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History was made in Paul v Clinton when this smoking gun video of Hillary Clinton's phone call to Peter Paul on July 17, 2000 was introduced June 21, 2007 as evidence of Hillary's illegal misconduct, for the California Appeals' Court review of Hillary's First Amendment protection for her illegal fundraising solicitations in 2000. This tape was withheld by the U.S. Attorney in New York from 2001 until April 11, 2007, when it was released to Paul's attorneys at the US Justice Foundation, depriving three federal investigations of this evidence of Hillary Clinton's role in the campaign finance frauds for which her finance director David Rosen was indicted in 2005. - A lot of videos here. Second one down shows a preview to an up coming documentary to this whole mess, it gives a lot of info on the situation. - Has a full version of the first video in the first link.
This is some hardcore dirt. This should even me out because of my Republican bashing in the previous j/k.
"When Saddam flew that plane into those buildings, I knew it was time to kick some Iranian ass!"
-cheer leading, flag waving American
"When Saddam flew that plane into those buildings, I knew it was time to kick some Iranian ass!"
-cheer leading, flag waving American
"Its such a small thing."
"The Republicans have done it."
Or they will turn a blind eye to it..I doubt the media will even talk about it.
"The Republicans did it."
You have just justified wrong doing by pointing out other wrong doing. That kinda makes you look like an idiot.
There's only one sad thing about this coming up Presidential election. And that is that either a Democrat or a Republican will win. And America will lose.

I have never liked Hitlery...erm Hillary. Sorry I don't know what came over me. In any case, we don't need another Clinton. They got their chance. And although I 100% support women running for the Presidency I do not believe that she is the one that should make that leap. All I gotta say is:
Eternally mine,
The MMO gaming blog I write for.
There are some very intelligent people in this country, and their are some very uneducated people who believe anything you tell them and will follow you anywhere. Many women will vote for Hillary because she is a woman, and that will be the only reason they vote for her. They wont know the facts, they'll just get all "Girl Power" and vote for her. Just like alot of black people will vote for Barack Obama because he is black, they wont know what he stands for but because he is black they want him as president.
I like Barack Obama, I like what he stands for and I like his idea's, but like GnomeXXX says, either way I think we as Americans are going to lose when the next election comes around.
Just my buck o five...
I second that. If you elected and re-elected George W. Bush I'm pretty sure she got a big chance.
I second that. If you elected and re-elected George W. Bush I'm pretty sure she got a big chance.
And just like I told the last guy that said this:Way to fall into one of my predictions:
"The Republicans did it."
You have just justified wrong doing by pointing out other wrong doing. That kinda makes you look like an idiot.
"When Saddam flew that plane into those buildings, I knew it was time to kick some Iranian ass!"
-cheer leading, flag waving American
Hillary will be the next president. We have been under a Clinton-Bush presidency for 20 years now, there will be more in our future. I believe it's the PLAN, they are both the same thing. Hillary will serve 8...then Jeb Bush will be elected next. Anyways that's my prediction
A Hillary/Obama ticket is a sure win.
Actually, Giuliani will be winning this election.
ps. lol Hitlery
Your argument is like a two legged dog with an eating disorder...weak and unbalanced.
In America I have bad teeth. If I lived in England my teeth would be perfect.
Man I love how people judge. While Bush is no where near my favorite president he is definitely not a Moron. I would love to see how well some of you would do speaking in front of thousands of people and knowing that Millions more are watching on TV. Clinton was a smooth talker, but he also had a ton of speech writers to make him look good.
Currently playing:
LOTRO & WoW (not much WoW though because Mines of Moria rocks!!!!)
Looking Foward too:
Bioware games (Dragon Age & Star Wars The Old Republic)
How are they evil? The only evil presidents/vice-presidents are Dick Cheney and Ronald Wilson Reagan. (Boondocks credit)
and yes I did just make fun of the fact that Cheney's first name is Dick, I'm sooooo immature
I don't think Giuliani will win. He has so many skeletons in the closet:
bad parenting (estranged children)
3 marriages....he married his cousin for 14 years.
NYFD and I think NYPD hate him
he thinks he's a know-it-all because he lived in NY during 9/11
he has used 9/11 in his sale pitches with his new security business
He dresses like a woman with make up.
Giuliani is a liberal on a lot of things (guns, abortion), but he's also a flip flopper so who knows what he believes today!
He's for the Iraq war and most Americans are against it.

"When Saddam flew that plane into those buildings, I knew it was time to kick some Iranian ass!"
-cheer leading, flag waving American
2. It is clear you turn a blind eye to the Clinton crime list.
Man I love how people judge. While Bush is no where near my favorite president he is definitely not a Moron. I would love to see how well some of you would do speaking in front of thousands of people and knowing that Millions more are watching on TV. Clinton was a smooth talker, but he also had a ton of speech writers to make him look good. He's not a moron for not being able to speak in public. He is a moron for everything else he has screwed up and please don't ask for a list because it would just be way too long.
In America I have bad teeth. If I lived in England my teeth would be perfect.
Actually, Giuliani will be winning this election.
ps. lol Hitlery

Funny thing about that mustache is that it wasn't added. It is hers.