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Mining feature added.

l0rdb0shl0rdb0sh Member Posts: 20
From the forums.

"Asteroid Belts

Present in few starsystems, these left-overs from star system formation are a gold mine of resources

Some asteroids contain metal ore, some trycene ore, and some contain quantum black holes

Asteroids containing quantum black holes are a source of antimatter

Raw antimatter currently has no use, but will in a later patch

Sol has an asteroid belt, but as it has been mined for a couple of centuries, the amount of resources available there are minimal

Hint: Asteroid belts in close orbit around their star are most likely to contain trycene asteroids

Asteroid mining:

A starship can use it's tractor beam to mine asteroids for resources The raw ore is loaded as cargo

Raw resource processing:

Civilian Buran space stations and other orbital transfer stations can process raw ore into usable resources

There is a charge against the ship's credit account for ore processing

The processing station or colony deposits this fee in their bank account

The processed resources are placed in the ship's stores"
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