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To all the Opera users...

I have figured out a way to get emoticons to work on Opera. To get it to work, users must follow these steps in order.

1. Right click on the emoticon you want

2. Select properties

3. Copy the image address

4. Paste it on the post editor

5. Put the following code in

< img src = "insert the image address here" >

6. Copy exactly how it is but with the emoticon address (also no spaces except for the ones between img and src so it should read ...img src="...)

Opera uses HTML format for some reason. I'm sure if you clicked the BBML editor it would change, but I have yet to test that. Hope this helps all the Opera users image

I e-mailed this to by the way.

This part here I did not e-mail to but... Sometimes in Opera the page won't load all the way. Just press refresh and it will work. If you want to start a new paragraph in Opera, you must put < br> (without the spaces) on every line that you want to break. Geez, Opera is a hassleimage
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