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Quests advice

LilianeLiliane Member Posts: 591

Have done some quests in GW Factions in Shing Jea Island. This one quest seem to be hard for me. I'm level 15 Elemental monk and 5 npcs are level 13's.

The Captured Son

(You get the quest in Seigtung Harbon from Lady Mukei Musagi)

 There seem to be so many Crimsom Skulls as enemies in one place and it's hard to stay alive. Even pulling seem to get many of them all the time. So any advice how it should be done?


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  • 8hammer88hammer8 Member Posts: 1,812

    Originally posted by Liliane

    Have done some quests in GW Factions in Shing Jea Island. This one quest seem to be hard for me. I'm level 15 Elemental monk and 5 npcs are level 13's.
    The Captured Son
    (You get the quest in Seigtung Harbon from Lady Mukei Musagi)
     There seem to be so many Crimsom Skulls as enemies in one place and it's hard to stay alive. Even pulling seem to get many of them all the time. So any advice how it should be done?

    I suggest that you work on your pulling idea.  That is the best way to handle that mob if you want to do it yourself.  The other way is to find a group of people that are doing it (or start a group for that matter to take them out).  If you are in a guild just as for some level 20 assistance with a quick quest.  I know I had someone ask in my guild before and I helped them with it...AoE dmg FTW there...Good Luck

    "It is easier to be cruel than wise. The road to wisdom is long and difficult... so most people just turn out to be assholes" Feng (Christopher Walken)

  • emdtemdt Member Posts: 325

    This is indeed a hard quest, esp a character under 20.

    You either have to be extra careful in pulling each group out or just come back to it latter as lvl 20 and full amror along with other lvl 20's.

    I personally just grab some of my heros (from nightfall) and completed using brute force.

    Guild Wars
    -Danish Kokor-lvl 20 monk/mesmer
    -Ettarde Aoi- lvl 7 warrior/ranher
    Maple Story
    -Danish-lvl30 Hunter
    -kokore-lvl8 Mage
    -Lady Ettarde-lvl 58

  • GodliestGodliest Member Posts: 3,486

    Originally posted by emdt
    This is indeed a hard quest, esp a character under 20.
    You either have to be extra careful in pulling each group out or just come back to it latter as lvl 20 and full amror along with other lvl 20's.
    I personally just grab some of my heros (from nightfall) and completed using brute force.

    Used the same tactic, but with a full group of other players. All were around lvl 15, took some time, but at least made it at lvl 15.



  • LilianeLiliane Member Posts: 591

    It's okey, I got the quest done.


    I just took five level 16 npcs with me and tryed about 20 times. All npcs where range attackes. Close combat npcs just caused too much aggro.

    MMORPG.COM has worst forum editor ever exists

  • edru_viransuedru_viransu Member Posts: 8

    What I typically do for more careful pulling with NPCs in my team is flag the henchies well away from what I'm trying to pull and wand or bow the enemies and lure them back to the henchies. Usually works. That's how I did it with my rit, although he was level 20. It's slow, but it works.

  • emdtemdt Member Posts: 325

    My, my, i forgot about flagging henchies

    Guild Wars
    -Danish Kokor-lvl 20 monk/mesmer
    -Ettarde Aoi- lvl 7 warrior/ranher
    Maple Story
    -Danish-lvl30 Hunter
    -kokore-lvl8 Mage
    -Lady Ettarde-lvl 58

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