system is very different, they are set in different universes, different developers, different concepts of PvP. They are both MMOs admittedly.
Why I would choose WAR :
1. Its warhammer.
2. The gameplay style seems really fun and immersive to me.
3. Having stuff like Chaos, Greenskins and all the rest of it in the game really spices things up.
Why I would choose AoC :
1. New combat system.
Thats about it. You can go on about FFA and gore and stuff all you like, I don't like it, and I wager most casual gamers don't either. Even if AoC turns out amazing, I doubt I will pick it up. From the videos I have seen the toons look really impersonal and rather ugly imo. When I have to look at one for my full gaming experience...ugh.
A) DAoC/Shadowbane Large open combat areas, massive keep warfare with dynamic pvp. Alot of large scale pvp to happen, meaning lag, lag, crashing, but fun. B)WoW/Guildwars Relies on instances for PvP with little to no large scale PvP happening. Meaning a little lag but pvp always in same areas with fixed amount of enemies/allies. ...the best?
if you picked A, AoC is for you, if you picked B, WAR is for you.
The end.
I just lost a few IQ points reading your ideas. How in the hell do AOC and DAOC have anything in common. You just slapped mythic in the face with a comment like that please check your info.
Hi I'm Ravkeen!
Emilia_Emi Lvl 56 Witch Now Playing : Black Desert Online "America is not at war, the US Military is at war, America is at the mall."
Lol Battlekruse, photo-realism doesn't work. Tell that to Bethesta, or Epic, both their most recent games sold millions based almost solely around the fact that their games looked very realistic. I think both games have their strong points. I personally think if your looking for really strong PvP that isn't all that carebear, and can have a meaningful impact on the world, AoC is a solid choice. The combat system, while still needing some fine tuning (that being part of the reason why the game is now 8 months from release, not 2,) the fact that it's real time and fully dynamic makes the games PvP significantly different then the auto-target, whack-a-mole of the standard MMOG scene. I also don't think zerging is going to play that huge factor, because of formation combat and the full collision detection the game sports. Unless it's a zerg made up for cavalry, then it'll just run over anyone not also on a horse. Unless that anyone is a formation with pikeman in it, cause they'll just kill most of the horses in the cavalry. Yes, your mounts can die. You don't perma-loose them. But you can't use a mount again for a set period of time. This brings quite a lot of strategy to the table. An enemy sieging your battle keep? Their War Mammoths wrecking your walls? Have your archers rain down fiery death and your mages bring about hellish doom on them, kill them off, and the attackers loose their Mammoths for the fight.
On the other side of the field you have WAR. I agree, WAR is going to appeal to casuals a fair bit more, partly because it's combat system is much easier to learn (from those that've played it, it appears if you've got some WoW experience, it takes all but 30 seconds to learn the controls, as they are identical.) But at the same time they have some cool features, like the Tome of Knowledge, and zone-wide quests.
In the end, I think both will be successful. AoC will draw the 'I'm sick of generic fantasy MMOGs' crowd, and WAR will draw the 'I want to experience good RvR again,' as well as IMHO draw a significant portion of the WoW PvP crowd away from WoW.
And guess what Bethesda used the same engine as Mythic for Oblivion. So the very same graphics engine that powered those great graphics in Oblivion is powering WAR.
Currently playing: LOTRO & WoW (not much WoW though because Mines of Moria rocks!!!!)
Looking Foward too: Bioware games (Dragon Age & Star Wars The Old Republic)
hmmmmmmmmm, no one really knows man. it will be a tough battle, but at the end, can they kick WoW off the throne? WoW has announced that they will also introduce new PVP including Siege, which is the next hot thing in MMOs these days i guess.
If they both turn out to be awesome games in their own right, will the universe implode?
I'm sorry if the mere revelation that two competing games can both rock has caused fits and dribbling in some of the people who frequent these threads....
-AoC (along with a throng of other MMO's including WoW) is a PvE-oriented game
As much as people can say that AoC will have this and that PvP stuff, Funcom clearly stated that AoC's endgame is PvE raiding. Killing trash packs and bosses for hours. No thanks, I had enough of that in WoW and I can continue it for that.
WAR however is stressing the RvR system and Mythic states that best rewards will come from doing PvP. This focus is enough to make me think that they'll balance classes and everything else around PvP. "Oh but this will affect class X's raid DPS" will be at best a secondary consideration. And as the best rewards come from PvP, people won't be playing it because they want to increase their raid DPS with 'free epixxx'.
So I think that anybody who likes PvP more than PvE raiding will flock to WAR if they know both games' endgame is about. Endgame is everything.
I just lost a few IQ points reading your ideas. How in the hell do AOC and DAOC have anything in common. You just slapped mythic in the face with a comment like that please check your info.
Actually I think AoC and DAoC have more in common then DAoC and WAR. Both games have 3 open 100% PvP (well RvR) end-game zones. Both games focus their end game PvP on keeps and towers. Though in AoC you build your own and destroy your enemies, the two are not all that dissimilar in this regard. Both focus on large scale end-game PvP with 100+ people on each side in some battles. DAoC's combat system is highly situational and combo based, though not real time. AoC's is combo based with some situational combat, such as Assassins doing better damage from behind a target, though it is real time and not auto-attack based.
Now compare DAoC and WAR. WARs PvP is mostly small scale (24x24 max) instanced PvP, with some open world PvP, though it doesn't mean as much. WAR's combat is much more like WoWs (and EQ's,) then it is like DAoC's, which was fairly innovative for it's time, and certainly took more thought then the mindless button mashing the same 3 or 4 keys in WoW, and apparently WAR. WARS only large scale PvP (RvR) is the city sieging, which supposedly is a lot of folks on either side, though they haven't given any details on that yet so who knows. That and objectives get re-set every few days, or the loosing realm gets some hard-core bonuses so they can capture their land back. That right there is significantly different.
So yea, from my viewpoint (and the OPs,) DAoC and AoC have a lot more in common then DAoC and WAR.
If you're talking about PvP Fion... there is no "mindless button mashing the same 3 or 4 keys" in the top Arena teams in WoW. Only way you could kill anyone doing that is if they were also mashing 3 or 4 keys in which case you would both be very bad at respective class
Battlegrounds are abit different, they are mostly about zerging and assist trains, unless you play with a premade in which case you could probably still mash 3 or 4 buttons and win vs most random groups hehe but thats just the way the system works in WoW... u get credit for being in the battleground even if you achieve nuffin, can anyone say lame?
I cant say I like WoW pvp, but to belittle teh top teams by basically saying anyone could do it isnt the way to make a point really
Im sorry Im not a big fan of either game but come on...
AoC will flop hardcore, the dev. even said the end game is a pve focused game. Besides that the game looks are on par with EQ1 and its been in the final stages for months so thats what it will look like at release, the combat animation looks even worse. The game keeps getting pushed back. I know it will flop hardcore...
WAR backed by Mythic so of course its pvp based and it even says the game is based around pvp. It has a much better name behind it. Dont need to go into anymore really WAR will be the next big MMO like it or not thats the truth.
A) DAoC/Shadowbane Large open combat areas, massive keep warfare with dynamic pvp. Alot of large scale pvp to happen, meaning lag, lag, crashing, but fun. B)WoW/Guildwars Relies on instances for PvP with little to no large scale PvP happening. Meaning a little lag but pvp always in same areas with fixed amount of enemies/allies. ...the best?
if you picked A, AoC is for you, if you picked B, WAR is for you.
The end.
Have you even tried either of the games?
I can tell you that your presumption about PvP in WAR is entirely wrong.
Originally posted by Gurkz Im sorry Im not a big fan of either game but come on... AoC will flop hardcore, the dev. even said the end game is a pve focused game. Besides that the game looks are on par with EQ1 and its been in the final stages for months so thats what it will look like at release, the combat animation looks even worse. The game keeps getting pushed back. I know it will flop hardcore... WAR backed by Mythic so of course its pvp based and it even says the game is based around pvp. It has a much better name behind it. Dont need to go into anymore really WAR will be the next big MMO like it or not thats the truth.
You make presumptions of "AoC will flop hardcore" based on your opinions of what YOU think that game will be, how it will play, how the graphics look based on your opinions. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but then the more I read your post it sounds more like you're just another WAR fanboi trying to beat down a game that would give it competition. This is where the ignorance comes into play on your part.
Your comment "It has a much better name behind it", meaning that WAR has more of a "name" than CONAN? That makes you look even more stupid. CONAN is friggin legendary, and if you disagree then you're asleep at the wheel and 2 lights are headed straight for you.
Aoc is more like carebear shadowbane where you can only pvp in 3 zones than it is like daoc. Daoc's main point is rvr, aoc is guild vs guild. In daoc you capture keeps for objectives (trying to get relics for your realm etc) in aoc you capture keeps for resources for your guild only (kind of like cities in shadowbane) You even have the same "window" when a keep can be attacked, though it works differently in aoc than sb, but it's not at all like daoc's keeps. Last but not least, daoc suffers from faction population imbalance, where as aoc will suffer, just like sb, from zerg guilds driving away most casual players who don't want to join them (well, driving themaway from pvp)
And Fion, given that you aren't a blind fanboy, can you not see that aoc's combat isn't any more skill demenading than any other mmo's combat? Skills? fps require "skills" as in tiwtch. Aoc requires no more twitch tha wow or any other game. Let's see, you hit a button that holds a combo, hitting this button starts a combo, you are then told which buttons to press (out of possible 3 and then later on 5 directional buttons) So, you press them, for each button pressed you perform a style untill you finish that combo, then you click on soem combo icon again, once again click directional attacks that you are told to hit, execute styles for each directional attack you do, finish combo... where is all this twitch and insane skillz are coming from?
You have to keep enemies in front of you? That's the sace for every single mmo out there, if people aren't in front of you, you aren't hitting them. So, what else is there? Oh, they took away auto attack? Taking away auto attack doesn't make combat more twitch based, it makes it the same exact combat but with no auto attack. Also, for all intends and purposes daoc had no auto attackbecause everyone was usign styles in rvr and in daoc styled attacks replace auto attacks.
The only "dynamic" thign about aoc's combat is in combat dodging, but since there is not a single video showing in combat dodging, it's anyone's guess if it actually going to be in the game or not (and how it will work with lag in large scale pvp sieges =p)
Only twitch mmorpg is ac1, and even that only happened because of a bug which allowed you to dodge magic/ranged attacks which devs decided not to fix and turn into a game mechanic instead
Aoc might be a great game, it could be the best game ever. But it's combat is no more based on twitch than combat in any other mmo.
"In a comparison, there is aways someone that is better"
I think games are not to be compared, they are NOT done over any "law" and there are no right or wrong, so there is no base point to a comparision...
How can you try to compare AoC and WAR ? they are made by diferent companies, both with diferent point of views and base points on their games, plus, both are not even done yet...
I think opening a thread obout AoC OR WAR, would be much healthier, as on this kind of threads here we are going to see only continuous slapping, go figure, people DO have diferent opinions :P
So whoever started this thread, please remember the phrase above and please see that there is no point on comparing anything, specially games...
i am playing war
WAR is Led Zeppelin
AoC is Abba
Its all going to dependant on what we, the gamers, prefer.I for one like the way AoC sounds better than WAR. Notice im not talking like I have experience with either. I have watched all the videos available as well as read all the interviews and it just seems AoC is more my style...but of coarse, i'll have to wait and see for myslef... I will definetly try both.
It never fails that the AoC vs WAR debates start coming. WAR doesn't look that impressive at all, but I loved DAoC and what Mythic did with their RvR. Some of the finest PVP battles was from DAOC (other than UO), but then I love Conan and the lore aspect of that. I'm leaning towards Conan more just from a gameplay and graphics standpoint from the videos.
Animations needs a little work though.
From the bits of footage I've seen of AoC, I don't see how skill is going to be any more significant than in WoW. It has nothing to do with Unreal Tournament; the character isn't fast or nimble enough to evade anything so fights will surely come down to finding the combo of swings that deals the highest DPS.
Also, I dislike the animations and art style of AoC. The terrain is lovely but the characters fall into the Uncanny Valley (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uncanny_valley). Pro tip: Don't try to make a photo-realistic looking game, it doesn't work.
And finally, Vista can suck my life out (and I'm not going to play some half-assed version of the game), as said by a mate before me. I'm not too thrilled about paying 500+ euros for an OS that only allows me to pay some more for a game that only runs on said OS. If MS allowed us to update our XPs so they are compatible with all the new techno-babble in Vista for a very low price, nobody would even bother with that highway robbery they call Vista.
WAR I've been following more closely and while some things about it concern me somewhat, it's probably currently the strongest contender for my attention.
"War is for people who just like to play casually with friends and have no problem with the lack of interaction or skill it takes to play. Kids, old people, and people with slow reflex or some form of ineptness should like War the best I would think."
This attitude is the exact reason why i won't touch AOC with a 10 foot pole. Will be full of elitists thinking there shit don't stink
u are a bit wrong about aoc supporting DX10
u DONT need vista to play AoC at all , since it works ok with dx9
u NEED vista if u want to take full advantage of aoc's DX10 layer support
in both cases is works perfectly, but if u dont have vista, u cannot use aoc's DX10 features
i would like to remind u that DX10 is gonna be obsolete as soon as microsoft releases DX10.1 which is not backwards compatible and does not work with actual DX10 compliance hardware
With AoC going for so many revolutionary concepts, it will fall, or make it big. Either way I don't think you can really compare them. AoC's combat system is very different, they are set in different universes, different developers, different concepts of PvP. They are both MMOs admittedly.
Why I would choose WAR :
1. Its warhammer.
2. The gameplay style seems really fun and immersive to me.
3. Having stuff like Chaos, Greenskins and all the rest of it in the game really spices things up.
Why I would choose AoC :
1. New combat system.
Thats about it. You can go on about FFA and gore and stuff all you like, I don't like it, and I wager most casual gamers don't either. Even if AoC turns out amazing, I doubt I will pick it up. From the videos I have seen the toons look really impersonal and rather ugly imo. When I have to look at one for my full gaming experience...ugh.
I just lost a few IQ points reading your ideas. How in the hell do AOC and DAOC have anything in common. You just slapped mythic in the face with a comment like that please check your info.
Hi I'm Ravkeen!
Emilia_Emi Lvl 56 Witch
Now Playing : Black Desert Online
"America is not at war, the US Military is at war, America is at the mall."
And guess what Bethesda used the same engine as Mythic for Oblivion. So the very same graphics engine that powered those great graphics in Oblivion is powering WAR.
Currently playing:
LOTRO & WoW (not much WoW though because Mines of Moria rocks!!!!)
Looking Foward too:
Bioware games (Dragon Age & Star Wars The Old Republic)
hmmmmmmmmm, no one really knows man. it will be a tough battle, but at the end, can they kick WoW off the throne? WoW has announced that they will also introduce new PVP including Siege, which is the next hot thing in MMOs these days i guess.
I like pie.
If they both turn out to be awesome games in their own right, will the universe implode?
I'm sorry if the mere revelation that two competing games can both rock has caused fits and dribbling in some of the people who frequent these threads....
For me, their disparity is simple and apparent:
- WAR is a PvP-oriented game
-AoC (along with a throng of other MMO's including WoW) is a PvE-oriented game
As much as people can say that AoC will have this and that PvP stuff, Funcom clearly stated that AoC's endgame is PvE raiding. Killing trash packs and bosses for hours. No thanks, I had enough of that in WoW and I can continue it for that.
WAR however is stressing the RvR system and Mythic states that best rewards will come from doing PvP. This focus is enough to make me think that they'll balance classes and everything else around PvP. "Oh but this will affect class X's raid DPS" will be at best a secondary consideration. And as the best rewards come from PvP, people won't be playing it because they want to increase their raid DPS with 'free epixxx'.
So I think that anybody who likes PvP more than PvE raiding will flock to WAR if they know both games' endgame is about. Endgame is everything.
Actually I think AoC and DAoC have more in common then DAoC and WAR. Both games have 3 open 100% PvP (well RvR) end-game zones. Both games focus their end game PvP on keeps and towers. Though in AoC you build your own and destroy your enemies, the two are not all that dissimilar in this regard. Both focus on large scale end-game PvP with 100+ people on each side in some battles. DAoC's combat system is highly situational and combo based, though not real time. AoC's is combo based with some situational combat, such as Assassins doing better damage from behind a target, though it is real time and not auto-attack based.
Now compare DAoC and WAR. WARs PvP is mostly small scale (24x24 max) instanced PvP, with some open world PvP, though it doesn't mean as much. WAR's combat is much more like WoWs (and EQ's,) then it is like DAoC's, which was fairly innovative for it's time, and certainly took more thought then the mindless button mashing the same 3 or 4 keys in WoW, and apparently WAR. WARS only large scale PvP (RvR) is the city sieging, which supposedly is a lot of folks on either side, though they haven't given any details on that yet so who knows. That and objectives get re-set every few days, or the loosing realm gets some hard-core bonuses so they can capture their land back. That right there is significantly different.
So yea, from my viewpoint (and the OPs,) DAoC and AoC have a lot more in common then DAoC and WAR.
If you're talking about PvP Fion... there is no "mindless button mashing the same 3 or 4 keys" in the top Arena teams in WoW. Only way you could kill anyone doing that is if they were also mashing 3 or 4 keys in which case you would both be very bad at respective class
Battlegrounds are abit different, they are mostly about zerging and assist trains, unless you play with a premade in which case you could probably still mash 3 or 4 buttons and win vs most random groups hehe but thats just the way the system works in WoW... u get credit for being in the battleground even if you achieve nuffin, can anyone say lame?
I cant say I like WoW pvp, but to belittle teh top teams by basically saying anyone could do it isnt the way to make a point really
Im sorry Im not a big fan of either game but come on...
AoC will flop hardcore, the dev. even said the end game is a pve focused game. Besides that the game looks are on par with EQ1 and its been in the final stages for months so thats what it will look like at release, the combat animation looks even worse. The game keeps getting pushed back. I know it will flop hardcore...
WAR backed by Mythic so of course its pvp based and it even says the game is based around pvp. It has a much better name behind it. Dont need to go into anymore really WAR will be the next big MMO like it or not thats the truth.
Sig by WhiskeyJack1
I can tell you that your presumption about PvP in WAR is entirely wrong.
Gamer by nature,
poet by heart.
You make presumptions of "AoC will flop hardcore" based on your opinions of what YOU think that game will be, how it will play, how the graphics look based on your opinions. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but then the more I read your post it sounds more like you're just another WAR fanboi trying to beat down a game that would give it competition. This is where the ignorance comes into play on your part.
Your comment "It has a much better name behind it", meaning that WAR has more of a "name" than CONAN? That makes you look even more stupid. CONAN is friggin legendary, and if you disagree then you're asleep at the wheel and 2 lights are headed straight for you.
Aoc is more like carebear shadowbane where you can only pvp in 3 zones than it is like daoc. Daoc's main point is rvr, aoc is guild vs guild. In daoc you capture keeps for objectives (trying to get relics for your realm etc) in aoc you capture keeps for resources for your guild only (kind of like cities in shadowbane) You even have the same "window" when a keep can be attacked, though it works differently in aoc than sb, but it's not at all like daoc's keeps. Last but not least, daoc suffers from faction population imbalance, where as aoc will suffer, just like sb, from zerg guilds driving away most casual players who don't want to join them (well, driving themaway from pvp)
And Fion, given that you aren't a blind fanboy, can you not see that aoc's combat isn't any more skill demenading than any other mmo's combat? Skills? fps require "skills" as in tiwtch. Aoc requires no more twitch tha wow or any other game. Let's see, you hit a button that holds a combo, hitting this button starts a combo, you are then told which buttons to press (out of possible 3 and then later on 5 directional buttons) So, you press them, for each button pressed you perform a style untill you finish that combo, then you click on soem combo icon again, once again click directional attacks that you are told to hit, execute styles for each directional attack you do, finish combo... where is all this twitch and insane skillz are coming from?
You have to keep enemies in front of you? That's the sace for every single mmo out there, if people aren't in front of you, you aren't hitting them. So, what else is there? Oh, they took away auto attack? Taking away auto attack doesn't make combat more twitch based, it makes it the same exact combat but with no auto attack. Also, for all intends and purposes daoc had no auto attackbecause everyone was usign styles in rvr and in daoc styled attacks replace auto attacks.
The only "dynamic" thign about aoc's combat is in combat dodging, but since there is not a single video showing in combat dodging, it's anyone's guess if it actually going to be in the game or not (and how it will work with lag in large scale pvp sieges =p)
Only twitch mmorpg is ac1, and even that only happened because of a bug which allowed you to dodge magic/ranged attacks which devs decided not to fix and turn into a game mechanic instead
Aoc might be a great game, it could be the best game ever. But it's combat is no more based on twitch than combat in any other mmo.
People please
I would like everyone to think on something :
"In a comparison, there is aways someone that is better"
I think games are not to be compared, they are NOT done over any "law" and there are no right or wrong, so there is no base point to a comparision...
How can you try to compare AoC and WAR ? they are made by diferent companies, both with diferent point of views and base points on their games, plus, both are not even done yet...
I think opening a thread obout AoC OR WAR, would be much healthier, as on this kind of threads here we are going to see only continuous slapping, go figure, people DO have diferent opinions :P
So whoever started this thread, please remember the phrase above and please see that there is no point on comparing anything, specially games...