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From the latest dev chat (tonight):
I highlighted all the "whoa" stuff for your parousing pleasure.
FYI: Raijin is the community relations manager, Beady is the lead programmer, and Xhan is the new producer
[17:04] <Brannoc> Howdy folks and thanks for joining us tonight for the chat with Planetside! We'll be doing an open chat tonight, so I'll be unmoderating the channel and you'll be free to chat with the developers in a more intimate setting, such as it is.
[17:05] <Brannoc> We ask that you mind your manners, or bad things will happen to you.
[17:05] *** Brannoc sets channel mode to -m
[17:05] <Kinship> hello
[17:05] <finche> hey
[17:05] <Keithoth> Hello
[17:05] <Nobel> Wonderful
[17:05] <AutumnKiss> Welcome, everyone!
[17:05] <HamoPope> Hello !
[17:05] <LONGFELLA_____K> Hello
[17:05] *** Brannoc changed topic to Welcome to tonight's Planetside chat!
[17:05] <Losty> G'day G'day
[17:05] <JCV> hello?!
[17:05] <Xahn> Hello everyone!
[17:05] <cabl> hola
[17:05] <The-Q> Hello
[17:05] <HamoPope> XAHHHNNNNNNNNNN
[17:05] *** Elm sets mode -o on Elm
[17:05] *** Notorious is now known as EVILPIG
[17:05] <Raijinn> Hello everyone
[17:05] <vMECHv> This is a first. Welcome to the team Xahn
[17:05] <Captainunknown> Hey.
[17:05] <HamoPope> Tell us about yourself
[17:05] <Noyjitat> "Howya doin?"
[17:05] <HamoPope> more about you
[17:05] <Keithoth> NC for life " />
[17:05] <Kinship> who are the devs, who isnt
[17:05] <Werner|Basti> Ahh, the allmighty xahn " />
[17:05] <HamoPope> we want to know
[17:05] *** LONGFELLA_____K is now known as LONGFELLA
[17:05] <Nobel> Welcome Xahn.
[17:05] <finche> hi xahn
[17:06] <cabl> fo sho
[17:06] <AutumnKiss> Before we get too involved, please mind your manners and be courteous with each other, so that we can ensure everyone gets heard. Thanks!
[17:06] <finche> k
[17:06] <cabl> k
[17:06] <finche> Can I have a OS gun?
[17:06] <Xahn> Thanks for the welcome everyone. " />
[17:06] <Kinship> mmmmmmmmmmmmm kay
[17:06] <Raijinn> <finche> Can I have a OS gun? - No
[17:06] [color=red]<Werner|Basti> Well, xahn, there is just one question: WIll be there a unbend? " /> [/color]
[17:06] <cabl> are you guys beginning the discussions or are we running it?
[17:06] <vMECHv> So we just ask questions here, no sending it to a QT?
[17:06] <AutumnKiss> Correct
[17:06] <Losty> Xahn, just wondering as Enrico promised us. Will the big medpacks/Repair kits be availeble to all anytime soon?
[17:07] <Nobel> Lets start then... Phantasm.
[17:07] <LONGFELLA> I will begin with a question to Beady...could you please, sweet dear almighty lord put a Pain Mod Pain field in the cave spawns? We ALL want it
[17:07] <AutumnKiss> No QT, this is an open chat.
[17:07] <GrandpaMojo> Are the anniversary weapons ever going to change? Are their current states the way that they will forever remain? Hopefully not, since the majority of people dislike them and consider them overpowered.
[17:07] <cabl> concur with longfella
[17:07] <Nobel> Any more details on the cloaking vehicle of the sky?
[17:07] <finche> If a outfit leader is banned or suspended can you give someone else Outfit lead?
[17:07] [color=red]<Xahn> <Basti> That actually came up in a meeting yesterday. " /> We haven't decided what we want to do or what we can do, but it's funny that you brought it up. [u][b]It's definitely on our radar. [/b][/u][/color]
[17:07] <HamoPope> We currently have no free trial system for the game - any plans on rectifying that?
[17:07] <EVILPIG> CAPS
[17:07] <Raijinn> [color=red]Are the anniversary weapons ever going to change? - We're evaluating the weapons currently and it's most likely we'll be doing a balance pass on them. [/color]
[17:08] <HamoPope> like, actual plans?
[17:08] <HamoPope> not just "
[17:08] <finche> jeese evilpiggie chilll
[17:08] <Exovamp> are you guys going to merge the servers?
[17:08] <HamoPope> we're cooking something up"
[17:08] <cabl> are you guys going to be actually trying to advertise, been playing for 4 years and games not being pushed
[17:08] <LONGFELLA> Gonna need to put names you are answering to DEVS....
[17:08] <EVILPIG> obviously my caps was on
[17:08] <Nobel> What bout possibly server Merging... Markov players have been wanting it for so long... and the game wont last as long anymore with new competition like Lost Colony and Huxley being released.
[17:08] <GrandpaMojo> Why are powerful weapons given out based on character age? This gives out advantages to people based on an uncontrollable factor
[17:09] <Kinship> server merge is the hottest topic on everybodies mind, can we please get a response to this?
[17:09] <vMECHv> Enrico said that the christmas merit requirment for the super medkits would be removed back in January. Is there any way this could happen so that those who didn't do the Christmas event are equal to those who did?
[17:09] <Exovamp> yea r u guys gonna merge the servers
[17:09] <finche> will everyone be able to use teh Stim packs/Armor packs anytime?
[17:09] <cabl> yeah, you have a good idea going, don't let it die
[17:09] <Nobel> We need more players soon... or these other games will suck up all of currently planetsideplayers
[17:09] <cabl> k
[17:09] <Werner|Basti> Okay guys, just a suggestion: Let these guys some time to answere, mean stop spamming questions " />
[17:09] <EVILPIG> Not every player wants a server merge and a lack of a merge does not garuntee the game will "die"
[17:10] [color=red]<Xahn> <Nobel> We're actually looking at a number of ways to increase server numbers. [b][u]A merge is planned,[/u][/b] but I hesitate to talk about it till I have serious concrete details. [b][u]One other thing we're thinking about is bringing back reserves[/u][/b]. [/color]
[17:10] <Exovamp> WOOT
[17:10] <Xahn> We realize that without people to shoot at, the games not a ton of fun. " />
[17:10] <Kinship> reservves = awesome
[17:10] <Werner|Basti> WooOOT!
[17:10] <LONGFELLA> QUESTION: one of my outfit members has been working with his AMD dual core...this is out of control, you can turn it on and off whle in game!! Anyway to stop this?
[17:10] <Exovamp> no reserves though
[17:10] <Beady> Why are powerful weapons given out based on character age? - That was only a temporary thing to award some of the players who've been with us for a long time. We know it's unbalanced and will allow newer characters to acquire these weapons through certifications in an upcoming update.
[17:10] <The-Q> Give them time to answer plz
[17:10] <Raijinn> <GrandpaMojo> Why are powerful weapons given out based on character age? - The weapons were initially done as an anniversary present for those long standing players. We will eventually allo you to acquire the the weapons similiar to how the HSR was initially done.
[17:11] <Xahn> Nice, two answers to the same question. " />
[17:11] <Exovamp> lol
[17:11] <Losty> Teamwork there " />
[17:11] <Raijinn> lol
[17:11] <Moisty> hi
[17:11] <Werner|Basti> hehe
[17:11] <finche> Will we every be seeing new bases being implemented?
[17:11] <Kinship> you just said there IS going to be a merge.... that is AWESOME to hear you all are even speaking of it!
[17:11] <vMECHv> Super Medkit, Super Stimpack, Super Armor Pack... Will you be removing the christmas merit requirment or removing them from the game?
[17:11] <Exovamp> what is the next vehicle u guys r gonna bring out?
[17:12] <Crator> Are there any plans for lattice changes/gameplay flow updates?
[17:12] <cabl> the dragon needs to be revisited
[17:12] <Moisty> is there a merging of the servers anytime soon?
[17:12] <Exovamp> yea they said there gonan do it
[17:12] <cabl> moisty, scroll up
[17:12] <HamoPope> because they can totally answer questions as fast as you swarms can ask
[17:12] <Werner|Basti> Erm, are you sure about that? Do you really want to give the instand flame orb of doom to everyone? Well, Plasma was a really spam weapon, but the dragon is just ugly. Without a massive nerf this weapon is going to burn auraxis to the grounds " />
[17:12] <Moisty> I just got in, i dident see anything
[17:12] <Losty> It's like the TR zerg this chat
[17:12] [color=red]<Xahn> <Exovamp> We've got some new vehicles coming very soon, and you're just going to have to wait to see them. Be ready for Fan Faire, that's all I'm saying. " /> [/color]
[17:13] <Moisty> irc was messing up
[17:13] <The-Q> Xahn - First of all, welcome. My question to you - what are the short and long term plans in general for Planetside. Are you aware of the current issues that trouble most planetside players?
[17:13] <GrandpaMojo> Will people still get the new weapons for free based on their character age like the HSR? The problem now is that people get to save a load of cert points just for having a character that is old enough
[17:13] <BloodyBear> I'm Free!
[17:13] <Exovamp> ok thank you" />
[17:13] <Raijinn> I have a question for all the players out there....Who here is going to Fan Faire?
[17:13] <cabl> not i
[17:13] <Werner|Basti> Xahn, please add the question to your answere, hard to find it again in all that spam " />
[17:14] <finche> how big of a planetside event is going to be going on there?
[17:14] <BloodyBear> I was thinking about it. 93 bucks is a bit expensive though.
[17:14] <SS89Goku> I would but I don't have enough money
[17:14] <Moisty> I missed out on the first 20 mins, what did they announce?
[17:14] <Werner|Basti> Raijinn, im sorry, no way for me to be on Fan Faire. Just to expensive from germany to you guys
[17:14] <RaffyTaffy> Well I at last joined this channel
[17:14] <finche> they announced server merge
[17:14] <Beady> Players will still get their weapons based on character age, just like the HSR.
[17:14] <BloodyBear> That too, Planetside doesn't seem like it's going to be a focus at Fan Faire
[17:14] <cabl> -moisty- they posted they are looking at a server merge, no date or decision
[17:14] <Exovamp> i cant afford to go too
[17:14] <Losty> I'm not going to the fan fairy Raijinn, but we have a date on the 2nd
[17:14] <Raijinn> <finche> how big of a planetside event is going to be going on there? - We're going to have a Laser Tag event and an extra special in game event with everyone in attendance.
[17:14] <vMECHv> They announced Server merge will happen & The Dragon will eventually be put into a certification for those new charactors not 3 years old
[17:14] <Moisty> thats all i missed? sweet
[17:14] [color=red]<Xahn> <The-Q> Our short term plans are basically to get all existing assets in the game as new content, get the population up and keep things interesting. Long term, we're developing a plan that'll give each "class" a roadmap for new things to do. Also, we've got some big long term plans that we're starting to work on, but they're going to take some time. You'll see a hint of it at Fan Faire though (or at least during). [/color]
[17:15] <Crator> That sounds great Xahn!!
[17:15] <EVILPIG> Q--Any plans to get Planetside running in cycles or campaigns?
[17:15] <Werner|Basti> Xah, just again, add the question to the answere " />
[17:15] <LONGFELLA> BEADY: Could you please put PAIN MOD damage in the cave spawns to prevent the camping that EVERY Planetside player is tired of? ( Second time asking, sorry, you may have missed it)
[17:15] <EVILPIG> Possibly with evolving tech due to resources?
[17:16] <Kinship> no more cshd!!
[17:16] <HamoPope> Xahn, a question for you - What is your experience working with FPS games? I know we've had problems in the past where players feel that the devs don't understand the way the game should be run
[17:16] <RaffyTaffy> Some one remember to copy all this stuff down for the forums
[17:16] <Brannoc> don't worry a log will be available
[17:16][color=red] <Beady> LONGFELLA: It's definitely something we're going to look into. This isn't the first time it was suggested and might be introduced in the long-run. [/color]
[17:16] <Werner|Basti> I will do Raffytaffy
[17:16] <Moisty> are there going to be any new aircraft added?
[17:16] [color=red]<Beady> Oh sorry the question was about pain mods in the cavers... " />[/color]
[17:16] <The-Q> Thanks for the answer. What about issues and bugs? There are many of these, some of them are tiny and seem easy to fix, that most players wish to be fixed. Are you aware of those?
[17:17] [color=red]<Raijinn> <Moisty> are there going to be any new aircraft added? - Yes [/color]
[17:17] [color=red]<Xahn> <HamoPope> I've never had a past of working on them per say, but I have been a FPS player all my life. From doom - unreal tourney - Quake - Counter Strike. But I've got a good MMO past with SWG, EQII, and also some EQ work I've done. [/color][17:17] <cabl> any new implants, they havent been looked at in over a year or so
[17:17] <Noyjitat> Any plans to strengthen base equipment such as Generators? Gen dropping is too easy and it happens at nearly every fight. Increasing the armor of the generator would be nice. And adding a strong painfield similar to the painmod painfield would help as well.
[17:17] <Werner|Basti> Not including the Phantasm and Gal gunship Raijinn?
[17:17] [color=red]<Xahn> I'm a huge lover of FPS games, they're primarily what I play. [/color]
[17:17] <HamoPope> Glad to hear
[17:17] <finche> Is there any plan to INCREASE the capture of XP for a base i mean its ridiculous you get more XP for killing 4 guys then a full base cap
[17:17] <RaffyTaffy> Any one ask about fixing the bug with the router and sticking it in boxes?
[17:17] <HamoPope> I know many people feel that there's too much RPG in PS
[17:17] <cabl> concur with finche
[17:18] <EVILPIG> **Generator Shields for non-frontline bases**
[17:18] <Losty> Xahn - What BR is your 'unknown' character ingame? And how is YOUR ingame experiance with Planetside itself?
[17:18] <The-Q> Let them answer please.
[17:18] <Raijinn> <Werner|Basti> Not including the Phantasm and Gal gunship Raijinn? - What is this Phantasm and Gunship you speak of?
[17:18] <finche> cabl why do u concur?
[17:19][color=red] <Beady> RaffyTaffy: About the router bug and deploying the telepad in boxes. I've actually been thinking about this lately and I think there's a fix for it, so hopefully we'll be able to stop players from exploiting the Router like they are now. [/color]
[17:19] <SS89Goku> Is there any plan for an dynamic lattice that would change the conts around every other month or so? To keep fights more interesting
[17:19] <Werner|Basti> Raijinn, dont make fun with me " /> Seriously, are there more air stuff coming than the Gal gunship and the Phantasm? Everybody know that this 2 things are coming soon
[17:19] <Werner|Basti> Fun with me = NO COOKIES!
[17:19] <Moisty> Gunships are coming soon? kickass
[17:19] <Xahn> I have a BR 25, but my normal character is only 20. " />
[17:19] <Werner|Basti> Okay, when its done...
[17:19] <LONGFELLA> QUESTION: Anyway OSHUR/ Battle Islands could just go back to normal to increase their usage in the battle? Limitations seem to hurt overall
[17:19] <Kinship> when is huxely coming out?
[17:19] <vMECHv> Generator Shields to slow down gen droppers & give time for defenders to respond & defend the generator
[17:19] <BloodyBear> What are plans about having active GMs in our game? I'm noticing an increase in speed hacking, as well as lame antics that drive people from this game.
[17:20] <finche> Is there any plan to INCREASE the capture of XP for a base i mean its ridiculous you get more XP for killing 4 guys then a full base cap ?
[17:20] <Moisty> what will be able to be equipped to galaxy gunships?
[17:20] <The-Q> Thanks for the answer. What about issues and bugs? There are many of these, some of them are tiny and seem easy to fix, that most players wish to be fixed. Are you aware of those?
[17:20] <Keithoth> good question bloodybear
[17:20] <Exovamp> i think conts should be locked for a few hours after a major battle
[17:20] <RaffyTaffy> Any one ask about fixing the bug with the router and sticking it in boxes?
[17:20] <Nobel> Q - Are any of you devs looking at playing the new Lost Colony Beta coming out within the next month?
[17:20] [color=red]<Xahn> Ok, so those who want to know about bugs, I'm gonna type a decently long one. " /> [/color]
[17:20] <Draxxes> What about the large amount of cr5s there seems to be, there an os for every ams and when I go through all this work to fortify a tower from some one one guy drops emps every thing and gets in.
[17:20] <RaffyTaffy> New lost coloney beta lol
[17:20] <Nobel> to look at your competition... and get any ideas
[17:20] <Losty> Q - Beady - Any plans for an Anting merit? and Ant variations?
[17:21] <Werner|Basti> Nobel, Lost colony is a scam...
[17:21] *** Brannoc sets channel mode to +m
[17:21] [color=red]<Xahn> So, for the bugs, here's our plans... [/color]
[17:21] <Brannoc> Ok folks we'll start taking questions in a more traditional format now
[17:21] <Brannoc> To submit one just send a pm my way using /msg Brannoc My Question Here
[17:21] <Brannoc> (If it was already answered a few minutes ago, try not to do it again)
[17:22] [color=red]<Xahn> After each update, we'll be addressing bugs for about 2 weeks (give or take) before we start working on new content or changes again. That way we have a plan for addressing legacy bugs that are driving you guys nuts. I know it's frustrating when you feel like bugs aren't being addressed, and I don't want oyu to have to feel that way. [/color]
[17:22] [color=red]<Raijinn> <BloodyBear> What are plans about having active GMs in our game? I'm noticing an increase in speed hacking, as well as lame antics that drive people from this game. - In game support is rather active in PlanetSide, I personally have seen them in game quite a bit. If you happen to see anyone who is hacking please feel free to report them. [/color]
[17:22] [color=red]<Xahn> And these bugs include things that have been around a while, to things more recently introduced. [/color]
[17:24] <Brannoc> *Moisty* What is the timetable do you think for these updates?
[17:25] [color=red]<Xahn> So we're looking at between 1.5 to 2 months on our update schedule. This insures that we can get some bug fixes and some big content items that'll make a different in your play experience. [/color]
[17:26] [color=red]<Xahn> Oh, and one additional thing, we've got an update planned around Fan Faire for the first since I'm in command. [/color]
[17:26] *** Brannoc sets mode +o on Beady
[17:27] <Brannoc> *finche* Is there any plan to INCREASE the capture of XP for a base capture its ridiculous you get more XP for killing 4 guys then a full base cap
[17:27] *** Brekkee sets mode -o on Brekkee
[17:28] [color=red]<Beady> It doesn't seem right to us either that capturing a base doesn't give you much experience. If it gave more experience, it would promote teamwork and base captures over just trying to get that high K/D ratio. You should get more experience based on the number of enemies in the SOI, and we will look into it. [/color]
[17:29] <Brannoc> *cabl* any new implants, they havent been looked at in over a year or so
[17:30] [color=red]<Xahn> New implants are on the radar too. Right now I want to leverage the assets already done to get them in game, once that's done anything is fair game. " /> I always thought implants were a cool part of the game, and could use some expanding. [/color]
[17:31] <Brannoc> *LONGFELLA* Hey he never answered about Cave spawns getting PAIN MOD strength? how diificult could something this simple be? EVERYONE wants it
[17:31] <Beady> It's definitely something we're going to look into doing. This isn't the first time it was suggested and might be introduced in the long-run, since right now nothing prevents enemies from spawn-camping in the caves.
[17:32] <Brannoc> *Crator* Can you tells us what plans are being made to raise the population on the servers?
[17:33] [color=red]<Xahn> I think right now the biggest plan is to bring back Reserves in one form or another. We've got some bigger plans for the servers, but I don't want to commit to anyhting till I can get all my ducks in a row. But the immediate plans are reserves. Specially since it's summer and more people have time. " /> [/color]
[17:34] <Brannoc> *Noyjitat* Any plans to increase base generator armor? So many fights end short because of house easy it is for 1 - 3 players to down a generator before defenders can arrive to it. Increasing the generators armor and maybe adding a strong painfield would help out alot.
[17:37] [color=red]<Raijinn> Currently the base generator has a good amount of health to help sustain it long enough to attempt a rescue, this may be something we look out down the road if it's excessively bad however ultimately the gen is something that you need to get to quickly to help defend. [/color]
[17:37] <Brannoc> *Losty* Q- Are there any plans to create a new command structure where Cr5's will get their use back? Currently It's mostly used for global spam and random nonsense. Plus the lack of incentive to listen to the cr5's makes them useless.
[17:38] [color=red]<Beady> We're not looking at changing the command structure at the present time. Although many CR5's use the channel to spam "random nonsense", other commanders use it as it was intended. Still, we know there are a lot of CR5's out there and modifying the command heirarchy is something we can look at down the road. [/color]
[17:39] [color=red]<Brannoc> *SS89Goku* 'We knew Planetside's design needed work - namely, it needed PVE combat and smaller, Counter-Strike-like skirmishes,' says SOE president John Smedley." Is that what PlanetSide really needs? i thought it focused on PvP and large battles
[17:40] <Xahn> While I'm not sure that I completely agree with what John says exactly, there are some good points to his ideas. We do like the idea of having some smaller, more focused combat. Something along the lines of outfit VS outfit. Something to maybe settle scores and such? To show dominance? We like the idea, but we don't have anythign set in stone yet. " />
[17:40] <Xahn> The PVP and large battles are the bread and butter for us though. So don't think we'd EVER leave that out in the cold. " /> [/color]
[17:41] [color=red]<Brannoc> *The-Q* What about major bugs like freezes, crashes, blackout bug, white textures bug?
[17:42] <Beady> We know there are a lot of major bugs out there such as the blackout bug that have been around forever. We've had people looking at them over the years, and the reason they haven't been fixed is that they are really hard to track down. As Xahn stated earlier, we are going to spend some time looking into bugfixes in-between development cycles and these bugs won't be left out.
[17:44] <Beady> However, since these bugs were looked into by some talented programmers previously with no progress, it's possible that they won't be fixed for awhile yet. But they won't be ignored. [/color]
[17:45] <Brannoc> *LONGFELLA* QUESTION: one of my outfit members has been working with his AMD dual core...this is out of control, you can turn it on and off whle in game!! Anyway to stop this? Clicking on and off DUAL core is almost GOD MODE
[17:48] [color=red]<Beady> We know there is a problem with dual core processors where running both at once will speed up your avatar. We're also aware that users can switch this on and off on-the-fly to try and escape detection. There is a chance that this can be prevented, but the game would need to account for both processors, and that's still aways off.
[17:48] <Xahn> It's not an easy change, let's put it that way... [/color]
[17:49] <Raijinn> From a CS side of things, be sure to get in contact with in game support if you see someone who appears to be speed hacking. Brewko and company are always willing to chime in to help sort out the matter when it comes to something of this nature, we want the game to be fun for everyone. There's also some great information on the Technical Support boards on the forums that could help with some of the issues that dual core users
[17:49] <Beady> Know that it's definitely a concern for us on the programming side of things and we are looking into getting it done...but you probably won't see any changes soon.
[17:50] <Brannoc> *vMECHv* There are few if any fights in the caverns, could you change the way you Imprint to a BFR so that the kills & base captures can be done on the surface too?
[17:50] <Xahn> I agree with you MECH. It's something we've been discussing and planning on adding to. No details yet, but it's something we're interested in too. BFRs are cool, and sometimes it's hard to get them. That's not fun.
[17:54] [color=red]<Brannoc> *Noyjitat* Any plans to implement shielding on doors at bases and towers similar to the shield mod effect? One of the biggest annoyances is being stuck at the bottom of a tower due to vehicles with instagib cannons camping the doors all day.
[17:56] <Beady> That could go both ways. On one hand it definitely sucks to walk up from the spawn room and get obliterated by tank shells when you don't even walk outside. So it might be a good thing to create some kind of BFR-type shield so that only small-arms fire can pass through. On the other hand, it might create annoying gameplay similar to near warpgates where people are going in and out to try to avoid getting hit, and it gives [/color]
[17:57] <Beady> Did I get cut off? lol
[17:58] <Brannoc> Someone queued the music and killed your mic, sorry
[17:58] <Beady> gives a great disadvantage to attackers trying to take the tower without camping the doors. Its something we'll need to discuss further before making any drastic changes.
[18:00] <Brannoc> *Anon877* Q - Will the 'shell explodes on touch' with water ever be changed back the way it was (where it sunk)? It was done becouse the MAgrider had to much of an advantige. But currently there are so many vehicles that can float that it could be changed back in my oppinion.
[18:03] [color=red]<Beady> We're thinking about putting some kind of time limit on the Magrider to how long it can stay over water. We might do the same with other vehicles as well. It's nice that some vehicles can float over water, but they should just be using it as a medium to get to their destination. It's no fun to have a vehicle sitting out there shooting at you when there's nothing you can do about it. [/color]
[18:03] <Beady> As for the shells exploding on contact with water, there aren't really any plans to change how they work right now.
[18:03] <Brannoc> *Nobel* So what Exactly are the current development plans... what new content can we expect to see within the next 3 months?
[18:05] [color=red]<Xahn> Well, we've got some vehicles coming up and some other suprises around Fan Faire, but beyond that we've got some desire to round out our advanced paths (sniper, medic, that sort of thing). We've also got some weapon variations for existing weapons to make them a little more customizable. We've got some other things as well, but it all depends on how much we can get done and how quickly. " />
[18:06] <Xahn> Obviously we're also planning things like reserves, but that's not exactly a development sort of thing. [/color]
[18:06] <Brannoc> That's it for this chat folks, please be sure to join us here next time on Stratics IRC! The logs will be available shortly on [url=][/url]
[18:07] <Raijinn> Thanks for stopping by and hanging out with us!
[18:07] <Xahn> Thanks everyone for coming. " /> I'll see you on the forums!
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