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Before I go to the beach one question for you all, tell me which MMO have best named player characters over all and of course which MMO have worst?
Pls stay on topic, is not about community it's about naming, and how much GMs care about.
For me means a lot how people naming their characters, your role in fantasy world become much more enjoyable.
For me goes:
Best: DAOC
People really care about naming their characters. And there is lots of medieval like names.
Worst: GuildWars
Complete disaster, if you played 10 mins this game you will know what i mean. I love GW but you just can't ignore all that bad names. People using complete obscene sentences for name which mean that ANet don't care either.
p.s. NPC naming in MMOs are quite good from what I saw, but if you have complain on some game please tell me, of course I'm curious.
p.s.s. I didn't played EQ series, at least not enough to be objective ...
"I'm sorry Dave, I'm afraid I can't do that."
I can't really tell you which game has bad names as for NPC 's , since I 've only played Lineage 2 , and WoW for a little while. But I can tell you that both had normal, but fantasy npc names. As for players, you always got bot names like asdf, but I haven't seen a farmer with a reasonable name. Every game has bad player names, and if it doesn't, I would say the game has a small population. I do care alot about my nickname, cause when it sucks, and I discover that when I have put 20 hours of work into it, I would start over again with a better name quite easily. I care about my own name, not much about some elses. I know very much nice players with names with caps turned on. But when I would try something new, and log in, and only see names with caps turned on, or just bullshit, I would wonder if there is anyone above 18 inbetween in it.
Generally I am not so picky. As long as its not a RP recommended server it can be anything reasonable.
Best: City oh Heroes/Vilain
- never saw names which didnt somehow fit to super heroes/villains once
Worst: Guildwars
quite a bunch of sexual or r0xx0rn00b-like names
People don't ask questions to get answers - they ask questions to show how smart they are. - Dogbert
At least I can ignore a good bunch of bad names, but if I have a chance I prefer a RP realm. The bad names ratio is lower there for obvious reasons I guess.
"If all magic fails, rely on three feet of steel and a strong arm"
LOTRO seems to have a player base that likes to name their characters properly. It probably helps that they give suggested name beginnings and ends for each race/gender.
The f2p games are awful, and if a developer allows numbers in the name (which these inevitably do) it's a nice sign for me that they don't give a shit about the atmosphere of the game world.
I'm of the "not picky" crowd. I'm not a roleplayer either, so as long as names aren't flat out offensive or immature, I don't really care much. I've named a couple of my characters "CheesyFantasyName" and "PewPewPew" when I couldn't think of anything.
I really loved in PSU how you could choose any name - even if it was taken. You still had a unique ID which other players could contact you by, and managing your friends list was easy and functional. It was extremely nice being able to freely choose whatever name you wanted without sitting there trying for 15 minutes until you find one that's free, and it was better seeing 100 people named Sephiroth than 100 iterations of XxSephirothxX and oOoSephirothoOo
Not sure what would be the worst game... Maybe GW, since it's so easy to circumvent the swear filter by just adding spaces. I've seen some pretty lame and on occasion flat out racist names in there.
best: guildwars
worst : runescape
My blog:
I like Guild Wars very much and I agree with you that I've seen some bad names but Anet do care, it's a f2p mmo/corpg w/e, if they always ran around looking for peple with bad names, who'd be making sure there there's no lagg?
We're all Geniuses. Most of us just don't know it.
At where i'm always at the other players have really good RP names.
The people in this thread are right at how bad names can get in this game.
There's my opinion.
=The best quote ever=
Curt teh Juggler: our graduation ceremony was today, and right when some gamer nerd got his diploma, someone in the audience played the zelda "get item" music and he did the zelda spin-hold-out-item stance
Curt teh Juggler: it was quite possibly the most amazing thing ever.
City of Heroes/Villians is prob the best I've played (name wise). In general character creation is also.
hhmm Best has to be Dragonrealms or EQ. pretty much only had roleplayers there. Worst is Really hard, pretty much if the game has pvp then you have utterly ridiculous names.........If i stick to just the american games i would have to say WoW
yeah, CoH and CoV have the best names, because you can name your character RoxesBoxes and still fit in the theme.
This is a pet peeve for me. It really annoys me when I see players who choose stupid names that don't fit the setting. I expect developers to enforce a reasonable naming policy. It ruins immersion to encounter players with nonsensical names or names taken from pop culture for a fantasy setting for instance.
I like Guild Wars very much and I agree with you that I've seen some bad names but Anet do care, it's a f2p mmo/corpg w/e, if they always ran around looking for peple with bad names, who'd be making sure there there's no lagg?
As I said, I love GW and hope you have right. They can't fix this over night, like they cleared general chat from trade spam.
"I'm sorry Dave, I'm afraid I can't do that."
Best: I would say it's the original EverQuest. Simply because I think that's the era where us gamers cared more about our characters by giving them actual names instead of this current generation players with words as names.
Worst: That would be WoW in my opinion because the game allow you to input the non standard characters like ÿÛÆ
I hate making predictions personally, but AoC (RP server) and LOTRO may be joining this list in the "best" category, assuming the thread lives long enough which is admittedly doubtful. The reasons are quite simple, an RP server in AoC will have a stricter naming policy, ideally entirely eliminating the worst cases of character naming. LOTRO includes a naming guide at the character creation screen, allowing people who don't have a clue to make original names in tune with the naming conventions of Tolkien lore.
No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main. any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind, and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee.
I think people should have their own choice, and i dont mind the name gens that help people. no name nazi should be able tell me if my character name is "ok." -excluding profanity and nasty sexual stuff
I completely agree. City of X has some funny and random names, but they somehow still "fit" within the universe.
MMO games played or tested: EQ, DAoC, Archlord, Auto Assault, CoH, CoV, EQ2, EVE, Guild Wars, Hellgate: London, Linneage II, LOTRO, MxO, Planetside, SWG, Sword of the New World, Tabula Rasa, Vanguard, WWIIOL, WOW, Age of Conan
No idea but I didn't like Guild Wars or WoW. There are thousands of sephiroths in WoW and people get confused as to what to name their character in Guild Wars so they just type a sentence.